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,. Latera.1 canals: From ea.:h side of I.he rc1d ia l .:anal. loteral .:ana 1s are eo ,·•iven off
. h pass berween the o•«;idPs on eac h s1d
aJ lt>ma te I_\ \, h 1._ . t> to en t11r 11,e l·oelom{ E,l,h
lar,'ra l cana l has a \'a lve and terminates into a bulb or arnpulla connected to tul:>e foor/

6. Polian vesicles: The ring canal fo rms fi\'e poli an vesicles on 1.he outerside. Thi:')' s tor.-
water wh.ic.h is lo be utilized when sea star comes nut side I.he water/

7. Tiedemann's bodies:The ring canal on its inner side also gives off interrad ially five
pairs of small, irregularly shaped bodies, known as Tiedemann's bodies.)Some fo rms
ha\'e onl y 9 such bodies. They produce coelom ic corpuscles which passed into ring
.:anal as such giving the system, lhe name waler-vascul,u S)•Slem.

8. Tube feet: ,\ podium or tube foot, is a short, hollow, e lastic, lhin walled closed
cylinder located in the ambulacral groove. Tip of the podium is nattened forming a
su.:ker for attachment Lnncr o, l•a~al end of each podium pi~n::es t.he ambulacral
ossicle, 11-uo ugh a tiny ambulacra l pore a.nd ex pands to form a little & rounded bulb o r
bladder called ampulla, lying i.nto the aboraJ side oi the coelom. The walls oi ampu lla
contain longi tudinal and c.i.rcula r muscle fib.res, where as the tu be foot has longi tud inal
only. lllere being no circular muscles in the rube foot. Podia are arranged in four rows
along the lenglll of a.111bulac.ral groove. A.s latera l canal on each side are alternately long
and short, the poctia look like in four rows instead of two. Species havi11g only two
rows of podia have late ral canals of eq ual length.

\\'ater-\'ascu lar system helps in locomotion. Animal moves by rube feet. Water after
entering the madreporite passes into stone ,anal, ring canal, radia l canal, podial canal
ancl finall y into amp ullae oi pod.ia. As ampulla contracts the water is forced into the
rube foot which gees elongated. n,e sucker-like tip of tube foot touches the su bstrat um
and con tracts again. Fluid goes back in to ampulla and the body is drawn fnrward s
bringing about the locomotion of sea sta r.


• ◄

l.irg " and s im p k• o r mur .

111cl ud c!> m ,1 ny I r,,c S \\•1111 . •

C la s s ific.1ti o n O f P h ylu n , Ec h1node

. rmala
1 h e phy l um Ec hino d f.'r111.11 has be.-n diviJ ..d into five cl.:isses .
C l ass 1. A stcro idca
(C r .. a ,:ie r= s ta r + e idos- forn ,)
I . S la rfish es o r sea s ta rs .
J\ rn,s a re 5 o r m o re .1n J n,11 sh a rply ma rked off fo rm the ce nlral disc.
-'· T ube ft>et in o ra lly p laced amhul acra l g rooves; w ith s uc kers .
.I . A n u s and n, ,HJre po rile a bor:i l.
5. Free- liv ing, s lo w-c reeping, pred ace o us an d scave ng erous .
Exa n , ple s: Asl r,,p,·cl.:11,, Solnstt·r etc.
Class 2. O p h iuro idea
(Cr. , o phis= sna ke + o ura= ta il + e idt1s ~ fo rm)
I . 13rill l..:--stars anJ all ies.
2 . 13o d r s la r- li ke w ith a rms s h a r pl y m arked o ff fro m th e cen tral t.i isc .
.'l. Pedi cella rid.; a bsenl.
.I. S to n, ,,~h s a c- like ; a nu s is a bsent.
::i . r\ n1b ul a c rc1I groove~ a bsenl o r cove red by ossicl es; lu be feel wi lhn ul s ud,N~.

h . i\laJre p ,, r ih.' o rr1 I.

E,-. am p le s: o ,,1,i,,//11·1.r, Op/1in11/1v/is e tc.
Clas s :i. Echino ide.i.
(Gr.. ,, hinps = h e d t;t hu g + eidos = fo rm)
s.,,1 u rc h ins ,tn d J o ll,irs .
1_1,,,h · di s,11id , n, ·,11 o r s rm i-,.J'he ric,11 11 nJ \\'ilhou l a r m,.
J . S ke l~ 1n n o r h.•-,1, l'l1'J'"' I lw,1 ring mLw ,,l'>lt' ,.p ines and th rt•l·-j.i1, ·l·d pl ll i<"d lar i,·1t'

C h<!l \' ing ,1rr,11·Jru s L> I' r\ riSIL•lft• ',. JJ nle rn with lee lh.
J.\ n 1 t, u l,Kra l gr,,~,, "" ,o,·.-r,•d by 11ssidc,.; 1ul,e feet w ith , u, kPr'-
L,u11a~ls u s- u a lh ii,<' o r I<>,-~
I , , 1 n , ,~lt>s· E, 1111111, Cl1n •,,,1,1,·, e tc
C l.1 s , 4 . M o fo thuro ide.i
, , t,. , Jt, th unn1: "-1..·.1 CU\ un1b1•r - ~,dr,,= lo rn, )
""· · , l·u,· un1 l'l'f'-
1. No arms, no s pines.
1 BuJ y elonga te o n abora l axis; body wall leathery.
~ l\louth anterio r. surround ed by tentacles.
5. Ambulacral grooves cuncc~led; rube fee l w ith s ucke rs.
b. Us ually with rl'.!s pirato ry tree fo r respiration.
Exam ples: C11w111nrin, Ho/01/111ri,1, Sy1w11ln e tc
Class 5. Crinoidea
(G r., cri_non= lily -+ ei J os= iorm)
1. Sea Li llies.
2. Bod y attached during part or w hole of life by a n a bo ral Sta lk.
3 Mouth a nd an us on o ral s urface.
-1. Arms w ith pinn ules.
5. Tube feel w itho ut s uckers; no mad reporite, s pines a nd pedicella riae.
6. Cili a ted a 111buJac ral grooves o n oral s urface.
Examples: A111etlo11, Ncoml'lrn etc


Water-vascular system is a division of the coelom and m ost distinc tive feature of
echinode rms. It is a sys tem o i and appe ndages of bod y wall. It is also tem1ed as
a mbu l<1cral system- S ince the e ntire system is derived fro m coelo m, the canals a re lined
with a cilia ted epithelium a nd filled with w ate ry flu id V\la ter-vascu.lar syste m
fu.nctions as a mea ns of locomo tion. It consists of madre po rite o.r sieve plate, stone
ca nal, wa te r ring or ring canal rad ia l ca nals and podi.a or tube feet- In di ffere nt classes
of Ec hino de rma ta. wa ter-vasc ular system is variously mod ified .

