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Questions and Answers on Regression Models with Lagged Dependent

Variables and ARMA models

L. Magee Winter, 2013


1. Consider an AR(1) process: t = ρt−1 + ut , where E(ut ) = 0, E(u2t ) = σu2 , and E(ut us ) = 0 for
all t 6= s. Assume that t is stationary. Derive a formula for Cov(t , t−s ), the covariance of t
and t−s , that holds for s = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . ..

2. Let ut be white noise. That is,

E(ut ) = 0 for all t

E(u2t ) = σ 2
for all t
E(ut ut−s ) = 0 for all t and s where s 6= 0

For each of the following time series processes, determine the variance of yt as a function of σu2
and of parameters appearing in the equations below. Also derive the first- and second-order
autocovariances and autocorrelations. Assume that the time series processes are stationary.

(a) yt = βyt−1 + ut (yt is an AR(1) process)

(b) yt = β + t , where t = ρt−1 + ut (t is an AR(1) process)
(c) yt = ut + θut−1 (yt is an MA(1) process)
(d) yt = ut + 0.6ut−1 + 0.2ut−2 + 0.1ut−3 (yt is an MA(3) process)

3. Consider a stationary AR(2) process

yt = µ + ρ1 yt−1 + ρ2 yt−2 + ut

where ρ2 6= 0. Are there values of ρ1 and ρ2 for which this process could be re-written in moving
average form as an MA(2) process? If so, what are the values of ρ1 and ρ2 ? If no such values
exist, briefly explain why not.

4. An autoregressive distributed lag model is estimated as:

yt = 31.2 + 0.61yt−1 + 0.19yt−2 + 1.40xt + 0.58xt−1 + ut

Consider the effect on y of a one-unit increase in x at time t∗ in the following two cases:

(a) x remains one unit higher permanently after time t∗ .
(b) x immediately returns to its former level at time t∗ + 1.

Obtain the estimated effect on y in each of these cases at the four time periods: t∗ , t∗ + 1, t∗ + 2,
and the long run effect, t∗ + ∞.

5. Consider a regression model with a constant term and three explanatory variables, which include
the lagged dependent variable yt−1 and two other variables, x1t and x2t . The estimated model is

yt = 21.0 + 0.6yt−1 + 1.5x1t + 0.75x2t + et

(a) Obtain the estimated effect on y of a permanent one-unit increase in x1 at time t∗ (that is,
x1 remains one unit higher permanently after time t∗ ) at the four time periods: t∗ ; t∗ + 1;
t∗ + 2; and the long run effect, t∗ + ∞.
(b) Compare the size of the estimated effect on y of a permanent one-unit increase in x1 to
the size of the estimated effect on y of a permanent one-unit increase in x2 . Mention their
initial (time t∗ ) effects and their long run effects. No algebra or calculations are required.

6. For each of the following time series processes

(a) yt = µ + βyt−1 + ut
(b) yt = µ + ut + 0.6ut−1 + 0.2ut−2


(i) the unconditional mean, E(yt )

(ii) the unconditional variance, Var(yt )
(iii) the first-order autocovariance, Cov(yt , yt−1 ) = E(yt − E(yt ))(yt−1 − E(yt−1 ))

Assume: E(ut ) = 0 for all t; E(u2t ) = σ 2 for all t; E(ut ut−s ) = 0 for all t and s where s 6= 0; and
that the time series processes are stationary.

7. An autoregressive distributed lag model is estimated as

yt = 11 + 0.7yt−1 − 0.4yt−2 + 9xt + 2xt−1 + ut

Consider the effect on y of a one-unit increase in x at time t∗ where x remains one unit higher
permanently after time t∗ . Obtain the estimated effect on y at time t∗ , t∗ + 1, t∗ + 2, and the
long run effect.

