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A Personal Plan of


Curso de Idiomas
Student’s name: Lisbeth Camila Mosquera Martinez

Dear students,

The objective of the A Personal Plan of Work is to help you develop your autonomy to
learn a language. Autonomous language learners take responsibility for the totality of
their learning situation. They do this by determining their own objectives, defining the
contents to be learned and the progression of them, selecting materials and strategies to
be used, monitoring this procedure, and evaluating what they have acquired.
El objetivo de la Bitácora es ayudarte a desarrollar tu autonomía para aprender una
lengua. Primero es importante definir que un aprendiz autónomo es una persona que se
hace completamente responsable de su proceso de aprendizaje. Esto lo logra al
determinar unos objetivos, definir contenidos y la progresión de los mismos, seleccionar
materiales y estrategias a implementar, hacer seguimiento de su proceso y evaluar los 1
logros alcanzados.


1. Establece uno o dos objetivos específicos de aprendizaje personal en el área de inglés

que quieras alcanzar en dos meses. Ejemplo: Quiero ser capaz de describir a mi
familia de manera escrita y oral.

2. Diseña tu plan de trabajo para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos en el siguiente cuadro:

3. Establece unos horarios de estudio y comienza a implementar tu plan de trabajo.

Curso de Idiomas
Objetivo Actividades Estrategias de aprendizaje Producto esperado

Listen to recordings of descriptions in

English at a considerable speed.
Study models or examples of personal

Consult and / or study descriptive Dialogue with people from the application
vocabularies, phrases, and tamdem also, ask them to
adjectives. describe themselves and write
what you understand then
Dialogue with a person and be I make a video where I
able to understand the exchange the information. dialogue in an elementary
information they want to share way, I listen and understand
about their personal what is being transmitted to
description. me.

My study schedule to carry out my PPW is to dedicate at least one hour a day, which would give me a total of 7 hours a week;
which I consider is a good time to reach my proposed objective.

Curso de Idiomas

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