\1\later vascular s ys tem in Asteroidea fh •

In as te ro ids, r system is based on the gene ral echino der m pla n, with
,:erta in mod ifica tio ns.

1. Madr~porite: It is a thic k, ro unded, sieve like calca reo us plate,)tnte rnal can als o f the
syste m connect w ith sea wa ter outsi J e throug h button s haped mad re po ri te o r seiv,,
pla h! lcx:a ted on the abo ral s urface in interradial posi tio n. ·'icive plille io; , ,,lca reous
having nume rous ridges a nd furrows. f-urrow has about 200 po res. e,1Ch of w hic h leads
into a pore cana l. Po re ca na ls join to form a co mmo n ca na l tn open intn an ampull a


---cii7F -

beneath lhe rnadreporite .(Mos t vf t.he asteroid,- have one ,nadreporite, multi plica tiol)' a
n, alirepo rites is not rare. I
2. S lo n e ca nal:/lt is so n.imed beca use o i calcareous deposiles located i.n its Wall
vertical S-shaped Slone cana l extends to wa.r ds onil s~def A lo n~itudinal ridge div;· ,\
lh e l u an cn ot· the s tone cana l into two· passc1ges
· ~• In H c11nnn,
· · th e ·interna 1 rid
s .imple. In Aslcrins .-.nd Aslc ri11 r, ridae is bif-urca ed into two rolled vertical lamella ·
, o . . .
· ge is \'nd~

e. In
A ~lt•rf>Jlf!C /o!i1, r idge meets the opposite wall d ividing the . u,tenor uito tubes proviu\'1l
th a pair of scro lls each{The lumen of stone canal isdlia te~D

3. Ring canal: Stone can.ii npens into a circular ring canal o r wate.r ring 5ilL1at1?d just
inte rnaJ to Lhe pe ristomial ring uf ossicles around Lhe mo uth margiJ\ Often th<' wa lls 01
the ring cana l ,ire folded to div ide it.~ lu men into a more or less separate channel~.

4 . Radial cana l~ J• rom the outer margin of ring canal are given out five radial canals.
Eac h radia l canal runs into each rad ial an,, and terminates into the t~rminal tentacle~!
th e til' o ( the arm.\The radial canal runs on the oral siLk · of ambu lacral c,ssicles r overin~
the a n, bul,1cral g roove. \


51 110JY They have. tube-within-a-tub,.., body plan. TheiI Jigestive syste":' is
1, ,,.,1e1e w iLh mo ulh a.nd a nus. Moulh parts adapl'ed fo r variou5 modes of feeduig.
' , are ['ro l.ostomes.
b) 51.ele to~: Exos kele ton of d Pad chiti no us cut icle (composed of pro tein and
1~ 1y,acchdl'1de chitin) tha t 1s s hed al intervals called as ecdysis o r moulti ng, for g ro" •tli
~nj deve lopment.
(7l Muscul3ture: Musdes are mostly stria ted, usua lly capable of rapid contractio n.

(SI Loc? moti on: :rhey po~ses~ pai red, jointed or many segmented appendages for
;,, j , 111111g, g raspmg, walking, Jumping, fl ying. burrowing, sensi ng o r eating.
(9) Blood-vasc ular system or circulatory syi;tem: Blood vascul ar sys tem is o pen type
idlh n dorsal often many-chambered heart, arteries and blood s inuses. mood flo ws
through the body cavity a:nd ballws Lhe internal organs.
(10) Respiration: Respira tion takes place by general body surface, gills, tracheae o r
(l l) Excretion : Exc retory organs are g reen glands ur malpighi an tubules or
(12) Nervous system: Nervous system ty pically aruielidan type. with dorsal brain
connected with a nerve ring a nd a double ventral nerve cord.
(13) Sensory organs: Sensory organs are well developed which includes Antennae or
feelers (perceive sense of touch or odour), eyes (simple or compound), chemo
reccplors, balancing organ (statocysts) and a udityory organs.
(14) Reproduction: Sexes are se parate i.e. they are u.nisexual or dioecious.
Reprod uctive organs and ducts are pai red. FertiJjzalio n usually i.nlernat, exce pt in
som~ aq uatic arthropods where fertUization is external. They are either ov iparo us o r
11\•ov iparous. Developmen t is dire.:! or indirect with o ne o r many h1rv,1I stages. They
~lso s how metamorphosis (i.e. change of larva into adul). Parthenogenesis in some
organisms (e.g. honey bees)

115) Parental ca re is well dt>velopeJ .

1he phylum Arthropoda has been divided into five classes.
l. ,\lerostomata
I. Marine with median simple cJnd latera l compound eyes.
2. 5 to 6 pairs of abdo minal appendages will, boo k-gills.
~- Abdomen ending in a sharp telson or spine.
Excretion bv .:oxal gl~nds. No Malpighian tubules.
Exa mples: i.,111,./11 ,. f 11ryplenis. r1,vyg,,1m Ne.


