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by Robert A . Dahl
Department oj Political Science, Yale University

What is “power”? Most people have an intuitive notion of what

it means. But scientists have not yet formulated a statement of the
concept of power that is rigorous enough to be of use in the sys-
tematic study of this important social phenomenon. Power is here
defined in terms of a relation between people, and is expressed
in simple symbolic notation. From this definition is developed
a statement of power comparability, or the relative degree of
power held by two or more persons. With these concepts it is
possible for example, to rank members of the United States Senate
according to their “power” over legislation on foreign policy and
on tax and fiscal policy.

T HAT some people have more power than being studied more or less systematically.
others is one of the most palpable facts The second and more cynical suspicion is
of human existence. Because of this, the that a Thing to which people attach many
concept of power is as ancient and ubiquitous labels with subtly or grossly different mean-
as any that social theory can boast. If these ings in many different cultures and times is
assertions needed any documentation, one probably not a Thing at all but many
could set up an endless parade of great Things; there are students of the subject,
names from Plato and Aristotle through although I do not recall any who have had
Machiavelli and Hobbes to Pareto and the temerity t o say so in print, who think
Weber to demonstrate that a large number that because of this the whole study of
of seminal social theorists have devoted a “power” is a bottomless swamp.
good deal of attention to power and the Paradoxical as it may sound, it is probably
phenomena associated with it. Doubtless it too early to know whether these critics are
would be easy to show, too, how the word right. For, curiously enough, the systematic
and its synonyms are evcrywhere embedded study of power is very recent, precisely be-
in the languagc of civilized peoples, often in cause it is only lately that serious attempts
subtly different ways: power, influence, con- have been made to formulate the concept
trol, pouvoir, puissance, Macht, Herrschaft, rigorously enough for systematic study.’ If
Gewalt, imperium, potestas, auctoritas, we take as our criterion for the efficiency of
potentia, etr. a scientific concept its usability in a theo-
I shall spare the reader the fruits and retical system that possesses a high degree
myself the labor of such a demonstration. By dernonst,ratingthe importance of concepts
Reflecting on the appeal to authority that such as power and influence, particularly in po-
might be made does, however, arouse two litical analysin, and by insisting upon rigorous
conceptual clarity, Harold TAasswellhas had a
suspicions: First (following the axiom that seminal influence. Cf. especially Reference 3. A
where there is smoke there is fire), if so similar approach will be found in References 6, 7,
many people at so many different times have 8, 10. For the approach of the present article I owe
felt the need to attach the label power, or a particularly heavy debt to March, with whom I
something like it, to some Thing they be- had countlesR profitable discussions during a year
both spent as fellows at the Center for Ad-
lieve they have observed, one is tempted to we vanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. I have
suppose that the Thing must exist; and not drawn free1.v not only on our joint work but on
only exist, but exist in a form capable of his own published and unpublished writings on the

