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Designing a Research and

Writing a Research Title

Learner's Module in Practical Research 2

Quarter 1 ● Module 4 ● Week 4

Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region
Republic of the Philippines


What I Know
I. Read the questions below and choose the letter of the correct answer. Place
your answer on a separate sheet of paper. (15 pts.)

1. In conducting a research study, which of the following is being done first?

A. analyze and interpret data C. define the research problem
B. collect data D. formulate the hypothesis

2. For researchers, what criteria should they consider in selecting a research topic? A.
availability of data gathering instruments C. time involved in conducting the study
B. originality of the topic D. All of the choices

3. How should a good research title look like?

A. The research title should include the analysis of the study.
B. Title must be broad enough to include everything related to the study.
C. The title must be narrow for it to be specific.
D. The title should exclude the participants of the study.

4. Which of the following is the best way of choosing a topic? A. Choose a topic that is
aligned to your interest.
B. Choose a topic that is difficult to research on.
C. Choose a topic that will cover a wide range.
D. Choose a topic that will require high financial value.

5. Which of the following is the last part to be done in conducting a research study? A.
formulate the abstract of the study C. share the findings of the
B. prepare the research design D. write the research report

6. Which of the following is the best way of presenting a research title? A. Arrange the
words in the research title in a pyramid manner.
B. Present it preferably in phrase rather than in a sentence form.
C. Underline the research title or enclose them in quotation marks.
D. Use a punctuation mark at the end of the title (e.g., period mark).

7. Why is there a need to present the findings of a research? A. It is a proof that the
researcher did the research work.
B. It is to encouraged other people to conduct a research.
C. It is to inform the general public of the result of the study.
D. The paper is to be submitted for research conferences.

8. Why should researchers need to provide a good research title for their study? A. It
brings out the curiosity of the people who would read it.
B. It gives the readers the idea whether to read it or not.
C. It gives an idea what the research is all about.
D. It provides information to the readers regarding the participants of the study.

9. Where can a researcher get an idea of a research topic to work on?
A. Existing problems in the society
B. Observations in the surrounding
C. Related studies and literature
D. All of the choices
Given the research processes below, arrange them in order.
1. analyze and interpret data
2. formulate the hypothesis
3. do the review of related literature
4. write the research report
5. define the research problem
6. collect data
7. report the findings of the research
8. prepare the research design

E. 7,5,6,3,2,1,8,4 C. 5,2,3,8,6,1,4,7 B.
5,3,2,8,6,1,4,7 D. 3,5,2,6,8,1,7,4
10. Which of the following is a good research title?
A. “A study of the academic proficiency of Grade 12 students of S.Y. 2020-
B. Academic Proficiency of students in Science of S.Y. 2020-2021
C. Academic Proficiency of STEM students of S.Y. 2020-2021
D. Science Academic Proficiency of Grade 11 students in Baguio City S.Y.

11. Which of the following is a good research topic to work on under quantitative study?
A. Level of satisfaction of customers on the services of Restaurant X
B. Problems encountered by students when answering their modules
C. The definition of “love” presented on different websites
D. The plight of parent-teachers in the new normal

12. How will you ensure that the title you have for your research is good? A. Ask the
opinion of your classmates or family members.
B. Evaluate the title using guidelines in writing a good title.
C. Have the confidence that the title is good for the research.
D. Spend time comparing your conceptualized titles.

13. Which of the following should be included in a research title?

A. Subject matter of the study
B. Participants of the study
C. Locale of the study
D. All of the choices

14. If a researcher is an expert in the biological field of study, can he or she conduct a
research involving accountancy, business, and management?
A. No, because the researcher is not an expert on the field of accountancy,
business, and management.
B. No, because the researcher can only conduct a research one at a time.
C. Yes, because the researcher can do another research aside from his or her
expertise to show his/her excellence.

D. Yes, because a researcher should do any research regardless of his or her
What’s In
To review yourself on the kinds of variables and their uses, answer the
following. Place your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
I. Identify what is being asked. (5 points)

1. It is a variable which causes change to other variable/s.

2. It is a kind of variable which has limited number of values.
3. It is a variable that bridges the gap between the independent and dependent variable 4.
The sub-type of this variable is known as dichotomous.
5. This is a type of variable when not controlled can affect the outcome of the study.

II. Determine the level of measurement on the following variables. Write if the variable
1. Body type (slim, moderate, obese)
2. pH level of substances
3. Response time of an athlete
4. Favorite type of music
5. Highest educational attainment

What’s New
To address problems on the access to safe drinking water, the Department of
Science and Technology (DOST), developed an efficient water purification system called the
Ceramic Water Filters which are easy to use. The filter can also be bought at a low cost.
Bauko, Mountain Province was identified as the technology adoptor (DOST-CAR, 202)
where DOSTCAR works with Bila Potters Association for the production of the filters (See,

Adapted from: DOST-CAR (


What are other existing problems present in our society today? Can these
problems be solved by conducting a research study? Why or why not?