Cit I Nr\H 8001\ DEPOT
11 \JI '• '0 h'11lJlhtt1
\ 11 ,n.u n,
• ' ...... ' -,- II..: '- IIU.LI,,,. ... \ h.
l J•· ! \ mp hin,·ur J

111 '11 I Ch • n,·u1,•n- (WI"\,•)

I , ., Jlt,l b,._11 \\ 1th 11•du,, ,I h1·,1d

• I,: /h.Ju I., f'h ...., '"
"'' ' .,.. ' d, 1r--.,1 r l,tt.--, 1-·,r ,)~ .. rll\h ll_....,
1.~11 \, 11t1.;l IJ1~,· tl ,11 ,111d 11111-. u l,11
' , , 11 • ,lllt'lh•n.,t,·d lh'I"\ , . I mi; ,Jl\11111.I llH•ulh I\ ,th ~ r ,1 ,r., 1111111<'1u1nr1,, 1,·d ,,.., \ ,.
' d..
I , 1111 pl,, , 1111, 11 I ,.,,,.,,,,,/,•11111~ct,

I u•l-. ,lwll,•d
' 11-.xh "1th tuhu shdl. ''l'('n .11 LX"Lh ends.
'\.,, lw.,J ,,., l'\l'~. mouth wit.h te nt.1d,'l'
t I ,,.,1 , , ,,,., ,1I. r,1d11 l,1 prl'~l:'nt. n,, t~dl,
, I h,, ,\I," n,,,nnc
I ,.1111J'lc·, I \ •11/,r/111111 n11/11/11, 1•1,

-..11,11!, .111d •lui.;,

' I ,,,,,.,n 1, ,,d 1111:1,,1 t,,,,:h 111.1s,; .,1 s,•nwtinw in J,·\'l'll)rnwnt
\ I\ , II d, ·, ,·l,•r,·,1 lw.,d with ,.,,,, ,md t,·nta, 1,·s
I 1, ,.,1 I 1t1·, • ,md 1l,11
. . ....h, I r I ..... Il l t•I .,b,,·nl
~ It ,, u• ,n ..u ,n,) ... 11 1H~ IJt·,h,, ,,h' r ~)r lt.' fflh•tn.,I
I, unr~,, J1,1t, .' ., l'rl.1 m,u, , , ·h

l lj" ; , 1•~1,, ,r11,l.a

(1,,J, l,,._,,t 1n ,, t-1\ ,1h ,• , h, II ,ind l,1t,•r.,l h , , 1m p1,...,,.,1

, · 11-
' '\.,, h, .,,! h ni.1, I,.._ ,., , , I~" , ,md r.1.lul.1
I \l,"-th 1111,·r c.,,l,·1,
-' \l,,._ch n"u ·1, •••nw lr.-..J11, ,11,•1
I\,.,,,. ,- ',

55 l1PP f\h\ lN GATE 0EGR(E COLL EGE Bf'.1 IN.t\ 941 9449519
Signiricance of Torsion
. . As gas_tropod shell has only one opening, it i,-, 5 10 serve as entrnnce as w.-~I as
.,,ut lur all v 1sL-,r <1J organ,;,. 13olh mouth ,1nd anus must open un the antenor ,,1de.
~lan li<' cavity also mus t open on Lhe anterior side for easy r.;spiration. Respiratory
curren1 oppvses locomotio n after torsion which increases ~va ilabili ty of water inside
the ~,ran~hial chamber. Visceml mass has 10 undergo rearra nge ment so that openi.~gs
or kidneys. gonads ;ind anus sho uld migra te to the fron t s ide wh ich is the only opemng
or 1h~ shell. The small ch.-1noreceptor osphr.idium also migra tes 10 the front side so
lhal 11 could chem ically analyse water current entering the mantle ca vity. The bulky
~u.:c~I mass mig rates to tl1e tmteri ur s id t! lhal provides stability duri!,g locomotion.
Iors1on allows foot to be retractt!d after the head for better protection ot head

The name echiJ1od enna ta was coined by J.acob K lein in 1734. The le rm Echinodermata
is taken from a Greek word, echinus means 'spiny' or 'hedgehog· and derma means
'slun'. There are about 7,000 species in this phylum These include starfishes, sea
urchins. brittle stars, sea cucu mbers, etc.
~ he echinoderms are exdusivel\' marine.
{() The ir body is s tar-like, spheri~al, globular, elongated or discoidal in shape and is
!Jf' They are radia lly symmetrical (larvae have bilate ral sym.r.nelTY), triploblastic,
coc.lomates with organ sys tem level of organisation.
(if Body is without head or anterior end, but is J.iffe.rentiated into an and aboral
su rfaces. The bod y surface is marked by five sy mmetricall y radia ting areas (ambulacral
region) and rive al tc rn11ling interradii (in ter-ambulacral region).
(5) The body wall contains calcareous plates or ossicles with spines and these
calcareous plates are covNed by "piJ ermis. ThesP arP mesodermal in origin.
(6) A part of the embryonic coelom is modified into a water-vascular system which
consists oi tube feet or podia or a.mbula.:ral appendages and usually have <'I
111ad reporite. This sys te m helps in locomotion and respiration.
(7) Coelom is enterocoelous type which co nstitute the perivisceral cavity and cavity of
water vasc ul a r system and this coelom is filled with coelomocytes.
l6'f Digestive sys tem is s traigh t coiled. They are deuterostomes (i.e. the first o peni ng
developed in the eml>ryonic di gestive tube is the anus, and the mouth deve lops la ter.).
J!J)" Respiratory organs include gi lls, tu be ree l, respiratory tree, branchiae and buri-ae.
_:p{l) Blood vascular system or haemal system poorly devC'lo r ed a nd is end osed in
coelomic periJ,aemal channels .
;ri) Excretory sysem is absent.
('J,!I Nervous system is s im ple with a ci rcu m-ora l ring and rndi11 l nt' rves, hut w ith<1 ul ,