of systematic and empirical import, then we some specific purposes, and the actual or
simply cannot say whether rigorous defi- possible results of these operational d, ti-
nitions of the concept of power are likely nitions.
to be useful in theoretical systems with a I should like to be permitted one liberty.
relatively large pay-off in the hard coin of There is a long and honorable history at-
scientific understanding. The evidence is tached to such words as power, influence,
not yet in. control, and authority. For a great many
I think it can be shown, however, that purposes, it is highly important that a
to define the concept “power” in a way that distinction should be made among them;
seems to catch the central intuitively under- thus to Max Weber, “Herrschaft ist. . , ein
stood meaning of the word must inevitably Sonderfall u r n Macht,” Authority is a special
result in a formal definition that is not easy case of the first, and Legitimate Authority
to apply in concrete research problems; a subtype of cardinal significance (11).
and therefore, operational equivalents of In this essay I am seeking to explicate the
the formal definition, designed to meet the primitive notion that seems to lie behind
needs of a particular research problem, are all of these concepts. Some of my readers
likely to diverge from one another in im- would doubtless prefer the term (‘influence,”
portant ways. Thus we are not likely to while others may insist that I am talking
producecertainly not for some consider- about control. I should like to be permitted
able time to comeanything like a single, to use these terms interchangeably when
consistent, coherent “Theory of Power.” it is convenient to do so, without denying
We are much more likely to produce a or seeming to deny that for many other
variety of theories of limited scope, each purposes distinctions are necessary and
of which employs some definition of power useful. Unfortunately, in the English lan-
that is useful in the context of the particular guage power is an awkward word, for unlike
piece of research or theory but different in “influence” and “control” it has no con-
important respects from the definitions of venient verb form, nor can the subject and
other studies. Thus we may never get object of the relation be supplied with noun
through the swamp. But it looks as if we forms without resort to barbaric neologisms.
might someday get around it. POWER AS A RELATION AMONG PEOPLE
With this in mind, I propose first to essay
a formal definition of power that will, I What is the intuitive idea we are trying
hope, catch something of one’s intuitive to capture? Suppose I stand on a street
notions as to what the Thing is. By “formal” corner and say to myself, “I command all
I mean that the definition will presuppose automobile drivers on this street to drive
the existence of observations of a kind that on the right side of the road”; suppose
may not always or even frequently be further that all the drivers actually do as I
possible. Second, I should like to indicate “command” them to do; still, most people
how operational definitions have been or will regard me as mentally ill if I insist that
might be modelled on the formal one for I have enough power over automobile
drivers to compel them to use the right side
subject. The comments of Jacob Marschak on this
of the road. On the other hand, suppose a
paper have also been most helpful. There are, of policeman is standing in the middle of an
course, approaches radically different from the intersection a t which most traffic ordinarily
one employed here and in the works mentioned moves ahead; he orders all traffic to turn
above. John R. P. French, Jr. (2), has developed a right or left; the traffic moves as he orders
model that assumes “a unidimensional continuum
of opinion which can be measured with a ratio it to do. Then it accords with what I con-
scale,” and he defines “the power of A over B ceive t o be the bedrock idea of power to
(with respect to a given opinion) [to be] equal to say that the policeman acting in this particu-
the maximum force which A can induce on B lar role evidently has the power to make
minus the maximum resisting force which B can automobile drivers turn right or left rather
mobilize in the opposite direction.” Game theory
provides still another approach. Cf. References 4, than go ahead. My intuitive idea of power,
5, 9. then, is something like this: A has power

