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TTosBum thank you John Edward was recov reluctant surrondor the little oxcashier tofguntjl
ering a little Thoro aint anything else youd her greatest delight in humoring him llftck oJf-

lltto to change about mo is thorn confldonoo lhO m at tho store unaon-

Thoro is probably a lot that ought to bo aoloualy assisted hob by shoving John Edward
ohnngod but not running a kindergarten and along a little Dot an thorn they overshot tlio
youd butter bo running nlong little man or mark and John Edward had a dangerous rolapio
Jonoay ovor thoro will bo bawling you out good into tho old Illicit ing spirit Tho result was till
and plenty And uho rolnpsod Into an nrotlb at same old story with tho difference that it did not
tontlon to business end with a yollow onvolopo John Edward quit r

For two wooks John Edward watohod in vain Explanations woro not necessary whon ho faced
hire wlfo in tho llttlo fourroom flat
for a sign from tho little cashiers desk but ap- ¬

parently as far as sho was concerned Billy Iwo Wolf she said at length hor oyos oloudod
with anxiety and disappointment I hnd hoped
John Edward had fallow into tho waste basket
of hor momory and ho grow sulky Tho moro no that you wore grown up by this time but I guass
sulked tho hardor ho worked and whon ho worked I was wrong
ho couldnt obsorvo tho satisfaction with which For a moment sho looked sorrowfully around
tho littlo cashior watohod things from hor oago the homo Thou hot old briskness of mannof-
two counters away roturnqd
Ho was smoking at tho side ontranoo ono drizzly I guess Ill flit sho rfnnauncod this wont bo
ovonlng aftor hours whon sho oarao bustling out any place for mo with you out of work Suo
and stopped to fuss with par umbrolln John Ed- has boon wanting mo to visit her for some time
ward took it from her raised it and handed It and I guess Ill start tomorrow You bottor stern
the furniture and take a room somowhoro
backThanks aha said approvingly thon as sho The next day sho JUtted but boforo she wont
up girl only Will yCu kindly tell what the devil a man needs sortie of hor briskness deserted hor You can
gathorad hor skirts If aomo nice as you got back to work
had tho time she could mnlco a right nice follow of experience to sell cwtfaws sand for me as soon
out of you a small addition in his onvolopo on Saturday sho said as sho bade him goodby and Billy she
You wouldnt want tho Job would you John nights both of which signs may be regarded as added with a little sob dont hoop mo waiting
Edward jeered after hor She stopped to take akin to getting something to woar on tho uloovo long will you boy i
him in with ono businesslike inventorying glance But ho was not content Ho wanted something By tho end of a month Johi Edward had liver
Oh I dont know sho replied thon disappeared and it made him uneasy whon ho realized that over somo of tho experiences of tho past Ho
around tho corner tho something ho wantod was coolly counting out had even found It noooisnry to resort to tho old
In tho days that followed John Edward found change and totting tip balances in her little ctigo expedient ofa smoking cigarettes and tightening
himself rehearsing tho little scone ovor and over with every indication of perfect content As a his bolt as substitute for lunch At times his
way they had
again during slack times behind tho counter Ho safety valvo he pitched in and worked until ho knoeo woro wobbly ofIn tho same old addition ho was
oven went so far as to imagine her in tho various came to bo regarded as a sort of a human won boon on tho sands Arizona in
phases of matrimony as ho had observed them dor who worked whether tho boss was looking or bitterly lonely Ho missed his brisk little wlfo I

and ho was surprised to find how well she fitted notSix as he had never In his life boforo missed any-
into each of thorn At first the idea amused him months later it happened John Edward thing and ho became possessed of foal that she
then it interested him and he formed a habit of found himself with ono foot on the ladderearnestly and his might novor como back for ho was no nearer a
smoking and waiting around tho side entrance first move was to go around and talk Job Im had boon whon she wont away
This time she was neither For tho second time in his life ho went off by v
after the gong had sounded at night with the little cashier
In the meantime ho had been making good frigid nor indifferent She merely handed In her himself to think Ho wont ovor tho matter from
The neat orderly habits of the service began to resignation and went with John Edward to athey Ilk beginning to end and no matter how he looked at
tell in his favor The floorraan got into the habit tie place around the corner aftor which It ho bumped his head against the same conclu- ¬

of stopping to chat with him occasionally when went together to a little fourroom flat uptown sion It was merely tho brig In another form
times were dull on the floor Sometimes he found Success went to John Edwards head After a By the end of six weeks he had digested tho mat- r

