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Assignment 7 Revenge. Confession.

A register – реестр, запись, список

to fancy smb. – симпатизировать кому-то
games – игра, соревнование
to sidle up – незаметно подойти
to tick - тикать, отстукивать, отмечать
trendy - модный
to wince - вздрагивать
to cringe – испытывать отвращение
to nip – щипать, кусать
to hiss - шипеть
a straggler - отставший
to creep over to - забраться
a gusset – вставка, ластовица
vehemently – неистово, решительно
to lick - облизывать
garishly – ярко, ослепительно
an allotment - участок, надел, распределение
to trundle - катить
rakes - грабли
to amble – семенить; идти легким, неторопливым шагом
zeal – рвение, усердие
to feel swamped by emotions – быть переполненным эмоциями
to slap - шлепать
to be consumed by - потребляемый
to sulk – дуться, быть сердитым
to snip - отрезать
to raise funds – собирать средства
piously – благочестиво, с уважением
to contribute to - поспособствовать; вносить вклад в
an apparition - видение

4. Explain the meaning of the given words and phrases or give synonyms to

to feel one’s eyes on one’s back; a rat’s tail; pock-marked skin; a blood supply, a
cut-out; to whirl out of school; a swarm of teenagers; patent shoes; a syrupy
conversation; a tracksuit; a dog-collar; permed; tea cosies; to suck a church pew

5. Answer the questions:

1) What are GCSEs? Why do the adults consider them vitally important?
2) Remember the time you were to take similar exams. Did you find them as
significant as oxygen supply or a sheer waste of time?
3) Is coursework more important than exams? What are you better at?
4) How has the bullying incident changed the whole atmosphere of school
for Caris?
5) Which anti-bullying measures are effective, in your opinion? Were they
used in your school?
6) Is it important for Caris to pay Layla and Margaret back? Is it a
spontaneous or a carefully carried out plan?
7) Both father and daughter express malicious wishes. Why do such words
taste so sweet? Have you ever felt the same? Have you been ashamed
8) Which way to success is sweeter? Revenge? Achievement?
9) Why is Mac so terrified with religion? How about you?
10) Do you think a free ride given to a priest is Mac’s ‘investment in Jesus
that pays”? Do you agree that such remarks express the author’s irony
towards religious issues?
11) The author keeps resorting to the ‘bird’ imagery. Find such an instance
in the text and comment on it.

6. Write an argumentative essay about anti-bullying measures which may

prove to be effective in any school.

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