C I J!>S :!.. A.rad, nid,1
I crt\'"'-lnJI or ihiu~itk t.:·\ \·•s ~u1'pl"• l\:1..., ''-'n,p,.,u nJ 1.~y.ts.
2 CcphJl,,1.hur," (l'rOS\111;., ) \\1th :! , helK1'rdl' , :! red1palr~ Jl1d ~ 1''11'' '' 1 1,·a lJ..111!;
A l'-do m ,•11 g,·n_. ra th " 1t h1>u 1 .1p r ,·11,t.1g,·,.
Re-s p1r,1ti,,n l•1· lr,1dw,1..-. bool..- lunt:s 0 1· bnlh.
~,. r, ·111111 by ,(,, •.i i-:1,,nds ,111J 1' l,1 lpii-:h 1,1n t·uru l1•s.
Dio,..:ious h l11~tly 01·1r.-1rnu~ ..-nurlsh ip before m ating.
I· ,.imp le:-. I 11,-,.,,11 l wol-f ~p id<'r), A, 1,,11·nr,1111·11 (I lousl' s pider). Pn/ 1111111 rr,·11 , •' lie
C l.1s,- 3. C ru s1.1ceJ
(I. C nJ:S tJ = Shell)
I I let1,i ,, rte n inincd with Lhor a:- lo iorm ,eph alothorax.
~ l:.'<,,lelet,,n Chitinous, hard, limy (, akareous) .
' He,1d 5.,.,gm,•1Ht-d, bearing 2 p,, irs o i dntrnnae. 1 p <lir of mandibles ,ind p,1 ir, 111
ma"lla e.
-4 . Resriratit•n hf g ills or body suriace.
5. E, ,· re lion by an lennal glands,
t, 5e, es us u11Uy separate. Develo pment with naupllus s1age.
E,amples: A1111.-, Cypris, tt'/tnS, /Jn"11111s e tt:.
C lass 4 . I nsecla
(L ins;;;ct us= c ut or divided)
I Bour made o i head (6 fused seg,ncnl<;), Lhorol, (3 segments) a nd a bdoml'.'n (u r 10 11
<<>i;ments) .
:! I le,1d wilh compound e-yes (l p air). antennae ('I pair), m andibles (1 pair) ,rn,
m,,"11.:i,· (2 p,1 irs) .
, 1\1.,utJ, p a rts m o.Jificd f0r differe-nl feeding h.ibits.
-I I h,,ra, l\'ilh 3 p,1irs of joinPd legs and I or 2 rairs o f w ings which may b,, ilibs,•nt
5 1{,·,piral ion by 1racheoJe . Sri.-acle-s la ternl.
h I , cr,·tiun by h lalpigh ia ,, t11l,.11les.
- L 111 ,, ,udl Oe,·e lopme111 u,, u,,l ly with me1amorphosis.
I ,.-1111pl1:, I ,·111, 11111 (<ilver fi~h), Dr,1~1•11 _/111. A11l111/; et,·,

C l.,-, 'i. l\l y riar ud a

( \, 1111 rtn, ~ (l'll 1huu~.i.11JT rnd11, =l n11 ti
L \., lu,11 ,·II lc rn•, ,1i,r hrc,1thm1; ,1rlhr,1pud,
, l{,,, 11 ,, ,,rm ltl.l'. m,1,t., u l h1•;1d .1nd ,· l,11,g,11,•d trunk 11·,th many simi l,,r l• •;
t,•Jnnt! "\t>;r1,.._•n l!-
' R,~ r1r.lthJl1 l"'"I~ tr.h. h, •,11.· Sp1r-.1\.IL'' .1rr.111~, ~d .......,~n1,·nt,1l h·
\11 1f"f\11Lh ' 1 r,,rr , . l\'\ ~ ~ , li.1:<. n,, ,r,-- th. in 1 1 ~""d l r~


- -
--- - - ---
- - -- - --- - I
.:.,,. ~ -
• 1.... , ••,.,,.,. , . • .. . , .-., ... , ..... , ••\
t:"la:, 'J. C l"u• t, •1111•u1s , \, W,..-,n .,,,,1..1.: lu h~. ,~. ,\1111:.,
(', Wi ,1r l hi: Im ,\)' UI lJ111 ,-11I .. ,o,i.w
\!:Ult.:11t H 1!.ll,.:11h:, I V) W IHWA
n l ,'1:• 10011n . . r \\

The /\lt'nico/a (lungworms) were previously through to be simple direct deposit

foeJers. but studies of Kriiger (1959) have shown that this worn, is a fiJtet feeder.
i1,n•111(~/n lives in an L- shaped burrow and periodically ingests :;and by means of a
;imple proboscis. This causes sand to cave in forming a funnel shaped depression at
the surface. Sand filters suspended food particles from water percolating down the
funnel. This orga rich sand is then ingested by the worm. Periodically the worm
,tops feeding backs up the verlical limb of tube a.nd defaecates at the surface leaving its
chdracteristics casting near the entrance of the burrow.


CHINAR s o o ~ E P O
I · F·rc sh w at er
= ,1
, m ar in e or 1errestria G
ca rn iv orou s. l. en er a 11 )' ec1opa ra st ic , bl oo d -su ck in o
., Se gm en ta tio n ex te rn
"' oq
al w ith ou t in te rn al se pt
3 Pa1·podia an d se ta a.
4 - Bo th an te ri
e .ir e ab se nt .
or an d po st erio r en ds of
5. Th es e ar e I le rm ap bo dy w ith su cker s.
hr od ite.
6. D ev el op m en t di re ct
, no la rv al stages.
Ex am ples: Hir11rli11nnn
, Hirurlo, glo.~sip/rn11in etc.
N E ll lD A
(G r., ar ch = firs t)
I - ".. bout on e
do ze n ge ne ra of sm all ,
2. Seg:rnt!n ta tio n ch ief m an•ne w or m s o f un kn ow n af fin iti es .
ly in te rn al .
3. N o pa ra po d, a an d
se ta e.
4 . Se xe s us ua lly se pa
ra te.
5. U su al ly tro ch op ho
rt! la rv a.
Ex am pl es ; Polygorrli us
, D111oplli/11s , Prolod ri/11s.

