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Mid-Term Evaluation of the Project: Promoting Transparency, Accountability and Participation in the Oil and Gas Sector


Focus Group Discussions Guide -Target Group(s): Community Members


Good morning/afternoon and welcome. Thanks for taking the time to join our discussion. The discussion is about the project called
Transparency & Participation in the Oil & Gas Sector in Kenya, which was implemented in your community by a consortium of
organizations called the Kenya Civil Society Platform on Oil and Gas (KCSPOG). My name is _____________, and I will serve as
the moderator in our discussion.

The purpose of today’s discussion is to get information that will help us to understand your experiences since the start of the
implementation of the project in your community. Note that participation in the discussion is voluntary, and you can choose not to
take part. However, your participation is important as it will help us reach valid conclusions concerning the achievements of the
project to date. [Reaffirm from the group that they have come voluntarily to participate in the discussion and that they can still withdraw
from the group if they wished to. Seek this consent by a show of hands]
Your answers to the questions I will ask will purely be used to understand the achievements of the project. There are no right or
wrong answers to the questions I am about to ask. I expect that you will have differing points of view. Please feel free to share your
point of view even if it differs from what others have said. I’d appreciate hearing the views of everyone in the group. If you want to
follow up on something that someone has said, or you want to agree, disagree, or give an example, feel free to do that. Don’t feel
like you have to respond to me all the time. Feel free to have a conversation with one another about these questions. I am here to
ask questions, listen, and make sure everyone has a chance to share.
I will be tape-recording the session because I don’t want to miss any of your comments. I will be asking you to introduce yourselves
by telling us your names, but no names will be included in my reports. Our discussion will take up to 1 hour, 30 minutes. I will
appreciate your patience.

Do you have any questions you would like me to respond to before we proceed with the interview?

Name of Facilitator:
Date of Interview:
Time of Interview:

Name Sex Location

1. Let us start by each one of you introducing yourself by telling us your two names and where you have come from.

2. How did you come to know about the Transparency & Participation in the Oil & Gas Sector in Kenya project? How did you
become part of the project? Which project activities have you participated in and in what ways?

3. Reflecting back to when you first got involved in the project, what were your expectations?

4. How would you describe your status/situation or that of your community before the start of the project?

5. What POSITIVE change(s) have you/your community experienced [if any] as a result of the project? When did you/your
community experience the change(s)? Who would you say contributed most to the change(s)? What did they do to bring about
the change(s)? Are there any other people who contributed to the change(s)? What did they do that contributed to the

6. Why are these changes important to you/your community?

7. What NEGATIVE change(s) have you/your community experienced [if any] as a result of the project? When did you/your
community experience the change(s)? Who would you say contributed most to the change(s)? What did they do to bring about
the change(s)? Are there any other people who contributed to the change(s)? What did they do that contributed to the

8. In your view, would you say the project has been successful to date? If YES, in what ways? What factors would you say
contributed to the success? If NO, what might have inhibited the success of the project?

9. What do you think should be done to ensure that your community will continue to enjoy/benefit from the positive change(s)
brought about by the project even after the implementation period comes to an end? What has your community done or is
doing to ensure that the changes are sustained?

10. What would you say was done so well during the implementation of the project that may be repeated in similar projects in
future targeting the community?

11. Is there anything that you did not like about the project and its implementation? What is it that you did not like? How differently
could this be done?


We have come to the end of your discussion. Once again, thank you for agreeing to participate in the discussion and for your
active participation. As I assured you from the start, the information you have shared will be treated in strict confidence and used
only to further the objectives of this study.

Is there anyone with a question? Any suggestion?


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