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Chapter 1 : Nature of Mathematics

Mathematics is the language with which God wrote the universe.

- Galileo Galilei

The emergence of digital technology has sparked a monumental rise in the rate at which we consume and
produce data. Before the internet, it could take hours to get several volumes of resources from the library
for a research paper. Today, a few minutes (or seconds, depending on the speed of your connection) using
your mobile device’s browser could get you the same information, or even more. A few decades ago, it
took hours for photographs to be printed and shared, while now, it only takes a matter of seconds for your
perfect selfie to be uploaded and viewed by your relatives and friends on the other side of the world.

In this fast-paced society, how often have you stopped to appreciate the beauty of the things
around you? Have you ever paused and pondered about the underlying principles that govern the
universe? How about contemplating about the processes and mechanisms that make our lives easier, if not
more comfortable? Most people do the same routine tasks every single day and the fundamental concepts
that make these activities possible are often overlooked.

As rational creatures, we also tend to identify and follow patterns, whether consciously or
subconsciously, because it feels natural, like our brain is hardwired to recognize them. Early humans
recognized the repeating interval of day and night, the cycles of the moon, the rising and falling of tides,
and the changing of the seasons. Awareness of these patterns essentially aided humans with survival. In a
similar fashion, many flora and fauna also follow certain patterns, i.e. the arrangement of leaves and
stems in a plant, the shape of a snowflake, the flowers’ petals, or even the shape of a snail’s shell.

What do you think? Do you also notice these patterns around you? What other examples could
you think of?

In this chapter, we will be looking at some of these patterns and regularities in the world, and
how mathematics comes into play, both in nature and in human endeavors.

§ 1.1 : Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World

In the most general sense of the word, patterns are regular, repeated or recurring forms or designs. We see
these every single day, from the look and layout of floor tiles, designs of skyscrapers, to the way we tie
our shoelaces. Patterns indicate a sense of structure or organization such that it would seem that only
humans are capable of producing these intricate, creative and amazing formations. It is from this
perspective that some people see an “intelligent design” in the way that nature is created.

Snowflakes and Honeycombs

Snowflakes are single ice crystals that often exhibit a six-fold symmetry. Recall that symmetry indicates
that you could draw an imaginary line across an object and the resulting halves are almost mirror images
of each other. This type of symmetry, known as line or bilateral symmetry, is very evident in most
animals, including humans. Take a look in a mirror and see how the left and right sides of your face
closely match.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man showing the proportions and symmetry of the human body

In the case of a snowflake, it is symmetric with respect to three intersecting lines. The patterns of a
snowflake repeat almost exactly six times, each spaced at equal angles of 60°. Many combinations and
complex shapes may occur, which lead some people to think that “no two are alike”. Snowflakes aren’t
perfectly symmetric, however, due to the effects of humidity and temperature on the ice crystal as it
forms. (not sure if this is

free, could draw the three lines of symmetry in the figure)

Another marvel of nature’s design is the structure and shape of a honeycomb. People have long wondered
how bees, despite their very small size, are able to produce such configurations while humans would
generally need the use of a ruler and compass to accomplish the same feat. It is considered that such a
formation enables the bee colony to maximize their storage of honey using the smallest amount of wax.

You can try it out for yourself. Using several coins of the same denomination, try to cover as much area
of a piece of paper with coins. If you arrange the coins in a square configuration, there are still plenty of
spots that are exposed. Following the hexagonal formation however, with the second row of coins snugly
fitted in between the first row of coins, you will notice that more area will be covered.

Translating this idea to three-dimensions, we can deduce that hexagonal formations are more optimal in
making use of the available space. These packing problems, which, in the simplest sense, are those that
involve finding the optimum method of filling up a given space, such as a cubic or spherical container.
The bees have instinctively found the best solution, evident in the hexagonal construction of their hives.
These geometric patterns are not only simple and beautiful, but also optimally functional.