Filter Fe ed in g in Po ly
ch.1e tes :-
Th e ph yl um A nn el id
a is di vi de d m to fo ur
po ly ch ae ta . M an y se de m ai n cl as se s an d o ne
nt ary a1,d tu be co lo u s am on g th em is class
fil le r fe ed er s. In po polychaete.s (e.g. Sabe
ly d, ae te s, he ad is pr /In, Serpuln et c.) are
te nt ac le s .:a iled as ra ov id ed w ith a lo ng bi
di d es. A ci lia te d gr oo pi nn at e filam en ts or
do rs al s ur fa ce, w hi ch ve ru ns back w ar d s fr
en ds in a do rs al food om m ou th al on g the
pa rti cl es su :;p en de d in cu p. Th es e ar e us ed
w at er . fo r co lle ct in g food
Fi lte r fe ed in g m ea ns
th e fo od w hi ch is s us
w at er an d th is fo pe nd ed in w ater is st ra
od is ea te n, th e pr in ed or fil te re d from
C ha et op te ru s, w ho liv oc es s is kn ow n as
es in U -s ha pc d tu be sh filter fe ed in g. l:'.g.
14 -1 6 of lhis an im al ow s fil te r feedin g. N ot
are m od ifi ed in to fa ns . op od ia of se gm en ts
cu rr en t e nt er in g th e Be at in g o f th es e fa ns
tu be at th e an te rio r pr od uc es water
N ot op od ia of 10°h se en d an d flo w in g ou
gm en t ar e ex tre m el y t of th e ot he r end.
~l an du la r cp ilh eU um lo ng an d w in g- l ik e or
se cr et es a sh ee t of m uc al if or m . Th ei r cilia ted
Jo oJ pa rt ic le s ar e ca ug us fo rm in g a ba g in w
ht . /ll uc us ba gs en ds hi ch th e su sp en de d
,·o lle d up in to a ball. in a ci lia te d fo od cu
It is pa ss ed fo rw a rd ps w he re th e food is
1,ou th. a.l on g a m id -d ors al ci lia ry gr oo
ve to th e

IN A 94 19 44 95 19 - --
I. Urain hornto ne (BM): 13rain hormone is ~ecrded by LJw neu rosecre to ry cells o f the
br.i in, ch,m,ically iL is a lipid Th b ho rmon,~ s1crvc>s 10 ~c livalc tht! corpora cardiaca, a
,:ompvno:nt o~· th" 1'1:'Lrn-cc re bral compl ex uf thr stnm~tugas lTit: nc,·vuus syste m.
-, · Prul horan cotropi<" hormonA ~
(P'l7'I..,, ): .1.111s
. rinrn,nntt
• •o-,c· ted by the corpora
-s s'l:"\.•
rard i.1,:a, wh_ic h in I um s11mulates Lhe prothornc i, glond~.
3. Prolho rac1c g land hormone (PCHI: This hormunt! is secre ted by the paired, bilatera l
sheet of ce lls in lhe thornx, co ns titutin1:1 the prothoracic gla~ds. Che mically it is
e.:dy:mne. TI,is hormone is know n 10 trigger moulting as it ac ts on the tissues to
pro mote all of lhe changes characterizing a moult.
4. Juvenile hormo ne UH): This ho rmone is secreted by anothe r component oi th e
rctroce ro:hral .:omplex, the corpora a ll ata. Chemically ii is an unsaponiiiable, n,, n-
s terol ic li pid. This ho rmo ne reg ulates mo rphogenesis and so promotes
melamorphosis, tha t is. de velo pment or the larva into adult through pupal stage.

bra in
\ ~_..--,,._ .,..-;::-c"I-.--= int ercer e brat
_,.,.., ' c--acf:: 'bi...,<;.---- gland ce lls
::,0:: 5 ~ "---
. . p r otho rac,c
(~ - . .. .· ·:-: :.
c orpl,s
- - - c ardiacum

.__Fig. _____ 7. E
..... ndoc dnc gl ~11H l s of in :,;cct s,

Vision in Insects:

Vi5io11 is the perception of light. Lnsects perceive light throu gh three classes o f sensory
orga ns. Most adult insects have a single pair of compound eyes. Larvae of
hemim etabo lous insects and most adults have us ual ly three simple eyes called ocelli.
Larvae of holometabo lous insects do not have co mpound eyes. These insects perceive
through stem ma ta loca ted on either side of the head.

Compound eyes

lne compound eyes are promi.nent featu res of ad ult i.nsects. The eyes occupy a fairly
large portio n of the surface 0£ insect heads. a nd they fac ilitiltc ii rather w ide field o f
l' ision. Compounds eyes are not present in a ll insects. They are reducpd or absent in


► ~~=,,.,.,,_,,.,._,,_...........,_ _ _ _~~--..,...
£,,l illPleS. /11/ris, Sp1ru/m/11s etc ~ '{J~ -

Melamorphosis in I ns<?cl s I, ~~ ,

,1~1amorphosis n~eans transformation o r , hange o f an immature la rva into a sex ually

~ , wre repro~u.:u,g ad ult o f very differe nt form, struct-u re and habit, is called
llll'1 .
'fyp~s of_ Metamorph~s•_s
1iur.:ts d 1splay ~ typ~~ o l me tamo rphosis.
I. No- 01etamorpl'.os1s or ametabulous development. ln c:ase of no-melamo rphosis,
ne11•1)' hdldwd an~m.:11 looks like an adult except in s ize anJ differenres in armature of
f~ 11~set~ l: xamp les:_SiJ ver-fish, sprin_
g;_tails. __ __ _

> ~'~
ad ..,tt
·!l,JD< z,:.

l aler nymph
C 0
eg ;
'-. newly l"latc he(J
"-.. nym ph
~.I.If =
Flt,;. 3. N o n1ct.:10-io ry,hns i~ ( Upis,111.J ) .

> Incomplete metamorphos is or hemi-meti bolous development: In case of

incomplete metamorphosis, imma ture stages are the nymrhs or naiads, which are
iquatic and respire by tracheal gills, whereas the adults are terrestrial or aerial and
respire by tracheae. Examples: 1'.f ayflies, dragonJlles, s tone-flies.


