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01 Travel Journal
How did the Tang restore China’s strength?

- Basically, it was thanks to Empress Wu that she increased in every way the
movement in China, also the calm in the empire contributed to attract people from
other places to buy and sell food.

What effects did invaders have on the Song dynasty?

- Mainly, the Tang dynasty fell due to an invasion by the Turks, and they produced a
great divide for 50 years, then the song empire appeared with which China began to
unite again, only they paid tribute to keep the peace. with the Liao, finally other
invaders (Jurchens) appeared they kidnapped the emperor and the empire moved

What arts did the Tang and Song dynasties support?

- Tang Dynasty: Painting, poetry, music, dance, pottery with porcelain and

- Song Dynasty: Artists produced some of the finest landscape paintings, pottery, and
sculptures ever seen in China. Poets and musicians added to the richness of Song

What innovations appeared during the Tang and Song dynasties?

- Gunpowder, movable type, paper money, seagoing ships, compass, and new
irrigation methods.

How did Tang and Song rulers manage the business of the empire?

- They did this through the civil service system, basically it was a system that
reflected Confucian ideals. It was a merit system. To merit, or deserve, a government
position, a person had to pass a series of demanding examinations. The system
supported public service. It also showed great respect for learning. Only the
virtuous and capable became civil servants.

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