8. Consider a regression model with a constant term and three explanatory variables, which include
the lagged dependent variable yt−1 and two other variables, x1t and x2t . The estimated model is

yt = 2.1 + 0.8yt−1 − 2.0x1t + 0.5x2t + et

(a) Obtain the estimated effect on y of a permanent one-unit increase in x1 at time t∗ (that is,
x1 remains one unit higher permanently after time t∗ ) at the four time periods: t∗ ; t∗ + 1;
t∗ + 2; and the long run effect, t∗ + ∞.
(b) Compare the size of the estimated effect on y of a permanent one-unit increase in x1 with
the size of the estimated effect on y of a permanent one-unit increase in x2 . Mention their
initial (time t∗ ) effects and their long run effects. No algebra or calculations are required.

9. Suppose t follows a stationary AR(1) process:

t = ρt−1 + ut , t = 1, . . . , n

where ut is white noise. Let ρ = 0.6 and Var(ut ) = 5.

(a) What is the numerical value of the correlation between t and t−3
(b) What is the numerical value of Var(t )
(c) Suppose that E(ut ) = 10, instead of the usual zero-mean assumption. What is the numerical
value of E(t )?

10. Let ut be white noise, where

E(ut ) = 0 for all t

E(u2t ) = 20 for all t
E(ut ut−s ) = 0 for all t and s where s 6= 0

Let yt = ut + 0.7ut−1 + 0.1ut−2 . Determine the numerical values of

(a) Var(yt )
(b) The correlation between yt and yt−1
(c) The covariance between yt and yt−1


1. (1 − ρL)t = ut ⇒ t = (1 − ρL)−1 ut
t = ut + ρut−1 + ρ2 ut−2 + . . .

Since E(t ) = 0 for all t, then

Cov(t , t−s ) = E(t t−s )

= E(ut + ρut−1 + ρ2 ut−2 + . . . + ρs ut−s + . . .) × (ut−s + ρut−s−1 + ρ2 ut−s−2 + . . .)

Because (Eut us ) = 0 for all t 6= s, the only terms with non-zero expectations in this product are
those with equal subscripts on the u’s. Then the above expression simplifies to

Cov(t , t−s ) = E(ρs u2t−s + ρs+2 u2t−s−1 + ρs+4 u2t−s−2 + . . .)

= ρs (σu2 + ρ2 σu2 + ρ4 σu2 + . . .)
= ρs σu2 (1 + ρ2 + ρ4 + . . .)
= σ 2 , for all s = 0, 1, 2, . . .
(1 − ρ2 ) u

2. (a) Var(yt ) = Var(βyt−1 + ut )

= β 2 Var(yt−1 ) + σu2
= β 2 Var(yt ) + σu2

so Var(yt ) = σu2 /(1 − β 2 )

Cov(yt , yt−1 ) = E(yt × yt−1 ) (since Eyt = 0)

= E(βyt−1 + ut )yt−1 = βE(yt−1 ) = βVar(yt )

For Cov(yt , yt−2 ), use: yt = βyt−1 + ut = β(βyt−2 + ut−1 ) + ut = β 2 yt−2 + βut−1 + ut


Cov(yt , yt−2 ) = E(yt yt−2 ) = E(β 2 yt−2 + βut−1 + ut )yt−2

= β 2 E(yt−2
) = β 2 Var(yt )

Substitutions then give:

Cov(yt , yt−1 )
Corr(yt , yt−1 ) = p =β
Var(yt )Var(yt−1 )

and similarly

Corr(yt , yt−2 ) = β 2

(b) (yt − β) = t = ρt−1 + ut

= ρ(yt−1 − β) + ut

This is like (a) except now E(yt ) = β instead of = 0 and we now have ρ replacing part (a)’s
β. Then

Var(yt ) = σu2 /(1 − ρ2 )

Cov(yt , yt−1 ) = E(yt − β)(yt−1 − β) = ρVar(yt )
Cov(yt , yt−2 ) = ρ2 Var(yt )
Corr(yt , yt−1 ) = ρ
Corr(yt , yt−2 ) = ρ2

(c) Var(yt ) = Var(ut + θut−1 ) = Var(ut ) + θ2 Var(ut−1 ) = σu2 + θ2 σu2 = (1 + θ2 )σu2