Tigers’ Stripes and Hyenas’ Spots

Patterns are also exhibited in the external appearances of animals. We are all familiar with how a tiger
looks, with its distinctive reddish-orange fur and dark stripes. Hyenas, another predator from Africa, are
also covered in patterns of spots. These seemingly unorganized or random designs are believed to be
governed by mathematical equations. According to a theory by Alan Turing, the man famous for breaking
the Enigma code during World War II, chemical reactions and diffusion processes in cells determine
these growth patterns, as well as influence other factors. More recent studies addressed the question of
why some species grow vertical stripes, while others have horizontal ones. This new model follows the
logic that the local patterns produced by the various chemical processes will repeat given a larger space
such as an animal’s fur.

The Sunflower

Looking at a sunflower up close, you will notice that there is a definite pattern of clockwise and
counterclockwise arcs or spirals extending outward from the center of the flower. This is another
demonstration of how nature works to optimize the available space. This arrangement allows the
sunflower seeds to occupy the flower head in a way that maximizes their access to light and necessary

The Snail’s Shell
Snail’s shell

We are also very familiar with spiral patterns, the most common of which could be seen in whirlpools, or
in the shells of snails or other similar mollusks. Snails are born with their shells, called protoconch, and
these start out as very fragile and colorless. Eventually, these original shells harden as the snails consume
a calcium-rich diet. As the snails grow, their shells also expand in the same proportion for them to be able
to continue to live inside it. This process results in a refined spiral structure that is even more visible
when the shell is sliced. This figure, called an equiangular spiral, follows the rule that as the distance
from the spiral center increases (radius), the amplitudes of the angles formed by the radii to the point and
the tangent to the point remain constant. This is yet another example of how nature seems to follow a
certain set of rules governed by mathematics. (maybe there’s a better free picture)

Flower Petals
Flowers are easily considered as things of beauty. Their vibrant colors and fragrant odors make them very
appealing as gifts or decorations. Looking at the flowers closely, you will note that each species has a
different number of petals. Take the lily and iris, for example, with both of them having only 3 petals in
their flowers. Flowers with five petals are said to be the most common. These include the buttercup, the
columbine, and the hibiscus. Among those flowers with eight petals are clematis and delphinium, while
ragwort and marigold have thirteen. These numbers are all Fibonacci numbers, which we’ll discuss in a
little bit more detail in the next section.

Buttercup flower with five petals

World Population
It is estimated that as of 2017, the world population is about 7.6 billion. All these people are spread across
various continents and countries. World leaders, sociologists and anthropologists are all interested in
studying the population, including its growth. Mathematics could be used to model the total world
population growth. Recall that the formula for exponential growth is A = Pe rt, where “A” is the size of the
population after it grows, “P” is the initial amount of people, “r” is the rate of growth, and “t” is time.
Recall further that “e” is Euler’s constant with an approximate value of 2.718. Plugging in values to this
formula would result in the population after time, “t”, with a growth rate of “r”.

Oktoberfest crowd in Baravia


Example 1: Population Growth

The exponential growth model A = 30e 0.02t describes the population of a city in the Philippines in
thousands, t years after 1995.

A. What was the population of the city in 1995?

B. What will be the population in 2017?

A. Since our exponential growth model describes the population t years after 1995, we consider 1995 as t
= 0 and then solve for A, our population size.

A = 30e0.02t

A = 30e(0.02)(0) Replace t with t = 0

A = 30e0

A = 30(1) e0 = 1

A = 30

Therefore, the city population in 1995 was 30,000.

B. We need to find A for the year 2017. To find t, we subtract 2017 and 1995 to get t = 22, which we then
plug into our exponential growth model.

A = 30e0.02t

A = 30e(0.02)(22) Replace t with t = 22

A = 30e0.44

A = 30(1.55271) e0.44 is approximately 1.55271

A = 46.5812

Therefore, the city population would be about 46,581 in 2017.

Check Your Progress 1

The exponential growth model A = 50e0.07t describes the population of a city in the Philippines in
thousands, t years after 1997.