over B to the extent that he can get B to patronage, his constitutional veto, the
do homething that B would not otherwise do. possibility of calling White House con-
If Hume and his intellec%ual successors ferences, his influence with the national
had never existed, the distinction between electorate, his charisma, his charm, and the
the two events above might be firmer than like.
it, is. But anyone who sees in the two cases In a sense, the base is inert, passive. It
the need to distinguish mere “association” must be exploited in some fashion if the
from “causc” will realize that the attempt behavior of others is to be altered. The
to define power could push us into some means or instruments of such exploitation
messy epistemological problems that do not are numerous; often they involve threats or
semi to havc any generally accepted so- promises to employ the base in some way
lutions at the moment. I shall therefore and they may involve actual use of the base.
quite deliberately stccr dear of the possible In the case of the President, the means
identity of “power” with “cause,” and the would include the promise of patronage,
host of problems this identity might give the threat of veto, the holding of a conference,
rise to. the threat of appeal to the electorate, the
Let us proceed in a different way. First, e.rcrcise of charin and charisma, etc.
let 11s agree that power is a relation, and that Thus the means is a mediating activity by
it is a relatioii among people. Although in A between A’s base and B’s response. The
common speech the term encompasses re- scope consists of B’s responses. The scope
lations among people and other animate or of the President’s power might therefore
inanimate objects, we shall have our hands include such Congressional actions as
full if we confiiie the relationship to humaii passiiig or killing a bill, failing to override
beings. All of the social theory I mentioned a veto, holding hearings, etc.
earlicr is interesting only when it deals with The amount of an actor’s power can be
this liniitcd kind of relationship. Let us represented by a probability statement:
call the objects in the relationship of power, e.g., “the chances are 9 out of 10 that if the
actors. Actors may be individuals, groups, President promises a judgeship to five key
roles, ofices, governments, nation-states, Senators, the Senate will not override his
or other human aggregates. veto,” etc. Clearly the amount can only be
To specify the actors in a power relatioii- specified in conjunction with the means
A has power over R-is not very interesting, and scope.
informative, or even accurate. Although the Suppose now we should wish to make a
statement that the President has (some) relatively complete and concise statement
power over Congress is not empty, neither is about the power of individual A over indi-
it very useful. A much more complete vidual a (whom I shall call the respondent)
statement would include references to ( a ) with respect to some given scope of re-
the source, domain, or base of the President’s sponses. In order to introduce the basic
power over Congress; (1)) the means or ideas involved, let us restrict ourselves to
iiistrunieiits uhed by the President to exert the 2 by 2 case, where the actor A does or
power over Congress; ( c ) the amount or does not perform some act and the re-
extent of his p o w r over Congress; and ( d ) spondent a does or does not “respond.”
the range or scopc of his power over Congress. Let us employ the following symbols:
The base of an avtor’s power consists of all
the rc~sources- -opportunities, acts, objects, (-4,w) = A does w. For example, the
ctc.-that he can exploit in order to effect President makes a nation-
thc behavior of another. Much of the best wide television appeal for
writing on power-Bertrand Russell is a tax increases.
good example-consists of an examination of ( A , TO) = A does not do W.
the possible bases of power. A study of the (a, .T) = a, the respondent, does x. For
war potential of nations is also a study of the example, the Senate votes to
h s e s of power. t5ome of the possible bases of increase taxes.
u Presidelit’s power over a Senator are his (a, 5) = a does not do x.

P (ulv) = Probability that u happens can be said to exist. I shall leave the con-
when v happens. cept of “connection” undefined, for I wish
only to call attention to the practical sig-
Then a relatively complete and concise nificance of this second condition. In looking
statement would be symbolized : for a flow of influence, control, or power from
P(a, zlA, w) = pl A to a, one must always find out whether
there is a connection, or an opportunity for a
p ( a , xlA, = PZ connection, and if there is not, then one need
Suppose now, that p1 = 0.4 and p z = 0.1. proceed no further. The condition, obvious
Then one interpretation might be: (‘The as it is, thus has considerable practical
probability that the Senate will vote to importance for it enables one t o screen out
increase taxes if the President makes a many possible relations quite early in an
nationwide television appeal for a tax inquiry.
increase is 0.4. The probability that the 3. In examining the intuitive view of the
Senate will vote to increase taxes if the power relation, I suggested that it seemed
President does not make such an appeal is t o involve a successful attempt by A to
0.1.’’ get a to do something he would not other-
wise do. This hints at a way of stating a
third necessary condition for the power
Now let us specify some properties of the relation. Suppose the chances are about one
power relation. out of a hundred that one of my students,
1. A necessary condition for the power Jones, will read The Great Transformation
relation is that there exists a time lag, during the holidays even if I do not mention
however small, from the actions of the the book to him. Suppose that if I mention
actor who is said to exert power to the re- the book to him and ask him to read it, the
sponses of the respondent. This require- chances that he will do so are still only one
ment merely accords with one’s intuitive out of a hundred. Then it accords with my
belief that A can hardly be said to have intuitive notions of power to say that
power over a unless A’s power attempts evidently I have no power over Jones with
precede a’s responses. The condition, ob- respect to his reading The Great Trans-
vious as it is, is critically important in the formution during the holidays-at least
actual study of power relations. Who runs not if I restrict the basis of my action to
the XYZ Corporation? Whenever the mentioning the book and asking him (po-
president announces a new policy, he im- litely) t o read it. Guessing this to be the
mediately secures the compliance of the top case, I tell Jones that if he does not read the
officials. But upon investigation it turns book over the holidays I shall fail him in
out that every new policy he announces has my course. Suppose now that the chances
first been put to him by the head of the sales he will read the book are about 99 out of
department. Or again, suppose we had a 100. Assume further that nothing else in
full record of the times at which each one of Jones’s environment has changed, at least
the top Soviet leaders revealed his positions nothing relevant to his reading or not read-
on various issues; we could then deduce a ing the book. Then it fully accords with my
great deal about who is running the show intuitive notions of power to say that I
and who is not. A good bit of the mystery have some power over Jones’s holiday read-
surrounding the role of White House figures ing habits. The basis of my power is the
like Sherman Adams and Harry Hopkins right to fail him in his course with me, and
would also be clarified by a record of this the means I employ is t o invoke this threat.
kind. Let me now set down symbolically what
2. A second necessary condition is, like I have just said. Let
the first, obvious and nonetheless important
in research: there is no “action at a dis- (D,w) = my threat to fail Jones if he does
tance.” Unless there is some “connection” not read The Great Trans-
between A and a, then no power relation formationduring the holidays.

