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1 When a donkey is bred with a zebra, a zebronkey is produced. Zebronkeys are not fertile animals.

Which statement is correct?

A Donkeys and zebras belong to different species because their offspring are not fertile.

B Donkeys and zebras belong to different species because they do not look exactly the same.

C Donkeys and zebras belong to the same species because they look alike.

D Donkeys and zebras belong to the same species because they produce offspring.


[Total: 1]

2 Which process releases water and energy?

A aerobic respiration

B osmosis

C photosynthesis

D protein synthesis


[Total: 1]

3 The table shows the scientific names of four members of the cat family.

common name scientific name

leopard Panthera pardus

lion Panthera leo
ocelot Leopardus pardalis
tiger Panthera tigris

Which statement is correct?

A All four cats are members of the same species.

B The leopard and the ocelot are members of the same genus.

C The leopard, lion and tiger are members of the same genus.

D The leopard, lion and tiger are members of the same species.


[Total: 1]

4 The plant Mimosa pudica has leaves that fold in when touched.

This demonstrates movement and which other characteristic?

A excretion

B growth

C nutrition

D sensitivity


[Total: 1]

5 The diagram shows the apparatus at the beginning of an investigation into temperature change
during the germination of seeds. The temperature at the start of the investigation was 25 °C in both

After two days the temperature in flask 1 is 25 °C. The temperature in flask 2 is 28 °C.


dead and living seeds


cotton wool


flask 1 flask 2

Which characteristic of living organisms is shown in this experiment?

A excretion

B growth

C reproduction

D respiration


[Total: 1]

6 To which group do both the organisms shown in the diagram belong?

leaf-like fronds which have

structures containing spores
on their lower surface

A dicotyledons

B ferns

C fungi

D monocotyledons


[Total: 1]

7 Which structures are present in a bacterial cell?

cell wall nucleus

A ✓ ✓

B ✓ ✗

C ✗ ✓

D ✗ ✗


[Total: 1]

8 The diagram shows an animal whose scientific name is Rattus rattus.

Which genus does it belong to?

A mammal

B rattus

C Rattus

D vertebrate


[Total: 1]

9 What may be defined as an ‘increase in dry mass’?

A growth

B nutrition

C reproduction

D respiration


[Total: 1]

10 The diagram shows an arthropod.

Using the key, identify this arthropod.

1 body segments clearly visible .......................... go to 2

body segments not visible................................ go to 4
2 body with many segments................................ go to 3
body with three distinct parts............................ go to 4
3 antennae longer than the legs.......................... A
antennae shorter than the legs.......................... B
4 three pairs of legs............................................... C
more than three pairs of legs............................. D


[Total: 1]

11 Myriapods are a group of arthropods that are commonly found in soil habitats in many parts of the
world. Many myriapods are very small and not easy to identify.

The diagram below shows four species of myriapod, not drawn to the same scale.

Polydesmus Cylindroiulus Scutigera Scolopocryptops

denticulatus punctatus coleoptrata sexspinosus

(a) State three features of all myriapods that are visible in the myriapods above.






3......................................................................................................................................... [3]

(b) Describe three features of myriapods that could be used to make a dichotomous key to
distinguish between the four species shown above.






........................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 6]

12 The diagram below shows an arthropod that is a parasite that can live on humans.

(a) (i) Make a large labelled drawing of the part of the parasite in the rectangle.


(ii) Name the group of arthropods to which this animal belongs.

Give a reason for your answer.


................................................................................................................................ [2]

[Total: 6]

13 The diagram shows six leaves.

not to scale

Use the key to identify the plants that these leaves came from.

Write the letter for each leaf in the key.


description name of organisms letter

1 (a) veins parallel go to 2

(b) veins not parallel go to 3

leaf length more than six times leaf

2 (a) Plantago maritima
width at its widest point

leaf length less than six times leaf

(b) Plantago lanceolata
width at its widest point

3 (a) leaf has thorns (spikes) Ilex aquifolium

(b) leaf has no thorns (spikes) go to 4

4 (a) leaf not divided into sections Nymphaea alba

(b) leaf divided into sections go to 5

5 (a) leaf divided into 3 sections Trifolium pratense

(b) leaf divided into 8 sections Lupinus arboreus


[Total: 5]

14 Mammals are one of the five groups of vertebrates.

The list describes some of the features of fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds.

Some features belong to more than one group.

State the name of one vertebrate group which has the distinguishing feature of:

scales .......................................................................................................................................

feathers ....................................................................................................................................

gills ...........................................................................................................................................

smooth moist skin. ................................................................................................................... [4]

[Total: 4]

15 The kidney is one of the main excretory organs of the body.

Define the term excretion.





.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 3]

16 State three characteristics of living organisms other than excretion and growth.

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ...............................................................................................................................................

3 ............................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 3]

17 Spiders are classified as arachnids. Arachnids are one of the main groups of arthropods.

The diagram shows six arthropods, four of which are arachnids.

State two common features of all arachnids that can be used to distinguish them from other

1 ...............................................................................................................................................

2 ............................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 2]

18 The Hawaiian happy-face spider, Theridion grallator, is found on several of the Hawaiian islands.
Some of the spiders have a very distinctive pattern on their bodies as shown in the photograph.

DNA can be extracted from the webs of spiders. This DNA can be used to identify the species of
spider that made the web, and the species of prey caught in the web.

Explain how DNA extracted from spider webs can be used to identify different species.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

19 Bacteria belong to the Prokaryote kingdom.

State two ways in which the structure of bacteria differs from the structure of viruses.

1 ..............................................................................................................................................

2 .............................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

20 Define the term species.





.................................................................................................................................................. [2]

[Total: 2]

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