What Is It
Lesson 1: Designing a research useful in daily life

Research requires a systematic process or a step by step process. This means that
the first step needs to be accomplished first before going to the next. For this to happen,
researchers need to follow the research process.

Let’s take a look at the process.

2. Do the 3. Formulate the

1. Define the 4. Prepare the
review of research
research research
related questions/objectiv
problem design
literature es/ hypothesis

8. Report the 7. Write the 6. Analyze

findings of the research and interpret 5. Collect data
research report data

If you may recall, steps 1 and 2 are followed also in qualitative research; however, for
the succeeding steps, these are unique in quantitative studies.

Let’s have an overview of these steps. Further discussion for each step will be done as we go
along with our lessons.

Let’s further discuss the first step. Researchers do not start a research study without a
topic in mind. This is the first challenge for a researcher. Where can you find a topic and how
do you select a good one?
The following are only some of the sources of research topics.


existing problems implemented laws,

specialization/field observations done
in the society or guidelines, and
of interest in the surrounding
community others

replication of
research already related studies and an offshoot of a
existing theories
conducted or an literature conversation
extension of it
interesting topics
during classes

After identifying the source of your research topics, how should you select them? The
following are some of the criteria in choosing the right topic or problem for you to consider.


It must be related to the researcher's field of specialization or


It must be specific. For general topics, it must be broken down

to specific ones to have a clear focus.

The researcher should be an expert on the field or has

training or qualified to study such topic.

There should be available data under the study.

It should be at par with the financial capability of the researcher

in accomplishing the study

It should consider the safety, hazards, and precautions when

conducting the study.

It should consider the timeframe in accomplishing the


It has novelty or an original topic (not a duplicated one)

To make sure you have a good research topic, you need to evaluate them first by looking
at the criteria if you have met them.

You have to take note that not every topic is researchable. Therefore, it is necessary for you,
the researcher to evaluate your topics of interest, narrow them down and make them specific to
determine which are researchable and not.

The following are some of the steps in narrowing down your topic.
steps learning

cooperative learning
1. Choose a general topic of

cooperative learning environment

2. Add a layer of specificity by obtaining background in Math
cooperative learning
environment, academic
3. Identify additional specifics of your study
achievement, and small group process
skills in a Math class

4. Choose a particular perspective or issue on the engagement in a cooperative

topic, and identify variables to link to your topic. learning environment will result
in higher academic achievement and
development of small group process
skills in Math
5. Write a problem statement

The Link among Cooperative Learning

6. Formulate a working title of the study example: Achievement, and Small Group
Process Skills in Math


What Is It
Lesson 2: Writing a Research Title

You have to take note that research is a form of academic writing and you’ve learned
about academic writing in your English for Academic and Professional Purposes subject. The
knowledge gained from this would be helpful in writing your paper even as you formulate your
research title.
How then can we write a good research title? The following are some of the guidelines
in formulating a research title.


1. The title must have the following elements:

a. the subject matter or research problem
b. setting or locale of the study
c. respondents or participants involved in the study
d. time or period when the study was conducted
• This is not always required to be in the title. If the title is too long, you may
remove this element. This is only true for other researches but not for
evaluation studies since the year must be indicated when the evaluation was


Ex: Health Practices of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Biological Science in

Benguet State University Academic Year 2019-2020

2. The title must be broad enough to include all aspects of the study but should be
brief and concise as possible. Not too broad not too specific.
3. Avoid using the terms “Analysis of”, “A study of”, “An investigation of”,
“Assessment” “Evaluation” since it is already understood that these were done
when conducting the research.
4. Write in an inverted pyramid the title if it has more than one line.

Ex: Health Practices of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Biological Science in

Benguet State University, Academic Year 2019-2020

5. When typed or encoded in the title page, all words in the title should be in capital
6. The title should contain 10 to 15 substantive words.
7. Identify the key variables, both the dependent and independent variable in the

The following are some of the characteristics of a good research title.


1. The research title should give readers a heads-on on the contents of the research.
2. Use a title that is in phrase form rather than a complete sentence and must be
direct to the point.
3. Do not use any punctuations at the end of the title.
4. Do not underline the title of research or enclose it in quotation marks. You can
italicized them instead.
5. Use words that can stimulate the reader’s interest and create a positive impression.

Now, let us analyze the titles you worked on in the previous activity if they are good
research titles or not.
A. HOTS in Reading of Grade 7 of Baguio City National Science High School, A.Y. 2015-

This is NOT a good research title since:

1. Though it follows most of the criteria, the title is not clear. In giving titles, acronyms
must be avoided unless these are commonly known. To improve this then, we can
complete the acronym given. Also, the punctuation mark at the end must be

Higher Order Thinking Skills in Reading of Grade 7 of Baguio City National Science High
School, Academic Year 2015-2016
B. Local Knowledge and Practices towards Ecological Restoration of a Selected
Landscape in Atok, Benguet, Philippines

Authors: Landicho, L.D., Ocampo, M.T.N.P., Cabahug, R.E.D., Abadillis, M.G. et. al.

