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Evelyn Lupancu

Homework 1

1. a) Group Y has the better prognosis before t=10 months. This is evident because at every
time point before t=10 months Group Y has a higher S(t) rate than Group X.

b) Group X has the better prognosis after t=15 months. At almost every time point after
t=15 months, Group X has a higher S(t) than Group Y.

c) The median survival time for Group X is estimated at t= 8 months.

d) The median survival time for Group Y is estimated at t= 17 months.


b) S*(6.5) = 0.347
S* (8.0) = -0.0485
S* (11.7) = 0

3. a) S(t) = 1- f(t)
1- (1/(tπ(1 + (ln(t))2))
∫ 1/(πt(ln^2(t)+1) dt

∫ 1/ (t^2 +1) dt = arctan (t)

= arctan(ln(t)

1/ π ∫ (1/ t(ln^2(t)+1) dt

= ½ - arctan(ln(t)) / π

H(t) = f(t) / s(t)

= (1/(tπ(1 + (ln(t))2))/ ½ - arctan(ln(t)) / π




c) S(t) = 0.5

ln(e^λt) = ln (½)

- λt = ln(1) - ln (2)

t= ln(2)/λ

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