A. What is the population after 20 years?

B. What is the population in 2037?


A. About 202,760

B. About 822,232
Take Note

The formula for exponential growth could also be used for exponential decay, with the rate “r” being a
negative value. The time “t” should coincide with the given rate, i.e. if the time is in years, then the
growth rate should also be a yearly growth rate.

Exercise Set 1.1

Substitute the given information in the formula A = Pert to find the missing quantity.

1. P = 680,000; r = 12% per year; t = 8 years

Answer: A = 1,775,950

2. A = 1,240,000; r = 8% per year; t = 30 years

Answer: P = 112,490

3. A = 786,000; P = 247,000; t = 17 years

Answer: r = 0.068092 or 6.81% per year

4. A = 731,093; P = 525,600; r = 3% per year

Answer: t = 11 years

5. Suppose the population of a certain bacteria in a laboratory sample is 100. If it doubles in population
every 6 hours, what is the growth rate? How many bacteria will there be in two days?

Answer: r = 0.115525 or 11.55% per hour; A = 25,600 bacteria

§ 1.2 : The Fibonacci Sequence

The human mind is hard-wired to recognize patterns, as we’ve seen when we noted some of nature’s
wonders. In mathematics, we could generate patterns by performing one or several mathematical
operations over and over. Suppose we start with the number 3 as the first number in our pattern. We then
choose to add the number 5 to our first number, resulting in 8, which is our second number. Repeating
this process, we obtain 13, 18, 23, 28, … as the succeeding numbers that form our pattern. In
mathematics, we call these ordered lists of numbers a sequence.

In mathematics, a sequence is an ordered list of numbers, called terms, that may have repeated values.
The arrangement of these terms is set by some definite rule.

Example 2: Generating a Sequence

Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three terms.

A. 1, 10, 100, 1000

B. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20


A. Looking at the set of numbers, it can be observed that each term is a power of 10: 1 = 10 0, 10 = 101,
100 = 102, and 1000 = 103. Following this rule, the next three terms are: 10 4 = 10000, 105 = 100000, and
106 = 1000000.

B. The difference between the first and second terms (2 and 5) is 3. The difference between the second
and third terms (5 and 9) is 4. The difference between the third and fourth terms (9 and 14) is 5.
Following this rule, it can be deduced that to obtain the next term, the current term should be increased by
2 + n, where n is the position of the current term. Hence, the following three terms are 20 + 2 + 5 = 27, 27
+ 2 + 6 = 35, 35 + 2 + 7 = 44.

Check Your Progress 2:

Analyze the given sequence for its rule and identify the next three terms.

A. 16, 32, 64, 128

B. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8


A. 256, 512, 1024

B. 13, 21, 34

The sequence in Check Your Progress 2 Item B is a very special sequence called the Fibonacci sequence.
It is named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who was better known by his nickname
Fibonacci. He is said to have discovered this sequence as he looked at how a hypothesized group of
rabbits bred and reproduced. The problem involved having a single pair of rabbits and then finding out
how many pairs of rabbits will be born in a year, with the assumption that a new pair of rabbits is born
each month and this new pair, in turn, gives birth to additional pairs of rabbits beginning at two months
after they were born. He noted that the set of numbers generated from this problem could be extended by
getting the sum of the two previous terms.

(maybe we have something similar to this)

Starting with 0 and 1, the succeeding terms in the sequence could be generated by adding the two
numbers that came before:

0+1=1 0, 1, 1

1+1=2 0, 1, 1, 2

1+2=3 0, 1, 1, 2, 3

2+3=5 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5

3+5=8 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

5 + 8 = 13 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
… 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, …

While the sequence carries Fibonacci’s name, this particular pattern is said to have been
discovered much earlier in India. According to some scholarly articles, this is evident in the number of
variations of a particular category of Sanskrit and Prakrit poetry meters. In poetry, meter refers to the
rhythmic pattern of syllables. Counting these as they appear in poetry leads to the general rule for the
formation of the Fibonacci sequence, which is

This special sequence has many interesting properties. Among these is that this pattern is very
visible in nature. Some of nature’s most beautiful patterns, like the spiral arrangement of sunflower seeds,
the number of petals in a flower, and the shape of a snail’s shell – things that we looked at earlier in this
chapter – all contain Fibonacci numbers. It is also interesting to note that the ratios of successive
Fibonacci numbers approach the number Φ (Phi), also known as the Golden Ratio. This is approximately
equal to 1.618.