(D,W ) = no action on my part. I do have a curious kind of negative power

(,I,.r) = Jones reads The Great Transjor- over him. The Legion of Decency sometimes
mntion during the holidays. seems to have this kind of power over movie-
Further, let goers. Stalin was often said to wield negative
power over the actions on appropriations for
p l = P ( J , xID, w)the probability that foreign aid by the American Congress. A
Jones will read The
Great Transjorma- study of the Senate that will be discussed
tion if I threaten to later suggested that at least one Senator
fail him. had this kind of effect on the Senate on some
kinds of issues.
p 2 = P ( J , zID, a)the probability that
Jones will read the Note that the concept of negative power,
book if I do not and M as a measure, are both independent
threaten to fail him. of the intent of A . The measure does, to
be sure, require one to assign a positive and
Now let us define the amount of power. negative direction to the responses of the
To avoid the cbonfusion that might arise from respondent; what one chooses as a criterion
the letter p , let us use the symbol M (from of direction will depend upon his research
Macht) to designate the amount of power. purposes and doubtless these will often in-
Then, in accordance with the ideas set out clude some idea as to the intent of the actors
in the illustration above, we define A’s power in a power relation. To take a specific case,
over a, with respect to the response x, by pl could mean “the probability that Congress
means of w,as M, or, more fully: will defeat a bill if it is contained in the
President’s legislative program,” and p2

(: )
M -:w, z = P(a, x1 A , w) could mean “the probability that Congress
will defeat such a bill if it is not contained in
- P(a, z I A , m ) = p l - p the President’s legislative program.” By
assigning direction in this way, positive
Thus in the case of myself and Jones, M , values of M would be associated with what
my power over Jones, with respect to read- ordinarily would be interpreted as meaning
ing a hook during the holidays, is 0.98. a “negative” influence of the President over
We can now specify some additional Congress. The point of the example is to
properties of the power relation in terms of show that while the measure does require
ill : that direction be specified, the intent of A
a. If pl = p2, then M = 0 and no power is not the only criterion for assigning di-
relation exists. The absence of power is thus rection.
equivalent to statistical independence.
b. M is at a maximum when p l = 1 and POWER COMPARABILITY
p 2 = 0. This is roughly equivalent to saying The main problem, however, is not to
that A unfailingly gets B to do something determine the existence of power but to
B would never do otherwise. make comparisons. Doubtless we are all
c. M is at a minimum when p l = 0 and agreed that Stalin was more powerful than
p 2 = 1. If negative values of M are to be Roosevelt in a great many ways, that
included in the power relation at all-and McCarthy was less powerful after his
Some readers might object to the idea-then censure by the Senate than before, etc.
we shall have a concept of “negative power.” But what, precisely, do we mean? Evidently
This is not as foolish as it may seem, al- we need to define the concepts “more power
though one must admit that negative con- than,” “less powerthan,” and “equal power.”
trol of this kind is not ordinarily conceived Suppose we wish to compare the power of
of as power. If, whenever I ask my son to two different individuals. We have at least
stay home on Saturday morning to mow five factors that might be included in a
the lawn, my request has the inevitable comparison: (1) differences in the basis of
effect of inducing him to go swimming, their power, (2) differences in means of
when he would otherwise have stayed home, employing the basis, (3) differences in the