Cov(yt , yt−1 ) = E(ut + θut−1 )(ut−1 + θut−2 ) = θE(u2t−1 ) = θσu2

Cov(yt , yt−2 ) = 0 (yt and yt−2 have no ut ’s in common and the ut ’s are not correlated)
θσu2 θ
Corr(yt , yt−1 ) = 2 2
(1 + θ )σu 1 + θ2
Corr(yt , yt−2 ) = 0

(d) Var(yt ) = σu2 + (0.6)2 σu2 + (0.2)2 σu2 + (0.1)2 σu2

= (1 + 0.36 + 0.04 + 0.01)σu2

= 1.41σu2

Cov(yt , yt−1 ) = E(ut + 0.6ut−1 + 0.2ut−2 + 0.1ut−3 )(ut−1 + 0.6ut−2 + 0.2ut−3 + 0.1ut−4 )
= 0.6σu2 + 0.12σu2 + 0.02σu2
= 0.74σu2

Cov(yt , yt−2 ) = E(ut + 0.6ut−1 + 0.2ut−2 + 0.1ut−3 )(ut−2 + 0.6ut−3 + 0.2ut−4 + 0.1ut−5 )
= 0.2σu2 + 0.06σu2
= 0.26σu2
Corr(yt , yt−1 ) = = 0.52
Corr(yt , yt−2 ) = = 0.18

3. Write this process as

(1 − ρ1 L − ρ2 L2 )yt = µ + ut

Invert the lag polynomial to get it in MA form

yt = (1 − ρ1 L − ρ2 L2 )−1 (µ + ut ) = µ/(1 − ρ1 − ρ2 ) + (1 − ρ1 L − ρ2 L2 )−1 ut

The inverse lag polynomial (1 − ρ1 L − ρ2 L2 )−1 is an infinite series of the form 1 + θ1 L + θ2 L2 +

θ3 L3 + . . ., which is an infinite-order MA, not an MA(2). One way to see this is to factor the
original quadratic lag polynomial as (1 − λ1 L)(1 − λ2 L) for some λ1 and λ2 values. λ1 and λ2
both are non-zero since ρ2 6= 0. The inverse of this factorized lag polynomial is the product of
two infinite-term geometric series

(1 − λ1 L)−1 (1 − λ2 L)−1 = (1 + λ1 L + λ21 L2 + λ31 L3 + . . .)(1 + λ2 L + λ22 L2 + λ32 L3 + . . .)

which itself is an infinite series.

4. (Note that ∆ represents the change in y due to a change in x. It does not represent the first-
difference operator here.)

(a) ∆yt∗ = 1.40∆xt∗ = 1.40(1) = 1.40

∆yt∗ +1 = 0.61∆yt∗ + 1.40∆xt∗ +1 + 0.58∆xt∗

= 0.61(1.40) + 1.40(1) + 0.58(1)
= 2.834

∆yt∗ +2 = 0.61∆yt∗ +1 + 0.19∆yt∗ + 1.40∆xt∗ +2 + 0.58∆xt∗ +1

= 0.61(2.834) + 0.19(1.40) + 1.40(1) + 0.58(1)
= 3.975

The permanent effect can be obtained from ∆y = 0.61∆y + 0.19∆y + 1.40∆x + 0.58∆x,
where ∆x is the permanent change in x. Then solve for ∆y:

(1 − 0.61 − 0.19)∆y = 1.98∆x

∆y = ∆x = 9.9∆x = 9.90

(b) ∆yt∗ = 1.40∆xt∗ = 1.40

∆yt∗ +1 = 0.61∆yt∗ + 0.58∆xt∗ (Now ∆xt∗ +1 = 0)

= 0.61(1.40) + 0.58(1)
= 1.434

∆yt∗ +2 = 0.61∆yt∗ +1 + 0.19∆yt∗

= 0.61(1.434) + 0.19(1.40)
= 1.141

The permanent effect is ∆y = 0 since the permanent change in x is ∆x = 0.