1/1 = 1.0000

2/1 = 2.0000

3/2 = 1.5000

5/3 = 1.6667

8/5 = 1.6000

13/8 = 1.6250

21/13 = 1.6154

34/21 = 1.6191

55/34 = 1.6177

89/55 = 1.6182

This Golden Ratio can also be expressed as the ratio between two numbers, if the latter is also the
ratio between the sum and the larger of the two numbers. Geometrically, it can also be visualized as a
rectangle perfectly formed by a square and another rectangle, which can be repeated infinitely inside each
section. Shapes and figures that bear this proportion are generally considered to be aesthetically pleasing.
As such, this ratio is visible in many works of art and architecture such as in the Mona Lisa, the Notre
Dame Cathedral, and the Parthenon. In fact, the human DNA molecule also contains Fibonacci numbers,
being 34 ångstroms long by 21 ångstroms wide for each full cycle of the double helix spiral. As shown in
the list above, this approximates the Golden Ratio at a value of about 1.619. (1 ångstrom = 10 -10 meter or
0.1 nanometer)

Golden rectangle with the golden spiral (maybe there is a free alternative)
Mona Lisa (maybe we have a free version)

The Parthenon (maybe there is a better free image alternative)

Exercise Set 1.2

Let Fib(n) be the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence, with Fib(1) = 1, Fib(2) = 1, Fib(3) = 2, and so on.

1. Find Fib (8).

Answer: 21

2. Find Fib(19).

Answer: 4181

3. If Fib(22) = 17,711 and Fib(24) = 46,368, what is Fib(23)?

Answer: 28,657

4. Evaluate the following sums:

Fib(1) + Fib(2) = _____

Fib(1) + Fib(2) + Fib(3) = _____

Fib(1) + Fib(2) + Fib(3) + Fib(4) = _____

Determine the pattern in the successive sums. What will be the sum of Fib(1) + Fib(2) + … + Fib(10)?

Answer: t = The sums follow the pattern Fib(1) + Fib(2) + … + Fib(n) = Fib(n+2) – 1. Therefore, the sum
of the first ten Fibonacci numbers is equal to Fib(10+2) – 1 = 144 – 1 = 143.

5. If you have a wooden board that is 0.75 meters wide, how long should you cut it such that the Golden
Ratio is observed? Use the value of the Golden Ratio as 1.618.

Answer: 1.2135 meters

§ 1.3 : Mathematics for our World

We have witnessed in the preceding sections how mathematics is evident in the natural world –
specifically in how the patterns that we observe in nature follow logical and mathematical structures. It is
therefore of great importance that we students learn mathematical concepts and procedures and apply
them in solving our problems, from our individual concerns to matters that affect the rest of the world.

Mathematics for organization

So many events happen all around us. In the blink of an eye, several children have already been born, so
many liters of water have been consumed, or several thousands of tweets have been posted. For us to
make sense of all of these data, we need mathematical tools to help us make sound analysis and better
decisions. A particular store could gather data on the shopping patterns of their customers and adjust their
prices or product placements to help drive sales. Scientists could plot bird migration routes to help
endangered animal populations. Social media analysts could crunch all the online postings using software
to gauge the netizens’ sentiments on particular issues or personalities.