scope of their power, i.e., in type of re- interested in the relative effectiveness of the
sponse evoked, (4)differences in the number threat of veto employed by different gover-
of comparable respondents, and ( 5 ) differ- nors.
ences in the change in probabilities, or M . In whatever fashion one chooses to define
The first two of these may be conveniently the relevant properties of the actors whose
thought of as differences in properties of the power he wishes to compare, strictly speak-
actors exercising power, and the last three ing one must compare them with respect to
may be thought of as differences in the the responses they are capable of evoking.
responses of the respondents. Now it is Ideally, it would be desirable to have a
clear that the pay-off lies in the last t h r e e single measure combining differences in
the responses. When we examine the first scope, number of comparable respondents
two in order to compare the power of in- controlled, and change in probabilities.
dividuals, rulers, or states, we do so on the But there seems to exist no intuitively
supposition that differences in bases and satisfying method for doing so. With an
means of actors are very likely to produce average probability approaching one, I
differences in the responses of those they can induce each of 10 students to come to
seek to control. class for an examination on a Friday after-
As I have already indicated, much of the noon when they would otherwise prefer to
most important and useful research and make off for New York or Northampton.
analysis on the subject of power concerns With its existing resources and techniques,
the first two items, the properties of the the New Haven Police Department can
actors exercising power, and there is good prevent about half the students who park
reason to suppose that studies of this kind along the streets near my office from staying
will be as indispensable in the future as they beyond the legal time limit. Which of us has
have been in the past. But since we are the more power? The question is, I believe,
concerned at the moment with a formal incapable of being answered unless we are
explication of the concept of power, and ready to treat my relationships with my
not with an investigation of research prob- students as in some sense comparable with
lems, (some of these will be taken up later the relations of the Police Department to
on) it is important to make clear that another group of students. Otherwise any
analysis of the first two items does not, answer would be arbitrary, because there is
strictly speaking, provide us with a com- no valid way of combining the three vari-
parison of the power of two or more actors, ables-scope, number of respondents, and
except insofar as it permits us to make change in probabilities-into a single scale.
inferences about the last three items. If we Let us suppose, for a moment, that with
could make these inferences more directly, respect to two of the three variables the
we should not be particularly interested in responses associated with the actions of
the first two items-at least not for purposes two (or more) actors we wish to compare
of making comparisons of power. On the are identical. Then it is reasonable to define
other hand, given information about the the power of A as greater than the power
responses, we may be interested in comparing of B if, with respect to the remaining vari-
the efficiency of different bases or means; able, the responses associated with A’s acts
in this case, evidently, we can make a are greater than the responses associated
comparison only by holding one or both of with B’s acts. It will be readily seen, how-
the first two factors constant, so to speak. ever, that we may have jumped from the
In general, the properties of the power frying pan into the fire, for the term “greater
wielder that we bring into the problem are than” is still to be defined. Let us take up
determined by the goals of one’s specific our variables one by one.
research. For example, one might be in- To begin with, we may suppose that the
terested in the relative power of different probability of evoking the response being the
state governors to secure favorable legis- same for two actors and the numbers of
lative action on their proposals by means comparable persons in whom they can evoke
of patronage; or alternatively, one might be the response also being the same, then if the

