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Cultural Diversity

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Cultural Diversity

Last month, I attended a music festival in New York. I was overwhelmed with excitement

and looked forward to what the day would bring. Compared to other events that I had attended

that month, I would say that this was the one that helped me understand cultural diversity. On

arrival, I saw people from all ethnic groups who had attended the event. People interacted and

mingled with each other. One of the reasons why I enjoyed participating in the event was that

sharing and interacting with people from diverse cultures gave me a deeper understanding of

their culture. I learned some of their beliefs, traditions, and cultural practices, as well as shared

my beliefs with others. Watching people from diverse cultures participating in one event helped

me understand how our society is becoming more culturally diverse. People are beginning to

understand that we are all human beings, and no race is superior to another.

From the psychological concepts and theories that I learned this semester, I was able to

understand the event. Today, individuals have begun to accept the realities of cultural diversity.

We need to appreciate people for who they are. There is a need for a society to develop strategies

that will make multicultural collaboration effective [ CITATION Ber13 \l 1033 ]. Moreover, we

should learn about their social and cultural norms as we prepare to collaborate with them.

The materials from class helped me gain a greater understanding and appreciation of

cultural diversity. Diversity helps inspire creativity and innovation in a society. Rather than

discriminating against people from other cultures, we should embrace them in our community

and motivate them to contribute to the society positively. Different people from diverse cultures

have a variety of viewpoints. The diversity in the views breeds creativity and drives innovation.


Berry, J. W., & Sam, D. L. (2013). Accommodating cultural diversity and achieving equity.

Hogrefe Publishing.

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