1::,f.-=tAGON 1:LV LAIZ\V,\.

- - - - --

. Cradua l metamorphosis or p.1uro-metabolous development: 1n case of ..,

1etamorphosis. the 111,>w l)' hatcho::d crea turt.> resemb, es a n adull in gt.,eraJ body form,


CI I IN /\1~ BUOt,.'. 111 •: l·' (l'I'

l ., rH1 :-tYMl't I

, Complete mel,1morph osis o r holomctabo lo us devdopmenl: This •~·r., ,,
metamo rphosis in c lud es fou r dev,•lopm t'"t.,1 st.1ges: •'f:g, l,,rv,,. pup,1 .i nd 1c1<lull.,-,
afler h atching. m ou lts sever. II Lim,••s In hecnme grown n,w. It lat,•r b,·,·,,111,' s ,1 iully pur,
withi.n a s~-..: rele d case, ca llt'd lhc' ~>upari11111 diffe r.. ntiat.,s int,1 llw y,>ung ,1d111l lh,
breaks lh e puparium o p en a nd e m e rgt's o ul!'ide. It g ro ws lo il m il l urc form . E,a n1pl~;;
Hou sefly, n1osquito, b uttern y.

I '

• Hi=IYSPLIS l PUl',\J
,\Ol l1 --


\ k•l.1 111 , ,r~,hos i$ o r the posl-embryunic growth nf ins.-.:ts as in hig lwr o rgJ ni, n>' 1'

u•i, lc l' 1,, ,n,, ,,11,11 con trol. The v ari11us ho m1ones se,·re wd are a~ follows .
,. , .- - ---------=~~~~~~~~--------.. . . ---
t"" ,,r-u,s and
the chr o mo phores are thought 10 modify tJ,e r electro n orbita l of the
,t, ,,m,,rlw res. Jnd thereb,· modify the abso rbance s pectril of rhodl1psins.

o orSJI o,clli

o-,r:--11 oc:ell i occur in larva e of hem imetabolous insects and in nearly all adu l~- 15
\lth,•ui;h there ~re ,·ariations in structure. a ty pical occll us has a sing le lens tl~a l
\l, .ill ) ra ther thKkened . Most ocelli have a large number, often hundreds of re unu.lcl
-.?II; Rhabdo me res of severc1I cells combine to form a number of rhabd o ms. Axons
;,r,, ,, t ITom the re~nu la cells through the basement membrane and th_ey end. in a
"nJpli, plei-u5 behind the eye. Light causes a sustained depolarizati on ol lhe rel inula
,~II,, ho"'e,·er, the biological role of ocelli remain unknown. It is mainly co ncernt>d
" th il&ht...:ollec rather than image forming and it enhances the sensitivity o f
, omrou nd ere.

The lan ·ae of holometabolous insects ha ve stemmala on the sides of the t-iead capsule.
~1any lar\'ae have a single sb:.>mma (singular of stemmata) on either side, but the
numbe r can be as many as six on a side. Each ha s a cu ticular lens and a
cr\·5talline cone cListaJ to the sense cell5. Stemmata genera lly do not produce dea r
~ages. but most caterpillars can discriminate some shapes and they can orientate
themselves w ith respect to bounda ries.


The name Moll usca was coi,wd by Johnston. The term ' Mollusca' is derived from a
Ld tin " 'ord ' moWs' or ' molluscs' w hich means 'soft bodied'. This term was first applied
ry .-\ristotle to the cuttle-fish (Sepia). There are about 120,000 Living species in this
l'hyl u.m. This phylum is the :?•d largest phylu m after Arthropoda. These include pila,
oc topus, snc1ils, oysters, sepia (cuttle-fish), loligo etc.
l.11'ThPy are both aq uatic as well as terrestria.l and aq uatic fom1s are mostly found in
mar.ine water while as some are found in fresh water.
~ . -1r bm.11- is s11 rt, unsegmented (except in t-. lo noplacopho ra), w itho ut jointe,
,1 ppenJdges and han ' ,·ariet,· o( shapes.
~ >-~fost of the molluscs have a protecti ve hard calcareous shell. secreted by the m antle

!;J, They are bilaterally symmetrical (except gastropoda), lrip loblaslic, c:oelomate will
<>rgan system le.1,el of orgo:1nisc1tion.
f51 So,h- is dh·ided into head. mantle, foot and vi.s.:eral mass. Head carri Ps m o uth , PV<'
an l ten t,1, h:a,. Fot) t 1s ven tral. thkk and mus,.. ular and is vario u~ly moJified ·f('.


CH I Nr\ R 80l) 1' DEPO·r

" dll JnJ

th, tn.i_nt,.

,.~, I IU \" \_• ,\('" l,, n-, , ... r.,.•.._hh ·,•J .11, d j, r'\"f ' t ( •, ,' ll I\ •\
1. ,,, '-, ,nh \. . , \' ""n'-.1 rd t.1) .... ... \ It

r\"pr, ,du '- ll ' ,., '-. ..l \ u, ,1th.I "'-h.1n,·, . . I h," t,i,J, \~..1v 1l\ , ... h ,h--"11''"''- ' "'L-.I

r< \11~, ..... tl\ ,• '-\,h•m ,- ' ,,,l,·d .,nd ,,, mpk t,· " 1th ,l -'• f:••~11 \' ,• b l<111-I ••r 11\r
• 1h,·.'.' -ll•' I'·" '' ~•.1, )/ Hu ... ill , ' ,I\ II\ , o n l.110 5 ,l r.1~ r 11ii,: -,rs,111 \h•,,ri nt: ,•ri:-111 ) , , l,·,I r.id11~
I h~ ) ,\ r e rr,11,,,i.~,l~