scope of responses evoked by A is greater termined only in view of the nature and aims
than that evoked by B, A’s power is greater of the research a t hand.
than B’s. But how ran we decide whether The third variable is the only one of the
one scope is larger than another? Suppose three without this inherent limitation. If
that I could induce my son to bathe every scope and numbers are identical, then there
evening and to brush his teeth before going can be no doubt, I think, that it fully ac-
to bed and that my neighbor could induce cords with our intuitive and common-sense
his son to serve him breakfast in bed every notions of the meaning of power to say that
morning. Are the two responses I can con- the actor with the highest probability of
trol t o be counted as greater than the one securing the response is the more powerful.
response my neighbor call control? Evi- Take the set of Democratic Senators in the
dently what we are willing to regard as a United States Senate. Suppose that the
“greater” or “lesser” scope of responses will chance that at least two-thirds of them will
be dictated by the particular piece of re- support the President’s proposals on federal
search a t hand; it seems fruitless to at- aid to education is 0.6. It is fair to say that
tempt to devise any single scale. At one no matter what I may do in behalf of federal
extreme we may wish to say that A’s scope aid to education, if there are no other
is greater than B’s only if A’s scope con- changes in the situation except those brought
tains in it every response in B’s and a t
about by my efforts the probability that
least one more; this would appear to be the
narrowest definition. At the other extreme, two-thirds of them will support federal
we may be prepared to treat a broad cate- aid will remain virtually a t 0.6. If, on the
gory of responses as comparable, and A’s other hand, Senator Johnson, as majority
scope is then said to be greater than B’s leader, lends his full support and all his skill
if the number of comparable responses in of maneuver t o the measure the probability
his scope is larger than the number in B’s. may rise, let us say, to 0.8. We may then
There are other possible definitions. The conclude (what we already virtually know
important point is that the particular is the case, of course) that Senator Johnson
definition one chooses will evidently have to has more power over Democratic Senators
merge from considerations of the substance with respect to federal aid t o education than
and objectives of a specific piece of research, I have.
and not from general theoretical considera- Earlier in defining the amount of power by
tions. the measure, M , I had already anticipated
Much the same argument applies to the this conclusion. What I have just said is
second variable. It is clear, I think, that we precisely equivalent to saying that the power
cannot compare A ’ s power with respect to of A with respect to some set of respondents
the respondents al, a2 . . . a, and B’s power and responses is greater than the power of B
with respect to the respondents bl, bz . . . b,
unless we are prepared to regard the two with respect to an equivalent set if and only
sets of individuals as comparable. This is a if the measure M associated with A is
disagreeable requirement, but obviously a greater than the measure M associated with
sensible one. If I can induce 49 under- B . To recapitulate:
graduates to support or oppose federal aid
to education, you will scarcely regard this as
equivalent to the power I would have if I
could induce 49 Senators to support or
- :w,
= p l - pz,

p ( a , x ( A ,W )
oppose federal aid. Again, whether or not
we wish t o treat Senators as comparable to the probability that a will do x , given
students, rich men as comparable to poor action w by A
men, soldiers as comparable to civilians, pz = p ( a , x ~ A3, )
enlisted men as comparable t o officers,
military officers as comparable to civil ser- the probability that a will do x , given
vants, etc., is a matter that can be de- no action w by A .

