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Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions

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Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functions

Different studies have been done over many years to try to determine if caffeine can be

considered as an enhancer or if, on the contrary, it has negative effects on people's health. The

main theme of this essay is to determine the effects that caffeine has on human cognitive abilities

and whether these effects can be positive or if, on the contrary, caffeine has a correlation with

harmful effects on people's well-being.

Cognitive functions are those that allow analysis, elaboration and interpretation of

information and allow us to carry out any task. Caffeine is an alkaloid found mainly in coffee,

cocoa, cola and also in tea, making it extremely consumed by millions of people around the

world every day. Many studies have determined that caffeine consumption in low quantities and

under strict control can represent an enhancement in cognitive abilities and be a positive factor in

people's health. Among the positive characteristics of moderate caffeine consumption, it can be

highlighted that it helps to improve physical and mental activity, concentration and alertness.

According to McLellan, Caldwell, Lieberman (2016) the effects of caffeine are related to the

ingested dose, since moderate doses that can be between 100 and 300 mg can be considered as

typically beneficial and on the other hand, doses found by above 400 mg can cause problems

such as anxiety or dependency. Also, according to these authors, the most beneficial effects of

caffeine can be observed on surveillance activities and to be present in rested individuals, as well

as in individuals with lack of sleep.

Other important research by Capelleti, Piacentino, and Aromatario (2015) says: "Caffeine

blocks adenosine receptors, mainly A1 and A2A subtypes, competitively antagonizing their

action and causing an increased release of dopamine, noradrenalin, and glutamate" (p. 73). This

can explain the reason why it has been considered in various studies that caffeine can improve

certain cognitive abilities, have an important impact on mood and positive implications for

human health as long as it is consumed in a moderate way without ingesting excessive doses.

Caffeine has also been used by many people as a medicinal product, as its ability to control

certain types of diseases associated with neuronal disorders has been proven. For example, it has

been shown that caffeine consumption is related to a lower risk of suffering diseases such as

Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and that in elderly people there is a positive relationship between

habitual caffeine consumption and performance in verbal memory, visuospatial, reasoning tasks

and reaction time (Capelleti, Et al., 2015, p. 299).

On the other hand, caffeine has also been related to side effects such as dependency or

increased levels of anxiety, but this is mainly due to excessive consumption and without any

supervision. According to Capellati, Et al., (2015), the disorders, alterations or psychiatric

symptoms caused in people due to caffeine are mainly present in those individuals who tend to

consume high doses of caffeine, since excessive consumption of this alkaloid can lead to health

problems such as insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, high blood pressure, among others, which

is why it is very important not to exceed the consumption of this substance.

In conclusion, different researches have managed to show that caffeine when consumed

responsibly and in low doses can have positive effects of potentiation and enhancement of

cognitive functions and also develop an important role in people's health and mood. On the other

hand, excessive consumption of caffeine has negative consequences for health and behavior of

individuals and disproportionate caffeine doses intaking is not recommended, for this reason it is

necessary to control its consumption to avoid health risks and side effects.


Capelleti, S., Piacentino, D., Sani, G., Aromatario, M., (2015). Caffeine: Cognitive and Physical

Performance Enhancer or Psychoactive Drug? Current Neuropharmacology, 2015, 13, 71-88.

McLellan, T, M., Caldwell, J, A., Lieberman H, R., (2016). A review of caffeine’s effects on

cognitive, physical and occupational performance. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 71

(2016) 294–312.

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