(Sl R,•-.r 1r.1t h•11 ,,,:cu l"!' b \' ,, ne ,,r man~ i; ill s <1 r ,·te nlJ 1.1 .,,t, j,·h ,1r,' ,·n,·ln~,•J in lh,· 111.,nl
' ·" ii\\ .\ 11 t•ll., ,·t,,r\' ,1r1,:,in. th e L"),;phrad ium is presen l b:1s a ly le> te,t th e p u n 1, ,,f l\ Jt,..
, u rrt>n t. \ lung Ii i-.<.' s tru.:lurt> is Jevel,~ pe d in t1tr res ln .il Jotn, ~ k> l• ran i:: .1l'l•u1 aen.,
f \• ... r1 r ,lth.' 1'
191 C i r, 111.11,, r,· :-ys1em is of i.- loseJ 1y pe . bu t some e m pt\· si n u st.'s, h e<1 rt w ith ,,n., ur 1,,
.1un.:l.:s .111d <'n<' ,·e n tric ll!, \:,lo,~d \\'ith ,,n,,,-,bo, y t.,, i1 11J h,1emocy,111in is rn:•s••nt

tlO) r ,.: retio n occu r;; by p.i ire d m 1"t,ln<"phriJi ,1 (kidn..,~·s).
11, 1 :\!erv o u s s y s t.,m co m rrisc s uf p ,,i r..,d c,' re brnl );;ilng lia. ,unne.: ti,·,•s ,ind n ,•r,•,•,
f)d) S..:.•1·, s~ o rt;ans. inc lui..1 1? eyC"S. !•to::1 to -:v s t. os r hr"Jiu n, .-.nd re .:e-r to rs tor to u" h. ,nlt.
il.nd 1., s1,• " re pres<!nt.

11'.ll They a re e iU1 ,•r m on oecio u s o r d ioe-c io us, go11<1d s ,ue u sua ll ,• u npa1f\\'.
l- .- r Li la.1 ,11io 11 e, t,•m al o r inte r n,1I. Je\telo pnwnt d irecl o r in J i.rect. w h k h ind ud .,.,. ,
h'och o phure o r \tel ige r lan·a . 1\lo s Lly Uw y are ov iparou s . dnd f1?w ,, re v i, 11•jr,•11,

C lass ificatio n of Ph ylum mollu sca

\l oll,, -, , j r•· d.l>.S iti-,J into s i, d.isses o n lhl.' bds is n f lheir ~,·mnw t n .,nd tl w ,h.,r.,, ,,,
, ,1 t.._,, . . J . ,lh•II. 1n..antle , ~ \11 s, n~1·vc, us syste-111, Ol U$, h..•, tlnd r.,Ju l,1

C l.1, ,. I : \ lo noll acoph ur,1 -1

\ i,, n .,.., ,.,,,. p lj , ~ p l,11,•+ p lw re ,n:: l:'C'.,nn~:l

~, ,,h ,, 1, ilat, ·r,1lh -, mnwt n ,al. " i1h .a d um,•-, h ,, p,·d m.,1111,·
l ~"'-.•l L,n."..h.i a nd I 1.)l h 1l h ~ rJ 1r, d t f"-•d.,I f\> t-:-,11,. h •T n,u~ lv...
I I\ l °' r 41 L~ ,, t g,lb, ,n p..111t.t l ~rv 1'\\ i-"-.
-::t, P ~" r--- , 1t n,:·ph n d ,a ,"t \, h1\,. h ;t r~ >,!t1n n J 1.-h. L,
h, \_,
J; . lul.1 "' J r.i.lJu ~ , .,nJ ,-it-.~ u n.- ,, ,flil.-.t
, ,. ,, ,. - -~ -1,•m "1lh 1,-n,. a1J 11:,1I p.ill1,1I ,1r I 1-...,_1.,1 , ,,., (~

O PP l\,1A I N GATE DEG REE COLLEGE SEMll~A 941 94 495 19

parasitic forn,s, ma,, y s o il inst.'<" lS, and in some s rec ie, I.hat live in verv dark places
(ca ves).

The basi~ u,,it o f co mpnund '-')'es is the 01111,,aiidium (singul ar o f o mm~tidi~).

Orrunatid.ra v,r ry in size and number an,o ng different insed g,·uups . ~n one si,Je,
d ra go 11 11,es have thousands of omma tidia 111 each compou nd eye, many msects hilv~
rewer, and li t on the othe r side, the workers o f lhe ant species have 011Jy one
O'."matidi u111 in each eye. The sizes o i o n,ma tidi a vary from abou t 5 t·o 40 microns in
drnmeter. Sizes v,uy among species and even within a single co mpound eye. In sorn0
dragon fl ies, the dorsal w1its a n, co 11s iderably larger than the ventral ones.

Compound eyes are comn,onJy ,Ategomed as either a f,position eyes or superposltiol)

eyes. There is no sepa ration between the cornea l layer 11nd the p ho toreceptors in
appos ition eyes. There is a clear sp;,ce between the two unils i.n s uperpositions eyes.
Son,e auU,ors use the expression "clear zone e)res" for the superposit ion eyes.
Supe rpos ition eyes a re generally found in crepuscu lar and noc turnal insects, while
apposition eyes occur in diurnal insects.

Vision involves the transduction of light energy into a bioelectric signal within the
nervous «ystem. The iirst events in this process take place in the retinal cells. The £inc
structure of rhabdomeres consists of thousands of closely packed tubules. These
tubule s are about 500 A in diame te r and one micron long. Tlwy a re aligned a t right
angles to the long axis o f the rhabdom. The visual pigments occur mainly in these
rhabdomeric m.icroviJli. It ha s been suggested that the small dian,eter oi each
microvillus inhibits tree rotation of visual pigments. specific orientation may lw
the n,olec uJar basis of insect's sensitivity to polarized light. Photobiological processes
occ ur i.n a narrow band of the electromagnetic spectru m between 300 and 700 nm.
Pho1ons in this region of the spectrum have enough energy for p hoto.:J,emical
interactions, but not e n o ugh energy 10, wsrupt macromolecuJes. Visual pigments
initia tt vision by absorbing ligh1 in region. These pigments are a class of
n,emhr,1ne bound proteins know n as o psins thilt are conjugated with a chromophon'
Vis ual pigments whose chromophore is retinal ar"' c;, lled rhodopsins. The \'isual
pig m t'nts o f alJ invertebrates, incl ud ing insects, crus tacea ns and squids, arc all
rhodop sins.

