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1. Think to yourself about the story of the three little pigs. From whose
perspective is this story told?

The original three little pigs story is told in 3rd person but the author sympathises
with the pigs.

1. Listen to a different story called The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! As
you listen, consider: from whose perspective is this story told?

The new story is told from the perspective of the Big Bad Wolf.

2. Which one is the most correct? How do you know? We are going to connect
this idea to a TED Talk called “The Danger of a Single Story.”

I believe that the original story is the most correct. I know this because it was the
first account and it is universally accepted.



1. What argument is Orwell making in "Politics and the English Language"?

During Orwell’s essay he argues that the English language in Politics is “in a bad
way” meaning that it’s not in good shape and needs work. He goes on to explain
that writers are using words and phrases that have previously been used instead
of making up their own. Also they frequently use big words with Greek or Latin
roots in order to sound smart.

2. Write down two passages that really stood out to you and explain why.

One of the passages in the essay that stood out to me would be where he starts
talking about the definition of Democracy. He writes that no one has an exact
definition of Democracy because every country's democracy is different yet they
refuse to give up identifying with the word. This is a big example of how words
are interpreted and used differently depending who you are and where you come

The other passage that caught my attention would be when he gives us

strategies in our own writing. One of the tips he says is to imagine what you are
trying to say before looking for words to match it. Instead, use the words to shape
what you say, because this may result in your thoughts being mixed.


Exigence: What was the spark for the author to write the piece


Claims in the essay:

1. Language is abused
2. English mirrors downgrade of our society
3. Decline or language and politics is hand-in-hand
4. The english language is fixable

*Make sure you know your claim and topic before you write*

1. What am I trying to say?

2. What words will express it?
3. What image or idiom will make it clearer?
4. Is this image fresh enough to have an effect?

And he will probably ask himself two more:

1. Could I put it more shortly?

2. Have I said anything that is avoidably ugly?

Culture, Identity, & Community
- Clean water for everyone, globally ⅓ people does not have access
to safe drinking water
- Safe and sustainable cities 828 million people live in slums.
Beliefs, Value, & education
- Accessible education for all, 617 million youth worldwide lack basic
mathematical skills
- Work opportunities for all not discriminated by gender,
Politics, Power, & Justice
- End trafficking and abuse for children. ⅓ of all trafficking in children
- Increase in refugees, number of people fleeting conflict exceeded
70 million
Art, Creativity, & Imagination
- Influence of Pop Culture on Body Image
- Authentic representation in the media, not just throwing in
Science, Technology, & Environment
- Better Air Quality especially in UTAH!
- More access to Covid-19 vaccines all over the world.
1. What was your experience researching 4 articles on the same topic?
I found that while researching the 4 articles that all of them agreed on at
least one fact, that immigration needed changing in the U.S. They differed
in their opinion on what steps they needed to take to fix it.
2. Describe the civil rights issue you chose and what made you choose it.

I chose to research the immigration issue and different viewpoints on it. I

figured this topic wouldn’t be too controversial (little did I know) and that it
would have lots of possible solutions.

3. Write a one-sentence summary for each viewpoint.

One side of the argument argues that all illegal immigrants should be arrested
and deported. Another viewpoint says we should strictly control the border but
make VISAs more accessible. Another viewpoint is that immigrants should get
permanent residency.



Break down the following quote. What is she saying?

"Language is power, life and the instrument of culture, the instrument of

domination and liberation." -Angela Carter

After reading this quote I’ve interpreted it as saying that language is a TON more
powerful than we think.When it compares language to an instrument it's trying to say
that language can be a tool or a beautiful piece of art and sometimes both at the same
time. It has the power of freedom but also can get you in trouble.


1. What is Newspeak?

Newspeak is a fictional language created by George Orwell that he put inside his
book 1984. Newspeak is a new form of English that removes all unnecessary
words or synonyms and simplifies phrases. Although it seems like an easier way
to speak, it’s sole purpose is to suppress thought and make it harder to express
your thoughts and feelings.

2. Does language shape thought? Action? Is language necessary for

either thought or action?

I believe that language does shape thought because it puts our feelings and
emotions into words. I’ve always wondered how animals or people who don’t
speak a language think or whether they're less smart because of it?

For example when I’m in Spanish class and I want to express a thought I have to
try my best to find the words to express it but if I don’t know the word then I have
to use other words which may change the meaning.

3. Without language, does reality exist? Does perception?

I think that reality would continue to exist. Even though animals don’t have a
language, reality still exists for them. Perception definitely will change though, in
the example in 1984 Winston was convinced the 4 was 5 to the point he actually
believed it. If Language didn’t exist we would not be able to record anything and
mankind would have to believe whatever they were told about the past.
Therefore their perception would be different.

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