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Throat Mcq Points

1. Frodyce spots or granules : sebaceous gland

2. Ranula: retention cyst, arises due to obstruction of duct of sublingual salivary gland
3. MC premalignant condition of oral carcinoma: leukoplakia
4. MC site of oral cancer in world: tongue (in india buccal mucosa)
5. MC site of oral cancer variety: squamous cell carcinoma
6. Best prognosis: lip cancer
7. Worst prognosis: floor of mouth
8. MC site for Ca lip: lower lip
9. MC site of CA tongue: lateral border
10. MC lymph node involved in oral malignancy: submandibular and upper cervical in lip cancer
11. Verrucous carcinoma: marked acanthosis , hyperkeratosis with dysplasia and biopsies report it as
squamous papilloma
12. Surgery is TOC in mandible cancers and radiotherapy is contraindicated
13. Calculus formation MC in submaxillary(submandibular)(visualized in 80% of cases in X RAY)
followed by parotid
14. Mc tumor of salivary gland: pleomorphic adenoma(benign) mucoepidrmoid Ca (malignant in
major ) adenoid cystic Ca (malignant in minor)
15. MC malignant in children: mucorepidermoid
16. Treatment of pleomorphic adenoma : superficial parotidectomy but if deep lobe is involved, total
parotidectomy is done
17. MC site for salivary gland: parotid
18. Warthin's tumor: adenolymphoma of parotid gland, treatment is superficial parotidectomy
19. Perineural invasion: adenoid cystic Ca
20. Mucoepidermoid Ca arises from mucus secreting n epidermal cells
21. Freys syndrome: after parotid surgery
22. Sialography contraindicated in acute sialdenitis
23. Quincke disease : edema of uvula
24. Le fort 3 fracture: craniofacial dislocation fracture of floor of orbit: tear drop sign, fracture zygoma:
tripod fracture, fracture of cribtiform plate of ethmoid bone: CSF rhinorrhea
25. CSF rhinorrhea: diagnosed by beta 2 transferrin and treatment is antibiotics and observation and
in persistant cases, surgical repair
26. Black colour patch in mouth: vincent angina/trench mouth/ulcerative lesion of tonsil
27. Orodental fistula is MC after extraction of 1st molar
28. Hand foot mouth disease is caused by coxsakie virus
29. Wickham stria: lichen planus
30. MC site of melanoma in oral cavity: hard palate n maxillary gingiva
31. Herpeangina: cytomegalovirus , pharyngoconjunctival fever: adenovirus
32. Taste buds are not seen in filiform papillae
33. Quinsy: pus in peritonsillar abscess
34. Investigation in deep neck infections: CT with contrast
35. Stylohyois CN VII, stylopharyngeus CN IX, styloglossus CN XII, palatoglossus CN XI
36. Type of voice in nasopharyngeal fibroma: rhinolalia clausa
37. Keratosis pharyngitis: yellow spots over the tonsils, not easy to wipe off
38. Infectious mononucleosis: atypical lymphocytes seen un peripheral smear
39. Faucial diphtheria: causes palatal palsy
40. MC tumor of esophagus: squamous cell Ca, benign tumor: leimyoma
41. Earache following tonsillectomy is reffered through glossopharyngeal
42. Main blood supply to tonsil: tonsilar branch of facial artery
43. Pulsatile swelling in tonsillar fossa can be due to aneurysm of internal carotid atery
44. Etiology of otogenic paraphryngeal abscess: petrositis
45. Parapharyngeal abscess lies deep to sternocleidomastoid
46. Tonsils develop from second pouch
47. Longstanding adenoids n enlarged tonsile can cause cor pulmonale
48. Killian's dehiscence : seen in cricopharynx
49. MC organism causing acute tonsillitis: hemolytic streptococci
50. Tonsillectomy following peritinsillar abscess is done after 4-6 weeks
51. MC postoperatove complication if tonsillectomy: hemorrhage
52. Secondary hemorrhage after tonsillectomy : 6 days, reactionary: within 24 hr , primary: at the time
53. Treatment of reactionary hemorrage is reopen and ligate the bleeding vessel
54. Torticollis can occur as a complication of adenoidectomy in down syndromem
55. Crypta magna: palatine tonsil
56. bLood suply of tonsil : tonsillar branch of facial, ascending pharyngeal of external carotid,
ascending palatine of facial, dorsal lingual of lingual and descending palatine of maxillary
57. Torrential bleed during tonsillectomy: peritonsillar vein and arterial bleed: tonsillar branch of facial
58. Paraphyrngeal space also known as lateral pharyngeal space or pterygomaxillary space
59. Trismus in paraphryngeal abscess is due to spasm of medial pterygoid muscle
60. MC cause of chronic retropharyngeal space: caries of cervical spine, Acute in adults: penetrating
injury of post pharyngeal wall, acute in children: suppuration of retro pharyngeal lymph nodes
61. Infection of submandibular space: ludwig angina
62. Thornwaldt cyst: nasopharyngeal cyst
63. MC site of origin of nasopharyngeal angiofibroma: sphenopalatine foramen
64. Angiofibroma(benign) bleeds because vessels lack a contracture component
65. Most appropriate investigation for angiofibroma: CT Scan
66. TOC for angiofibroma: surgery
67. Radiotherpay is done in angiofibroma when it involves middle cranial fossa
68. MC site of nasopharyngeal CA: fossa of rosenmuller in lateral wall
69. Nasopharyngeal CA: EBV , Mc presentation: cervical lymphadenopathy, cause deafness by
serous effusion , trotter triad is seen, causes horner syndrome, TOC is radiotherapy
70. Plummer vinson syndrome: web is MC in postcricoid region
71. Zenker diverticulum: intermittend dysphagia, regugritation and foul smelling breath
72. Frog face deformity: angiofibroma
73. Unpaired cartilage: thyroid, cricoid and epiglottis and Paired cartilage: arytenoid, corniculate and