structure of a community has been criticized

- :y,
z = p: - p ; , where because of what appears to have been a
failure to observe this requirement. A
Pf = P(b, zlB, Y> number of leaders in a large Southern city
p: = P(b, zlB, 8 ) . were asked, “If a project were before the
community that required decision by a group
Now if these two situations are power of leaders-leaders that nearly everyone
comparable (a notion we shall examine in a would accept-which ten on the list of forty
moment) then A’s power is greater than would you choose?” On the basis of the
B’s if and only if answers, individuals were ranked in such a
way that a “pyramidal” power structure was
M(t:w,x) > M(F:y,z). inferred to exist in the city, i.e., one con-
sisting of a small number of top leaders who
In principle, then, whenever there are two made the key decisions, which were then
actors, A and B, provided only that they are executed by a larger middle-group of sub-
power comparable, they can be ranked ordinate leaders. The significance of this
according to the amount of power they conclusion is considerably weakened, how-
possess, or M . But if it is possible to rank ever, if we consider whether the question
A and B , it is possible to rank any number did in fact discriminate among different
of pairs. And it is obvious from the nature kinds of responses. Specifically, suppose the
of M that this ranking must be transitive, leaders had been asked to distinguish be-
i.e., tween decisions over local taxes, decisions
on schools, and efforts to bring a new in-
dustry t o the community: would there be
significant differences in the rankings
according to these three different kinds of
issues? Because the study does not provide
an answer to this question, we do not know
how to interpret the significance of the
M (t:w,x) >M (“u, u ) “pyramidal” power structure that assertedly
exists. Are we to conclude that in “Regional
In principle, then, where any number of City” there is a small determinate group of
actors are in some relation to any number of leaders whose power significantly exceeds
equivalent subjects, and these relations are that of all other members of the community
regarded as power comparable, then all the on all or nearly all key issues that arise?
actors can be unambiguously ranked ac- Or are we to conclude, at the other extreme,
cording to their power with respect to these that some leaders are relatively powerful on
subjects. some issues and not on others, and that no
There is, as everyone knows, many a slip leaders are relatively powerful on all issues?
’twixt principle and practice. How can one We have no way of choosing between these
convert the theoretical measure, M , into two interpretations or indeed among many
a measure usable in practical research? others that might be formulated.
Specifically, suppose one wishes to examine Let us define A and B as formally power
the power relations among some group of comparable (in the sense that the relative
people-a city council, legislature, com- magnitudes of the measure M are held to
munity, faculty, trade union. One wants to order the power of A and B correctly) if and
rank the individuals in the group according only if the actors, the means, the respondents
to their power. How can one do so? and the responses or scopes are comparable.
The first problem to be faced is whether That is,
given the aims, substance, and possible
theoretical import of his study, one does in theactor A is comparable to the actor B;
A’srespondent, a. ‘‘ B’s respondent, b;
fact have power comparability. One of the A’smeans, w


,( E’s meam, v; and
most, important existing studies of the power a’rreaponse, z b’8 reponae, a.