ter thoroughly and was waiting in lino before tho i

employment desk at the store

The Smallest Waists in the World

Ah Hucklns the manager greeted him what f

I rto you want

Anything John Edward replied
Well the manager twirled his pencil and I

studied the faco of tho man before him through

narrowed lids Youll have to begin at tho bot-
tom How does that strike you
John Edwards shoulders wont back as ho
looked tIle manager straight in tho eye Whon
do I begin ho asked
Two years passes rapidly whon a man Is busy
the hour hand novor lags for tho man who has
no time to watch It John Edward had advanced

slowly but it did not worry him Ho was not

looking for decorations on his sleeve and thu
quarterdeck was miles away from his thoughts
When ho was ot expanding luxuriously under the
smiles of his hUla blackhaired wlfo in their four
room flat ho was cudgelling his brains for some
means of bringing up the receipts of the diminu- ¬

tive department ovor which ho presided and

when he found an idea worth trying ho went at
t with both eyes on tho job
At last there came a time when a place on the po

quarterdeck was vacant and anxious eyes all ovor

A 12inch Waist A 13 34inch Waist he store were directed longingly upward but John
This woman has been a tight Edward couldnt take his off his department He
Though this woman is tall and He had forgotten everything ex
Junoesque in proportion she lacer from girlhood and can iad no time
wears a waist- wear a 13 34inch corset copt the balance sheet ho had to turn In at night
band invented by her husband easily and he dropped his work with a gesture of 1m
This young woman can wear a 13 J mtience when they sent for him to como to the

LY a prominent inch corset with case ordinarily she From Vienna comes the office
RECENT London wears a Idinch corset and 4 12 story ot a young wait- When the manager had finished his little
inch heel shoes ress 01 a prominent cafe speech John Edward realized vaguely that
worlds onnm p Ion s it i P In that city whoso waist le had at last climbed the ladder and had
claim for a young English woman that no one In was tho envy of all Viennesenight women who desired both feet firmly planted on the quarterdeck Ho
the United States has yet arisen to dispute name- extreme slenderness One
¬ before her mar ookod from ono to the other from the old man

ly the worlds champion small waist riage to a rich patron of the cafe this young o the manager and his hand unconsciously went
It is almost beyond belief that any woman of woman to win a bet to prove her tenuity removed o his forehead in tho old salute
I thank you sir he stammered I or I
mature years could live and have her being with- her collar measuring a trifle over 12 inches
a waist measuring only twelve Inches in circum- around clasped ¬
it about her waist and then tied vhatever you say goos
ference yet a bit of tape a brief twelve Inches in her neck ribbon around it to the astonishment of The oth r fellows came around at intervals dui
length is ample to go around tho wasp waist of the assembled company ng the afternoon to congratulate him and he Ke- ¬ I

the English woman put forward as the woman Tight lacing has not recently been very much ened to them with ono eye on the clock and
With the smallest waist in the world This woman the vogue but periodically it is the height of fash-
his thoughts on the little blackhaired wife in the
Is tall and of Junoesque proportions but she wears ion to have a wasp waist Most of tho possessors- tiny fourroom flat
an unstretchable metal walat belt just an even of extremely small waists began lacing they Her eyes were sparkling and dewey when she
twelve inches in circumference Incidentally the were extremely young literally stunting them- had heard the news ¬

pride of her husband in her slenderness is reflect selves as far as waist dimensions were concerned
¬ Billy she said you dont know how proud 1

ed in the fact that he exercised his ingenuity in The vogue of tight lacing is always brief and at ira of you i But I know you had it In you from
considerable intervals of time because of the gen- he first moment I laid eyes on you You just
the Invention of an unstretchable metal belt for too women

something to make a man of you thats

life wifes use eral crusade against it and because needed
Other slender women were produced by this suffer altogether too much inconvenience and dis ill

London newspaper originally to combat the claim comfort in attaining small waists In a hurry John Edward took his little wlfo In his arms
of a Parisian woman to the smallest waist in the While it would seem to the uninitiated that Maybe so he replied as he joyously mussed her
world One of thorn can wear 13inch corsets still tight lacors are physically unwell tight lacers ¬de mir Maybe so but you surely had your nerve
another 13Inch corsets The former is a young fend themselves and declare that they are not vith you when you tackled the job Sis
woman who ordinarily wears 15Jnch corsets and anaemic and suffering The medical profession is Sho giggled hysterically as she cuddled in his
a curse to trms Pshaw she disclaimed Pshaw But
shoes with 4 inch heels and says she is none positive however that tight lacing isaccepts

a woman womanhood and most of the world this he blushing consciousness of her smile pro
the worse for it The latter is married
who has been a tight lacer from girlhood position as reasonable aimed the fullness of her triumph

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