74. Laryngeal cartilage forming complete circle: cricoid
75. Narrowest part of infantile larynx: subglottic
76. Abductor of Vocal cord: post cricoarytenoid
77. Epilarynx: suprahyoid epiglottis and arytenoids
78. Water cane in larynx present in: laryngeal ventricles
79. Vocal cords: stratified squamous epithelium
80. L arises from saccule of ventricle and herniates through thyrohyoid membrane
81. MC congenital anomaly: laryngomalacia
82. MC mode of treatment for laryngomalacia is reassurance, best way of doagnosis is flexible
fibreoptic laryngoscopy
83. MC cause of stridor in neonates: laryngomalacia, In children: foreign body larynx, In adults:
84. Laryngofissure: opening of larynx in midline
85. Audible slap or palpatory thud: tracheal foreign body
86. Only intrinsic muscle that lie outside laryngeal framework n supplied by external laryngeal nerve
is cricothyroid
87. MC cause of epiglotitis: haemophilus infleunzae type B and MC cause of death is respitatory
obstruction and antibiotic of choice ampicilin
88. Thumb sign: epiglotitis
89. Pachydermia laryngitis involve arytenoid cartilage
90. Cause of contact ulcer in vocal cord is voice abuse
91. Steeple sign: croup
92. Laryngitis sicca: klebsiella oazena, hemorrhagic crust formation, TOC microlaryngoscopic surgery
93. Tb laryngitis: post commisure of larynx, turban epiglottis, odynophagia and ulceration of
arytenoids, mouse nibbled appearance of vocal cord
94. Reinke edema: edges of vocal cord, responsible for diffuse polypoid degeneration of vocal cords
95. Pharyngeal pseudosulcus secondary to laryngopharyngeal reflex
96. Dysphonia plica ventricularie, sound produces by false vocal cord.
97. Hypertrophied adenoids: rhinolalia clausa
98. Puberphonia: failure of change in voice at the time of puberty, corrected by type 3 thyroplasty
99. Androphonia corrected by type 4 thyroplasty
100. Key nob appearance: phonoesthenia
101. MC location of vocal nodule: anterior 1/3 and post 2/3 junction
102. Change in pitch of sound produced by cricopthyroid
103. Position of vocal cord in cadaver: intermediate
104. Vocal cord pale: absence of submucosa and no blood vessels
105. Right sided vocal cord palsy : larynx CA left sided: left hilar bronchial CA
106. MCC of vocal cord palsy: total thyroidectomy
107. B/L recurrent laryngeal palsy caused by throid surgery malignancy and viral infection
108. Dangerous to life: B/L abductor paralysis
109. Complete B/L recurrent laryngeanl berve palsy: preservation of speech with severe
stridor and dynpnea
110. Injury to superior laryngeal nerve: loss of timbre of voice
111. Partial Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy: paramedian vocal cord position
112. U/L vocal cord palsy treatment: isshiki type 1 thyroplasty and teflon injection
113. Type 1 thyroplasty: vocal cord medialization, type 2: lateralization
114. Premalignant for CA larynx: papilloma, leukoplakia, chronic laryngitis
115. Keratosis of larynx, multiple papillomatosis: premalignant
116. Juvenile papillomatosis of larynx: microlaryngoscopic surgery using CO2 laser
117. Glottis is MC site for larynx CA, common presrtation is hoarseness, best prognosis (worst
118. Supraglottic: hot potato voice
119. tReatment of stage 1 ca larynx: radiotherapy
120. CA vocal cord: no metastasis, Supraglottic:present with nodes involvment,
121. TOC for early laryngeal CA is microlyngoscopic surgery
122. Verrucous CA: endoscopic removal
123. Laryngeal cartilage involvment: MRI
124. Laser used in laryngeal: CO2
125. High tracheostomy: CA larynx
126. Montgomery tube: silicone tube
127. Tracheal stenosis: mitomycin C
128. Foreign body aspiration in supine position: apical lobe of right lung
129. Gold standard surgery for prevention of aspiration: tracheal division and permanent
130. Best managment for inhaled FB in infant: bronchoscopy
131. Opening of bronchoscope : vents
132. 1 year old child intubation done using straight blade with uncuffed tube
133. Route of approach of glossopharyngeal neurectomy: tonsillectomy approach
134. Cricoid cartilage derivative of 6th arch
135. Sensory nerve supply above vocal cord : sup laryngeal and below vocal cord: recurrent
136. Thryoid angle in male:90°, female:120°
137. Respiratory dead space: 150 ml
138. Tensor of vocal cord: cricothyroid
139. Diagnosis of congenital subglottic stenosis in a premature baby is made when tip of
bronchoscope of 3mm cannot be passed through subglottis and in full term baby when
bronchoscope is of 4mm
140. Tracheostomy cuts down dead space by 30-50%
141. Anteroposterior size of glottis in males us 24mm
142. Laryngeal crepitus is seen in normal persins
143. Laryngeal web MC invloves region of glottis
144. First line of treatment in a child of epiglottitis is secure an airwa
145. While removing a laryngeal tumor with CO2 laser a fire occurs in the airway first step of
managment would be removal of endotracheal tube
146. Multiple laryngeal papillomas of larynx: premalignant, papovavirus
147. Laryngocele arises from laryngeal saccule
148. Most likely area having a second primary is CA bronchus in CA larynx
149. Ventricle of morgagni is situated in larynx between true and false cords
150. Best laser for multiple laryngeal papillomas is CO2 laser
151. Blom singer prosthesis is used to divert tracheal air into esophagus for voice production
in laryngeal pt
152. Reinke edema associated with smoking

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