Software could generate a similar map of words that are most talked about in social media. The bigger the
font, the more netizens are talking about the concept or topic. (maybe we have a free version)

Mathematics for prediction

It is sometimes said that history repeats itself. As much as we can use mathematical models using existing
data to generate analysis and interpretations, we can also use them to make predictions. Applying the
concepts of probability, mathematicians could calculate the chances of an event occurring. The weather is
a prime example. Based on historical patterns, meteorologists could make relatively accurate forecasts to
help prepare us for our day-to-day activities, or warn us of weather systems that could affect entire
populations for weeks or months. Astronomers could also use these regular patterns to predict the
occurrence of meteor showers or eclipses. In 2017, announcements were made regarding when heavenly
phenomena such as the Draconid Meteor Shower and “The Great American Eclipse” would occur and
where would be the best places to view them.
The comet that creates the Draconid Meteor Shower, Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner as seen on November
11, 1997 (Wikimedia Commons, maybe we have a royalty-free one?)
Total Solar Eclipse

Mathematics for control

We have demonstrated by means of examples around us that patterns are definitely present in the
universe. There seems to be an underlying mathematical structure in the way that natural objects and
phenomenon behave. While photographers could capture a single moment through a snapshot,
filmmakers could record events live as they unfold, painters and sculptors could create masterpieces in
interpreting their surroundings, poets could use beautiful words to describe an object, and songwriters
could capture and reproduce sounds that they hear, these observations of nature as well as their
interactions and relationships could be more elegantly described by means of mathematical equations. As
stated by astrophysicist Brian Greene, “With a few symbols on a page, you can describe a wealth of
physical phenomena."

It is interesting then to ponder on how mathematics, an invention of the human mind, seems to
permeate the innate laws that hold the universe together. There have been instances when natural
phenomenon have been predicted to exist because the mathematics says it, but have only been proven
after many years when advancements in technology have allowed us to expand our horizons and view a
little more into the abyss. For example, in 1916, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational
waves based on his theory of general relativity. This is when “ripples” are formed in the fabric of space-
time due to large and violent cosmic events, very much like when a pebble is thrown on a stagnant pond.
About a hundred years later, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced
that it found evidence of this phenomenon.

A large cosmic disturbance could cause ripples in space-time, like a pebble thrown in a pond

Though the use of mathematics, man is also able to exert control over himself and the effects of
nature. The ongoing threat of climate change and global warming has been the subject of much debate
over the years. It is believed that unless man changes his behavior, patterns are said to indicate that sea
levels could rise to catastrophic levels as the polar caps melt due to the increase in global temperatures,
fueled by deforestation and the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. To ensure that greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere are kept at levels that would not interfere with the climate system, the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was signed in 1992 and has 197
parties as of December 2015.

Mathematics is indispensable

How is it possible that mathematics, a product of human thought that is independent of experience, fits so
excellently the objects of reality?

- Albert Einstein

In this chapter, it was highlighted how mathematics play a huge role in the underpinnings of our world.
We have seen it in living creatures and natural phenomena. We have also looked at examples of how
mathematical concepts could be applied. Whether you are on your way to becoming a doctor, an engineer,
an entrepreneur, or a chef, a knowledge of mathematics could only be helpful. In the most basic level,
logical reasoning and critical thinking are crucial skills that are needed in any endeavor. As such, the
study of mathematics should be embraced as it paves the way for more educated decisions and in a way,
brings us closer to understanding the natural world.

Exercise Set 1.3

Answer the following questions.

1. Vlad had a summer job packing sweets. Each should weigh 200 grams. Vlad had to pack 15 packs of
sweets. He checked the weights, in grams, correct to the nearest gram. These are his results:

212 206 203 206 199

196 197 197 209 206

198 191 196 206 207

What is the most frequent data?

Answer: 206 grams

2. A certain study found that the relationship between the students’ exam scores (y) and the number of
hours they spend studying (x) is given by the equation y = 10x + 45. Using this information, what will be
the estimated score for a student who spent 4 hours studying?

Answer: 85

3. The distance that is traveled by an object given its initial velocity and acceleration over a period of time
is given by the equation d = v0t + ½at2. Find the distance traveled by an airplane before it takes off if it
starts from rest and accelerates down a runway at 3.50 m/s 2 for 34.5 s.

