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Question 1

1. Stakeholders:
Project management team (top management, accounting, team members…)
Lebanese government (public transportation ministry)
The competition
The suppliers
The builders
Environmental factors

The project management team is responsible for defining the project’s aspects and
finding ways to optimize it. The government should agree and provide the company
with the necessary permits to develop the project. The competitors can win over the
project if they offer lower costs for construction and project financing. The suppliers
should deliver everything on time and correctly. The environment should be suitable for
the constructions.

Stakeholder analysis is essential for the success of a project and a company. Ignoring
this analysis may lead to Difficulties to accomplish the project. we should identify all the
stakeholders and their role and how they influence the project

The company, the suppliers and the builders will make profit by accomplishing this
projectThe Lebanese government will facilitate the transportation of the Lebanese
citizens between the villages. The project is to create a railway line between supper and
villages in Lebanon, The complications they can acquire during the accomplishment of
this project is to be able to build these railways without destroying peoples homes.

Question 2
To increase profit, samir should begin with the TOWS analysis so we will be able to determine
the status of the company, find its strength and opportunities and identify the weaknesses and
the threats of the company. They should be aware of the rising competition in the market, and
that the fact that they rely on the same model cinema in the truck and they do not try to be
innovative while the market is constantly evolving. However, they should take advantage of
their clients given they have built trust and fidelity with them to try new markets. So, they
should use the Maxi Mimi Startegy to reenforce their strengths, but also look at the internal
strategy of the company to always be up to date with the new technology, fortify the
communication between the teams and departments.

Question 3
They should adapt a matrix organizational structure because the market is competitive and
unstable. They should adapt to any innovation and new technologies that are being designed
and this structure makes it easier for the different departments to coordinate together and face
new problems.

Question 4
The level of control by the PMO should be high, since it is some thing new that is being
introduced to the company it is necessary to set the guideline, resource pool.. It will become
easier for the PMO to reduce its been of control and let them be more independent and
become the weather station.

Question 5
Project Criteria High Medium Low
Generator A Maintenance cost X
Level of noise X
Financial return X
Level of innovation X
Generator B Maintenance cost X
Level of noise X
Financial return X
Level of innovation X
Generator C Maintenance cost X
Level of noise X
Financial return X
Level of innovation X

I would accept project A because it has two highs, one medium and one low criteria. Compared
to project B that has only one high and project C that has two highs but two lows criteria.

Question 6

Project Criteria Score Total

Generator A Maintenance cost 3 12
Level of noise 1 3
Financial return 2 6
Level of innovation 3 3
total 24
Generator B Maintenance cost 3 12
Level of noise 2 6
Financial return 2 6
Level of innovation 1 1
total 25
Generator C Maintenance cost 1 4
Level of noise 1 3
Financial return 3 9
Level of innovation 3 3
total 19
Now, the best alternative is project B because it has the highest score among all the projects
based on the criteria and their importance weight.
Question 7
Project F, C and B are suitable for retaining because they are within the acceptable boundary,
so the risk is not too big and the rate of return not too small. Projects A and D should be
dropped from the company’s portfolio because they do not satisfy the requirements, the risk is
too big and the rate of return too small.

Question 8

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