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Based on this study the following recommendations are made

1. Acute gastritis and hypertension should be manage with care coordination and
holistic approach including medical, nutritional, pharmacologic and non-
pharmacologic interventions that will improve health related quality of life.

2. Individuals must observe healthy lifestyle and should seek medical intervention
when signs and symptoms are first noticed.

3. The family must be informed in order to better understand the disease and
participate in the maintenance and provision of effective treatments.

4. Healthcare practitioners including nursing students must formulate patient-

centered, evidence- based nursing care plans to be able to provide high quality
patient care.

The theory we used as basis in prioritizing the nursing diagnosis is according to the sequence of
prioritization of the 21 Nursing Problem Theory of Faye Glenn Abdellah. The 1st nursing problem of the
theory is "To maintain good hygiene and physical comfort," since acute pain r/t irritation of the gastric
mucosa secondary to psychological stress and diet altered the physical comfort and hindered the patient
to perform functioning that is essential in maintaining good hygiene, therefore we put it as first in
priority. The 5th nursing problem in the theory is "To facilitate the maintenance of supply of oxygen to
all body cells," hence we prioritized next, impaired gas exchange r/t altered oxygen supply as evidenced
by shortness of breath, RR 25 cpm, O2 Sat 93%, these objective cues are evident the patient is
experiencing altered oxygen supply. The last we prioritized is elevated body temparature r/t
inflammation of gastric mucosa as evidenced by epigastric pain that worsens with food, nausea and
vomiting, because the 9th nursing problem is "To recognize the physiologic responses of the body to
disease conditions-pathologic, physiologic and compensatory." The elevated body temperature
manifested by the patient is the body's response to the gastric condition that is possibly from an
infection. Faye Glenn Abdellah's theory fucoses not on utilising nursing for the disease but for the
patient which we think is suitable for our patient's case.

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