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1. Kindly give an example of each type of theories presented.

a. Grand theories – Newman’s Theory of Health as expanding
b. Middle range theories - Orlando's theory of the deliberative nursing
c. Descriptive theories - Theories of growth and development
d. Prescriptive theories – Wiedenbach's prescriptive theory

2. Recall some of the commonly used non nursing theories.

a. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory – a motivational theory in

psychology consists of a five-tier model of human wants, which is
sometimes shown as hierarchical levels within a pyramid.
b. Systems theory - It is an interdisciplinary study of systems in relation to
one another within the context of a larger, more complex system.

3. What are the different levels of knowing and give an example:

a. Empirical - knowledge obtained from textbooks, lectures, journals and

online resources.
b. Aesthetic - intuition and empathy
c. Personal - self-awareness that grows over time through interactions with
d. Ethical – experiential knowledge of social values

4. Explain and illustrate the relationship between nursing research, nursing

theory and nursing practice.
Nursing Practice

- range of roles, functions,

responsibilities, and activities which
registered nurses are educated and
authorized to perform.
- to plan and direct care for a
particular patient, family, or group of

reciprocal reciprocal

- provide a
knowledge for
nursing practice. Nursing Theory
- essential to the
care of patients
- a creative and rigorous structuring
- develops knowledge about of ideas that project a tentative,
health and the promotion of purposeful, and systematic view of
health over the full lifespan.
- to improve practice by positively
- to generate new knowledge. influence the health and quality of
life of patients.

Nursing Research

Nursing theory aims to improve practice by having a beneficial impact on patients'

health and quality of life, while nursing research aims to develop new information. They
have a reciprocal relationship in which study develops additional information and theory.
Nursing practice also has the purpose of planning and directing care for a specific patient,
family, or group of patients. The relationship between theory and practice is reciprocal,
as theories helping field nurses in evaluating patient care and guiding nursing treatments
based on the findings. Research and practice have a reciprocal relationship in which
practice creates research questions and knowledge for the research approach, while
research directs our practice and builds knowledge through theory development. Overall,
they give a core understanding of care principles that enable those in the profession to
explain what they do for patients and why they do it, they provide the foundation for
nursing practice, and they are important to patient care.

A metaparadigm is a collection of beliefs or ideas that define how a discipline

should work. These theories for a nursing discipline are made up of four key concepts,
these are the patient as a whole, their health and well-being, the patient's environment,
and nursing obligations are all part of this. As a set of theories or ideas that provide a
structure for the functioning of a discipline, the nursing metaparadigm influences the
implementation of culturally competent nursing care. The existence of care within the
nursing metaparadigm is important in creating a positive public image for nurses and the
profession. It provides a foundation for applying the essential skills nurses must possess.

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