This is an example of a good research title since the elements are completely identified,
giving now the reader an idea on what the research is all about. It is not also vague or too
Note: The title that you have for your study are considered as a working title, since you will
finalize this at the end of your research. Therefore, your title may change or may not
during the conduct of your study depending on the data being gathered and some
circumstances that may affect your data gathering and others.

Answer Key

What I Know

A 15.
D 14.
B 13.
A 12.
D 11.
B 10.
D 9. . 11 -
C 8.
C 7. . 9
B 6. . 8
C 5. . 7
A 4. .
B 3. 5 .
D 2. 3- A &
C 1. 1-

What’s In
5. Ordinal
4. Nominal
3. Ratio
2. Interval
1. Ordinal
Part II
5. Extraneous
4. Nominal
3. Intervening
2. Discrete
1. Independent
Part I

Lesson 1
What’s More – answers may vary
What I Have Learned – answers may vary
What I Can Do – answers may vary

Lesson 2 What’s

E 5.
F 4.
B 3.
A 2.
D 1.

Part I

Lesson 2
What’s More – answers may vary
What I Have Learned – answers may vary


Chosol, Virac, Itogon, Benguet
School ID: 305125
Email Address:

Practical Research 2: Designing a Research and Writing a Research Title
ANSWER SHEET – M4 – Week 4

NAME: ________________________________________ Grade and Section: __________

Performance test
I. Application
Write a working title from the approved research topics that you have formulated
following the guidelines learned.
Research topic Working title

Criteria Points
Content 10 8 6 4 2
The presented The The presented The presented The
working presented working working title presented
title working title title followed the working title
followed followed followed guidelines with 3 contains 4
the guidelines the errors. or
guidelines with 1 error. guidelines with
correctly. 2 errors. more errors.

Summative Assessment

I. Read the given questions and choose the letter of the correct answer. (10 pts.)

1&2. Which two characteristics of good research title are considered by the study below?

TITLE: Level of Acceptability of Worksheets for Learning by Research Students of

Baguio City National Science High School, Academic Year 2020-2021
A. The title is in a phrase form rather than a sentence.
B. There is no punctuation at the end of the title.
C. The title is broad enough.
D. The title contains 10-15 substantive words.

3&4. Which two characteristics of good research title are met by the title below?
TITLE: Awareness on Traffic Rules and Regulations of PUJ Drivers in Baguio City

A. The title contains 10-15 substantive words.

B. The title is written in inverted pyramid.
C. The title is not too broad nor too specific.

D. The title is free from acronyms and abbreviations.

5. After defining the research problem, what is the next step?

A. collecting the data C. preparing research design

B. formulating the research question D. reviewing related literature

6. Where can a researcher obtain a topic for his or her research?

A. discussions in class C. existing problems in the society
B. previous researches D. all of the choices

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE on formulating a research title?

A. Research title is preferred to be a sentence rather than a phrase.
B. Research title must be long to give the needed information to the readers.
C. The time frame of the study may be omitted in the research title.
D. Titles may be longer than 15 substantive words.

8. Why should a researcher need to consider the timeframe of his or her study?

A. The timeframe is being required in all research studies.

B. The timeframe will allow procrastination on the part of the researcher.
C. The timeframe will serve as a guide in the completion of the study.
D. The timeframe is an accessory to the title.

9. How should you choose a research topic for your study?

A. It must be aligned to your area of specialization.

B. It must be interesting and a must to study.
C. It should be aligned to your financial capability.
D. All of the choices

10. How can you ensure that you have a good research title?
A. Ask your relative who is a teacher.
B. Copy what is available on the internet.
C. Let your title be checked by experts.
D. Review your title on your own.

11-15. Through an essay, evaluate the topic based on the given criteria below. (5 points)
Topic: Self-Learning Criteria:
• Feasibility of the research questions generated by the topic
• Availability of time, money, and other resources to conduct the study
• Value of the topic and contribution to the field of knowledge

• Availability of literature about the topic

Criteria Points Score

5 4 3 2 1
Content All the criteria Three of the Two of the One criterion No criteria in
in evaluating criteria in criteria in in evaluating evaluating
the topic evaluating evaluating the the topic the topic
were the topic topic were was was
considered. were considered. considered. considered.
Relevance The The The The The
information information information information information
presented presented presented are presented presented
are are relevant generally are are
absolutely relevant. somewhat irrelevant.
relevant . relevant.
𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒+𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
𝐹𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 =


Prepared by:
Andrina T. Tungay
Subject Teacher


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