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-1 small l i ~ a i - dv n i obtaitletl in the I-egioil of the Sailta Alarta Mountains, Coloml~ia,hy the L3ryant \TJallier Espetlition, in 1913, I\-hich appai-ently rq)rcscnts an untlescribetl spccics and g c n t ~ s ill t l ~ efanlily I~ul)lcpharitlae.
Lathrogecko, new genus

I)cs~i-iptiosl: Iligiti ~11011,i t o ~ t , cylii~d1-ica1, the tlistal joint5 forming a n anglc with thc 1)aial portion, provided with transverse lxtncllae oil the v e ~ ~ t i a surface, l terilliilating in a large compressed shcath forlnetl by six scales-t\vo large pctaloitl laterals, t \ r o elongate u111)ei- laterals, a n elongate tlors,~l covering the sllturc betureen the upper laterals, ant1 a sruall dorial in the angle forillecl 1)y the ends of the upper latci-als ant1 large (101-sal. TTcatl and neck covered with granular .;tales, those on the snout enlargetl. Botly depressed. ccvercd with rathcr large, smootl~, imljricate scales, the dorsals

a little silic~llcrthan thc ventrals. Tail cylintliical, thick, a little less thaii half of the total length, covered with smooth imbricate, rouilded scales. Pupil rotui~d;eyelid well developetl abovc. hIalc witliout fciiloial poi-ei. 7'ypr : Lathrogcc~lroJ a r z l tcr-~ilnrtcc,new species. Lathrogecko sanctae-martae, lie\\; species.

Dcsc.rigtio~l : Size small. IIead about one-fourth of the total le~igili, exclusive of tail, its tvidth five-sevenths of its length; snout less than tnlic: the tliaiiieter of the orbit, equal to o r a little shorter than tlic tlistalice betwecil tlie ear aiitl orbit ; ear ol)cning motlei-atc. 1:otly tlepresse(l ; tlorsal scales rountletl, inibricatc, smootli. l<ostral large, cleft above, hountling the nostril anteriorly. Ul)!~er labials four o r tlli-ee, the first very large; Ion-cr lal~ialsthree, tlie lSrst the largest. Reiltal large, deeply groovetl; gttlar scales small, tubercular ; aboilliilal scales ro~uiidetl, smooth, i u ~ ~ l ~ r i c a a t e ,little larger than the clorsals. Caudal scales rotmded, smooth, imbricate. Male dad; brown above \\lit11 a yellowish urliite heat1 bailtl whicll begins a t tlie tip of the snout, cstentls to the orbit aloilg tlic canthus rostralis aiid is coiltiliuetl from the posterior margin of the orbit across the temporal ant1 occipital regions. Iielly, chin and thl-oat white o r pale yellow, the scales of the belly: chill ant1 throat iliargiiied v\iith siilall bro~\rnspots, those of the pelvic region and sometimes those of the axillary region inore generally spotted. Posterior side of the thighs clark 1)roivn ~ v i t hlarge \\rl~itespots. Feiilale paler, the upper regioil of the head pale 1)rown nrith a n indistii~ctpalcr band across tlie occipital and temporal regiolls. Throat ant1 lips baiided with whitc ant1 b r o ~ v n . T h e measuremeiits of the type specimen a r e a s follows : leiigth (exclusive of tail) 21.5 mm., length of head 5.25 111111., width of head 3.75 nlm. Tail reproduced.

Occasional Papers of tlze Museunz of Zoology

I3a!jifat: Region of the Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia.

Type spccinze~z : Cat. Xo. 47790, Museuil~ of Zoology.

IJnivcrsity of i\fichigan ; Fundacion, Colombia ; August 13, 1913 ; A. S. l'earse, collector.

IIabits: Pour specilllens of this lizartl were obtained, all in the vicinity of Fundacion. T w o were talten froill a hollow .itt111111, ant1 two were found on the grountl a t tlic base of trees.

l<c11ta~ks : This geclto resclnbles the recently described

l'seudogonatodes' ill having a round pupil, cylindrical, angularly bent digits, ant1 cotnpresse 1 uilgual sheaths, but it differs conspic~tously 11-0111 that form in having a larger llulllber of scalcs in the u n g ~ ~ sheath. al a tliffercnt tlorsal lcl~itlosis,ant1 a short, stout tail. 1 1 hc writer was in crl-or in refel I iilg the genus Pseutlogonatodes to the family Geltltoilidae; like Lathrogeclto it is a E~~blepharid.

' Occ

Papets, Museum of Zoology, T i n ~ ~ c r s ~ oft y RItchlgan, N o 1 9

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