5. (a) Effect at time t∗ : 1.5

at time t ∗ +1 : 1.5 + 0.6 × 1.5 = 2.4
at time t ∗ +2 : 2.4 + (0.6)2 × 1.5 = 2.94
at time t ∗ +∞ : 1.5/(1 − .6) = 3.75
(b) At every time period, the effects of x2 on y are half as big as the effects of x1 on y. Reason:
The coefficient on x2 is half the size of the coefficient on x1 , and the dynamic pattern of the
effects is the same for both, because that depends only on the coefficient on yt−1 .

6. (a) (i) Eyt = µ + βEyt−1 + Eut =⇒ Eyt = µ + βEyt =⇒ (Eyt )(1 − β) = µ

=⇒ Eyt = µ/(1 − β)
(ii) Var(yt ) = β 2 Var(yt−1 ) + Var(ut ) =⇒ Var(yt ) = β 2 Var(y) + σ 2
=⇒ Var(y) = σ 2 /(1 − β 2 )
(iii) yt − Eyt = µ + βyt−1 + ut − E(µ + βyt−1 + ut ) = µ + βyt−1 + ut − (µ + βEyt−1 )
= β(yt−1 − Eyt−1 ) + ut
So E(yt − Eyt )(yt−1 − E(yt−1 )) = E(β(yt−1 − Eyt−1 ) + ut )(yt−1 − Eyt−1 )
= βE(yt−1 − Eyt−1 )2 = βVar(yt )
(b) (i) Eyt = µ
(ii) Var(y) = E(yt − µ)2 = (1 + .62 + .22 )σ 2 = 1.4σ 2
(iii) E(yt − Eyt )(yt−1 − E(yt−1 )) = E(ut + .6ut−1 + .2ut−2 )(ut−1 + .6ut−2 + .2ut−3 )
= .6Eu2t−1 + .12Eu2t−2 = .72σ 2

7. at t∗ ∆y = 9 × 1 = 9
at t∗ + 1, ∆y = 0.7 × 9 + 9 × 1 + 2 × 1 = 17.3
at t∗ + 2, ∆y = 0.7 × 17.3 − 0.4 × 9 + 9 × 1 + 2 × 1 = 19.51
9+2 11
long run effect is ∆y = 1−.7+.4 = 0.7 = 15.71

8. (a) Effect at time t∗ : −2.0
at time t ∗ +1 : −2.0 + 0.8 × (−2.0) = −3.6
at time t ∗ +2 : −2.0 + 0.8 × (−3.6) = −4.88
at time t ∗ +∞ : −2.0/(1 − .8) = −10.0
(b) At every time period, the effect of a change in x2 on y is −0.25 times the effect of a change
in x1 on y. This is because the coefficient on x2 is −0.25 times the coefficient on x1 . This
ratio does not change over time, because the way that the effect changes over time in this
model depends only on the coefficient on yt−1 , in the same way for both the x1 and x2

9. (a) When t follows a stationary AR(1) process with first-order autocorrelation coefficient ρ,
then Corr(t , t−s ) = ρs . Therefore Corr(t , t−3 ) = ρ3 = (0.6)3 = 0.216
(b) Var(t ) = ρ2 Var(t−1 ) + Var(ut )
Var(t ) = 0.36Var(t ) + 5
Var(t ) = 1−0.36 = 7.81
(c) E(t ) = ρE(t−1 ) + E(ut )
E(t ) = 0.6E(t ) + 10
E(t ) = 1−0.6 = 25

10. (a)
Var(yt ) = Var(ut ) + (.7)2 Var(ut−1 ) + (.1)2 Var(ut−2 )
= 20 + .49(20) + (.01)20
= 20(1 + .5) = 30

(b) Since E(yt ) = 0, then

Cov(yt , yt−1 ) = E(yt yt−1 )

= E(ut + .7ut−1 + .1ut−2 )(ut−1 + .7ut−2 + .1ut−3 )
= .7E(u2t−1 ) + (.7)(.1)E(u2t−2 )
= (.7 + .07)20 = 15.4

Cov(yt , yt−1 )
Corr(yt , yt−1 ) = p
Var(yt )Var(yt−1 )
= √ = .513
30 × 30

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