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Basic English for Writing

Student name: Mai Thị Quỳnh Trang

Student’s ID: 2019607267
English class: 20211FL6164006

Topic: You are the purchasing manger of a restaurant chain. You have received a request from
a supplier to increase the price of rice by 5% due to poor harvest in recent years (rice is a key
ingredient for your restaurants).
Write an email (120 - 140 words) to respond to the request
Mark: ____________
Your writing:

Subject: increasing the prices of rice
Dear sir/madam,

I am writing with regards to your email about increasing the prices of rice by 5% that you have been
supplying our company.

First of all, let me express my sincerest thanks for your continual support over the past three years.
Concerning your proposal, I and my team reviewed the whole proposal in detail. I understand that
your firm has faced considerable difficulties due to poor harvest in recent years which hamper your
attempts to quote a more competitive rate. However, I could not see how entirely shifting that burden
to your customer is a viable solution.We have already negotiated the prices with our customer so we
cannot change them now. With that being said, I am afraid we could not agree to your proposal, at
least as it is right now.

However,I would like to propose an alternative solution. Could you consider giving us a 5% discount
off your list prices if we double our order quantity for the contract that we discussed last week? There
is a possibility that we can make an advance payment of up to 30% of the contract as we are
experiencing a cash surplus. We believe that will help you cut down on your costs of loss.

For your information, we have already received very competitive offers from several other suppliers.
However, we still want to continue our partnership with your company provided that you could offer
us more reasonable prices.

Yours sincerely,
Purchasing Manager

Rating scales for writing:

● Task fulfillment: / 2.5
● Vocabulary: / 2.5
● Grammar: / 2.5
Basic English for Writing
● Format and organisation: / 2.5

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