!'here .1re a n um ber of geometr ic ison,ess of reti nal. The 11-cis isome r is the
d1ro mophore of native rhod opsin. Free re t.inal abs orbs light strong ly a t about 380 nm
\\'hen 11-cis-reti.nal is linked to ops in to form rhodop5in, Ulc ma in absorption peak is
s hifh!d. The ma ximu m absorption values of different rhodupsi,ns range from about 3-15
n iTI ( ul t r<1v iole t) to as hig h as 610 nu, (rt?d). The a bsorbing properties of any given
r h odo p ,,,n is rel a led to ~ e dis position o f _charged ops in grou_rs ar_ound . thr
, h r, 1111 o tho re. Thes l:' l.ntera•~hons between lh•~ side-gro ups of U,e ammo acid:; w•th1n


Cl.:i.s s 6: c ~ph,1lopodJ (siphonopodJ)

(l..l·pht1ie= lw,,J+ r 0Jl)S= foti l)

lfoJ y l'long.ited J o,,," ,•nlr,111\ 0

Slw ll l'' lern,,I
-'- Hedd d istinct ,md l.irge w1lh wdl dl'1'l' l 1'" . · 'I 1 . I l•\'l'' r ,H II " rn, >l. •1'•l.
-I They Jrt' mMinc ,rnd rrw s11·i11111,in!\,
Ex.impl~'s: 0 .-1,11111, . N1111hl11s, Lolig11 I'll'.
l •ors1on
· or lw1s11nl-\
• , or coo · g larval J evelopnwnt
.ling .,s a proces~,• ,dunn , ...of !!•
w 1h .ch rotales the v1,scera-p<1lliu111
. • 1ockwise
anh-< · , through 181}' .from 11.s m1hal f'l'SiliLIi,
~n 1h,11 mantlr ..-a,·ity, with its pall ium co mplex. is brnughl m frcint 01 the b1•tl~. I\
In fres hwater , nd tt'rres trial molluscs, there is no free swiniming lan •dl st,,gt>. BoL¾
tTo.-hophore and vdiger stages are passt>tl inside Lhe egg ,rnd a tiny_ snail h,,t.:hes ~111 1,
the egg. Early lu111l is symmetrirnl with anterior moulh and posterior ,\nus a.nd gillsI,
nn the posterior side. As the larva develops shell, its vis.::er<1I mass slarts twisting tr,
anlidodwise direction 10 rearrnnge the l'iscera l organs so lha l they are a.:commoda1~J
inside lhe (oils of the shell and openings (1( organs are shirted to lhe anterior siJe
1,·hcrc the shell opening lit3.
During lorsinn visceral and pallial orga ns change their position by twisting lhr,•u~h
tSO•. Posterior mantle cavity is brough t 10 Lhe front position. Gills ,ind kidnt>)' 111,l1,,
from lefl lo right side and ln front which 11elps in breathing. In nervous systt'm lhl' 11,,,
pll•urovisceral connective~ noss lhemselves inlo a figure of 8. one passing .1bnl',· th,
inl l'Slir1t' and the oilier l>elnw ii. Alimen1ary canal lwisls in Lhr visn•r,,I m,1,s ,Hhl L•r,•n,
[,\' <1n us on the side of Lh,: head 011 Lhe anterior side. After lorsinn thl' fo01 , ~n k·
wilhd rawr. afler lhe head.
Durinr torsion hcali and foot remain fixed ,nct rotation takes place in lhe ,·is,·(•r,,I nw·
..111~ N hind lhe neck so that the visceral organs of the right sidt' ,·L•m,• tL• ,1<\'Uf''.-' th,
ll'lt s id,· nnJ vie,• versa. Before torsion the visc:era l m.1,:s r uinL~ furw,1rd ,ind 1tw mJnll•
, J1·i11· is pl•Slerior in position. This positi(1n is r ailed exog.1~1ric. .\ft•·1 IN,ilm II•:
p,,Mti11n l•,,:oml.'~ cndogJstric in wh k h l'iscer,11 mass points b,,d,.1, .ird, ,md 1n1,·,t111,
It,·, 111 llw whorl~ ot th,· , ,ind ,1nu~ vpt•ns on llw ,1111,, ri or !<id,•.
\/ i1w1~· P•' lt'C'nl ,,f thl' lnrsion is ,1ffc'Cll'd by th,• right rctrJclor muse.le wl111:h 1s ,1ui1,
p n:111111,l'nl in llw l,1: 1,1 1d1il,. lh1.1 ld t rel rdrl11r musde is rudinwn l.uv. Rl•sl , .. lhl' tn
,,1 wr~1.•n i~,.iu~,·d b, II\\' d lifl'r,·ntial ~r<>wll, of lilt' n,,,:erill m,1,~ l 11r, inn 1,1J..l,, r!,,., 1
quid .II ,111\I i< rnmpl,•tE'd lrnm lS-30 minut.:o~
\1111, k , l, nht· r,,1.111,•n 111th,· 11<,L•r,11 .-no,_, ,,lU_:,('S de-.:tral (righl h.indL•.t ) lCl tl1ni: P l it,
, lwfl 1d1i, h h,lj't','11• 111 m~j..rit1 ,H Lh,• r,1,.-s. l t,, wl'1·.,r. r,on•I\' , IL>,l.. w,,l, n•l,111,,n 1'
1 1, , , •r.1 I 111,1-~ ,ii,, ' l;il..,,, pla, e, " 1,i,:h , ,1 u , ,xc si n ish , I ( lt'f t h,rn d,•~1 1,·,,,Itn!', , ,t th,· ,hl'll


·· - - _..,,_; ..- - - - ~ ___... . _.,,. - - - - -- -" -- •, • D.i ~

-~.......... ...... . ~ ~ - ; .•

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