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Syeda Zoha Fatima (069)

Page 171-187

Importance of Networking:

In the book “Branding Yourself” third part is dedicated to the importance of networking
(Deckers & Lacy, 2017) mentioned that networking helps people to make their bond stronger
which leads to golden opportunities for business and many more things. Research was conducted
which revealed that number of networking sites is positively correlated with benefits in the
career (Davis et al., 2020) and networking is linked with the utilization of LinkedIn (Boyd &
Ellison, 2007). A girl who use networking to boost her business and this business is still growing
even she left networking as networking helps you to boost relationships even with the people
who don’t do networking (Heidemann et al., 2012).

Rules of Networking

There are some rules for networking which (Deckers & Lacy, 2017) have mentioned, and these
are you should understand that networking is for another people you are helping them by doing
networking because your brand will help people by giving them new perspectives, trading ideas
and business tricks (Sheu & Chuo, 2016). According to Ivan Misner, people get benefitted if they
intend to benefit other people. This term is called giver’s gain but in the term of networking
having intensions of helping other people results in people helping you in return.

Giver’s Gain Is Not Quid Pro Quo

It means don’t expect your reward as soon as you help someone. In networking case according to
(Deckers & Lacy, 2017) if he is organizing any seminar but not get awarded right after it means
people will benefit him from unusual ways so you should not dishearten when you don’t get
reward make connections by helping people it will opens the door for you through which you can
entre in business with many influential people (Jacobson et al., 2009).

Be Honest:

Internet misguide people a lot, maintain honesty is very important in networking because
dishonesty will lead to bad reputation and people don’t consider you a credible person (Chell &
Baines, 2000). As you connect people more when you meet them in person but if you are
dishonest, they can easily judge you which will affect your brand and business, trust is a key to
support relationships it permits both parties to trust each other and handle them their tasks
(Jayakar Pai & More, 2018)

You’re Just as Good as Everyone Else:

(Deckers & Lacy, 2017) mentioned that if people are more popular than you, if their social status
is so high, keep it in mind that you are not less the only difference is they can be recognized by
people. According to (Times & Shortz, 2013) people should be friendly so that any body can
approach him it boost up many relationships and open the doors for business. If you consider
your self less your self esteem may affect and you will start lagging behind, people won't
approach you and you will succeed in business (Baines & Wheelock, 1998).

Network with your competition:

According to Tony Scelzo who is a head of Rainmakers, people having same recess should work
together for example if they have same target population, same ideas because it will help them
(Fox, 2021). Then there is a very good example of working with your competer is wedding
planners, like how caterer, photographer, decorator all have same niche (Deckers & Lacy, 2017)
if they start working together, they will boost up their business because people referring to one
means a whole team. So, in a networking term you have to reach your competitor by 3 means,
approaching through by groups, one on one and follow up.

Basically, networking group is a group in which serious networkers work (Grier-Reed, 2013)
there are people who almost have the same niche so you might get your desired team for
boosting up your business. But this networking is considered very hard because there is no
alliance and you don’t know any one personally (DeFour & Hirsch, 1990), but meeting random
people will enhance your ability, your perspective.

If you are an introvert then meeting people t will be a very hard part for you (de-Marcos et al.,
2014) but for growing business this is the most important part, through meeting different people
you are opening the gate for many opportunities, your personal brand will be advertised and

Networking faux pas:

It tells us that be patient when someone is sharing his ideas because it will help in boosting trust
don’t deal with your cards means don’t speak out everything you wanted to do (Perkins, 1998)
and be specific about people , whom do you wanted to give that card and give your cards only to
them, don’t waste your time on the people who have different niche from you, (Machado et al.,

Follow Up

Engaging with the people you are interested in between 24 hours. According to (Deckers &
Lacy, 2017) this will be very convenient for networkers because as early as they approach, they
know whom they are working with and who is interested in, it will save your time. Emailing a
person, you are interested to work with also enhance the productivity of another person (“Optical
Switching and Networking,” 2013).

Boyd, D. M., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and
Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210–230.

Chell, E., & Baines, S. (2000). Networking, entrepreneurship and microbusiness behavior.

Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 12(3), 195–215.

Davis, J., Wolff, H. G., Forret, M. L., & Sullivan, S. E. (2020). Networking via LinkedIn: An

examination of usage and career benefits. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, 103396.

Deckers, E., & Lacy, K. (2017). Branding Yourself: How to Use Social Media to Invent or
Reinvent Yourself (Que Biz-Tech) (3rd ed.). Que Publishing.
DeFour, D. C., & Hirsch, B. J. (1990). The adaptation of black graduate students: A social

network approach. American Journal of Community Psychology, 18(3), 487–503.

de-Marcos, L., Domínguez, A., Saenz-de-Navarrete, J., & Pagés, C. (2014). An empirical study

comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning. Computers & Education,

75, 82–91.

Grier-Reed, T. (2013). The African American Student Network. Journal of Black Psychology,

39(2), 169–184.

Heidemann, J., Klier, M., & Probst, F. (2012). Online social networks: A survey of a global
phenomenon. Computer Networks, 56(18), 3866–3878.

Machado, I., Stanton, M., & Salmito, T. (2011). Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) - Internet

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Perkins, C. (1998). Mobile networking through Mobile IP. IEEE Internet Computing, 2(1), 58–


Sheu, J. P., & Chuo, Y. C. (2016). Wildcard Rules Caching and Cache Replacement Algorithms

in Software-Defined Networking. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service

Management, 13(1), 19–29.

Jacobson, V., Smetters, D. K., Thornton, J. D., Plass, M. F., Briggs, N. H., & Braynard, R. L.

(2009). Networking named content. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on

Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies - CoNEXT ’09. Published.

Jayakar Pai, R., & More, B. (2018). Sustaining social entrepreneurship through networks in

Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 9(3), 215–233.

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