Answer: 2,082.94 m

Chapter 1 Summary

1.1 Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World

Patterns are regular, repeated or recurring forms or designs.
Patterns are commonly observed in natural objects, such as the six-fold symmetry of snowflakes,
the hexagonal structure and formation of honeycombs, the tiger’s stripes and hyena’s spots, the
number of seeds in a sunflower, the spiral of a snail’s shell, and the number of petals of flowers.
Humans are hard-wired to recognize patterns and by studying them, we discovered the underlying
mathematical principles behind nature’s designs.
1.2 The Fibonacci Sequence
A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, called terms, that may have repeated values. The
arrangement of these terms is set by some definite rule.
The terms of a sequence could be generated by applying the rule to previous terms of the
The Fibonacci sequence is formed by adding the preceding two numbers, beginning with 0 and 1.
Ratios of two Fibonacci numbers approximate the Golden Ratio, considered as the most
aesthetically pleasing proportion.
1.3 Mathematics for our World
Mathematics helps organize patterns and regularities in the world.
Mathematics helps predict the behavior of nature and phenomena in the world, as well as helps
humans exert control over occurrences in the world for the advancement of our civilization.
Because of the many applications of mathematics across different fields, it is a very indispensable
tool that must be studied by everyone.

Chapter Exercises

Patterns and Sequences

1. Draw the image the completes the pattern:

answers.pdf … maybe we have something similar?)

2. What completes the following pattern? CSD, ETF, GUH, _____, KWL
Answer: IVJ
3. What number should come next in this sequence? 22, 21, 25, 24, 28, 27, …
Answer: 31
4. What letter comes next in this pattern? O T T F F S S E …
Answer: N
5. What number comes next? 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, …
Answer: 216

Exponential Growth and Decay

6. A house is purchased for P1,000,000 in 2002. The value of the house is given by the exponential
growth model A = 1000000e0.645t. Find when the house would be worth P5,000,000.
Answer: t = 2.495 or approximately 2.5 years. The house would be worth P5,000,000 in 2004,
give or take a few months.
7. The amount of radioactive material present at time t is given by A = A 0ekt, where A0 is the initial
amount, k < 0 is the rate of decay. Radioactive substances are more commonly described in terms
of their half-life or the time required for half of the substance to decompose. Determine the half-
life of substance X if after 600 years, a sample has decayed to 85% of its original mass.
Answer: The half-life is approximately 2559 years.

Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio

8. Starting at the first Fibonacci number, Fib(1) = 1 and the second Fibonacci number, Fib(2) = 1,
what is the 15th Fibonacci number, Fib(15)?
Answer: 610
9. What is Fib(20)?
Answer: 6765
10. Given Fib(30) = 832,040 and Fib(28) = 317,811, what is Fib(29)?
Answer: 514,229
11. The ratio Fib(n+1)/Fib(n) as n gets larger is said to approach the Golden Ratio, approximately
equal to 1.618. What happens to the inverse of this ratio, Fib(n)/Fib(n+1)? What number does this
quantity approach? How does this compare to the original ratio?
Answer: 0.618. It is equal to the original ratio minus 1.
12. Consider Fib(3) = 2. What do you notice about every third Fibonacci number, i.e. Fib(6), Fib(9),
Fib(12), …? Similarly, look at Fib(4) = 3, then check out every fourth Fibonacci number, i.e.
Fib(8), Fib(12), Fib(16), …. What seems to be the pattern behind these sequences generated from
Fibonacci numbers?
Answer: Every third Fibonacci number is a multiple of 2 (Fib(3) = 2, Fib(6) = 8, Fib(9) = 34,
Fib(12) = 144, …. Every fourth Fibonacci number is a multiple of 3 (Fib(4) = 3, Fib(8) = 21,
Fib(12) = 144, Fib(16) = 987, …. Every nth Fibonacci number is a multiple of Fib(n).

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