But this is not a very helpful definition. cause the use of undiscriminating questions
For the important question is whether we produced results of very limited theoretical
can specify some properties that will insure significance. By choosing a relatively weak
comparability among actors, respondents, criterion of power comparability, the author
means, and scopes. The answer, alas, is no. inevitably robbed his inquiry of much of
So far as an explicat,ion of the term “power” its potential richness. Considerations of
is concerned, power comparability must be comparability are, therefore, critical. But
taken as an undefined term. That is, power the criteria employed depend upon the
comparability will have to be interpreted in problem a t hand and the general state of
the light of the specific requirements of relevant theory. The only way to avoid an
research and theory, in the same way that arbitrary and useless definition of “power
the decision as t o whether to regard any comparability’’ is to consider carefully the
two objects-animals, plants, atoms, or goals and substance of a particular piece of
whatnot-as comparable depends upon research in view of the theoretical con-
general considerations of classification and structs one has in mind. Thus in the case of
theoretical import. To this extent, and to the Senate, it may be satisfactory for one
this extent only, the decision is “arbitrary”; piece of research to define all Senate roll-call
but it is not more “arbitrary” than other votes on all issues as comparable; for an-
decisions that establish the criteria for a other, only votes on foreign policy issues
class of objects. will be comparable; and for still another,
T o political scientists it might seem far- only votes on foreign policy issues involving
fetched t o compare the power of a British large appropriations; et>c. I n a word, the
prime minister over tax legislation in the researcher himself must define what he
House of Commons with the power of the means by comparability and he must do so
President of the United States over foreign in view of the purpose of the ranking he is
policy decisions in the Senate. It would seem seeking to arrive at, the information avail-
farfetched because the theoretical ad- able, and the relevant theoretical constructs
vantages of such a comparison are not at governing the research.
all clear. On the other hand, it would not
seem quite so farfetched to compare the APPLICATIONS OF THE CONCEPT OF
two institutional positions with respect to POWER COMPARABILITY
the “same” kind of policy-say tax legis- Assuming that one has power compa-
lation or foreign policy; indeed, political rability, the next problem is to rank every
scientists do make comparisons of this actor whose rank is relevant to the research,
kind. Yet the decision to regard tax legis- Here we run into practical problems of
lation in the House of Commons as com- great magnit>ude.
parable in some sense to tax legislation in Suppose we wish to rank a number of
the Senate is “arbitrary.” Even the decision Senators with respect to their influence over
to treat as comparable two revenue measures the Senate on questions of foreign affairs.
passed a t different times in the United Specifically, the respondent and response
States Senate is “arbitrary.” What saves a are defined as “all Senate roll-call votes on
comparison from being genuinely arbitrary measures that have been referred to the
is, in the end, its scientific utility. Some kinds Foreign Relations Committee.” To begin
of comparisons will seem more artificial with, let us take two Senators. What we
than others; some will be theoretically more wish to find out is the relative influence on
interesting and more productive than others. the Senate vote of the activities of the two
But these are criteria derived from theoreti- Senators for or against a measure prior to
cal and empirical considerations independent the roll call. “For” and “against” must be
of the fundamental meaning of the term defined by reference to some standard
power. “direction.” Passage of the measure is one
On what grounds, then, can one criticize possible “direction” in the sense that a
the study mentioned a moment ago? Be- Senator can be for passing the measure,
against it, or without a position for or against defeats the bills he works against; it is at a
passage. This is not, however, a particularly minimum of -1 when the Senate always
significant or meaningful direction, and one defeats the bills he works for and always
might wish to determine the direction of a passes the bills he works against; and it is
measure by reference to the President’s a t 0 when there is no change in the outcome,
position, or by content, or by some other no matter what he does.
standard. For this discussion, I shall assume In addition, there is one clear advantage
that “for” and “against” are defined by to M*. It is easily shown that it reduces to
reference to the first standard, i.e., passing
the measure. M* = pi - p2.
Let us now assume that a Senator does In a moment we shall see how advantageous
one of three things prior to a roll-call vote. such a simple measure is.
He works for the measure, he works against The theoretical problem, then, is clear-cut
it, or he does nothing. (The assumption, and a solution seems reasonably well defined.
although a simplification of reality, is by no It is at this point, however, that practical
means an unreasonable simplification), Let research procedures begin to alter the
us further assume (what is generally true) significance of a solution, for the particular
that the Senate either passes the measure or operational means selected to breathe life
defeats it. With respect to a particular into the relatively simple formal concepts
Senator, we have the following conditional outlined so far can produce rather different
probabilities: and even conflicting results.
The Senator Let me illustrate this point by drawing
Works Works Does on a paper by Dahl, March, and Nasatir (1)
For Against Nothing on influence ranking in the United States
Senate. The aim of the authors was to rank
thirty-four Senators according to their
The Senate
influence on the Senate with respect to two
different areas, foreign policy and tax and
economic policy. The 34 Senators were all
Since the bottom row provides no addi- those who had held office continuously from
tional information we shall, in future, ignore early 1946 through late 1954, a long enough
it. Following the earlier discussion of the period, it was thought, to insure a reasonably
concept M , the measure of power, it is large number of roll-call votes. The class-
reasonable to define ification of measures to the two areas was
taken from the Congressional Quarterly
MI = pi - pa. Almanac, as were the votes themselves.
Thus the subject was well defined and the
Mz = p3 - pz.
necessary data were available.
M I is a measure of the Senator’s power when No such systematic record is maintained
he works for a measure and M z a measure of course, for the positions or activities of
of his power when he works against a meas- Senators prior to a roll-call vote, and what
ure; in both cases a comparison is made is more it would be exceptionally difficult
with how the Senate will act if the Senator to reconstruct the historical record even
does nothing. There are various ways in over one session, not to say over an eight-
which we might combine M1 and Mz into year period. Faced with this apparently
a single measure, but the most useful would insuperable obstacle, it was necessary to
appear to be simply the sum of M1 and MI. adopt a rather drastic alternative, nstmely
To avoid confusion with the earlier and to take the recorded roll-call vote of a
slightly different measure which we are now Senator as an indication of his position and
approximating, let us call the sum of MI activities nrior to the roll-call. While this
and M z , M*. Like M , it is at a maximum is not unreasonable, it does pose one major
of 1 when the Senate always passes the bills difficulty: a vote is necessarily cast either
a given Senator works -for and always for or against a measure and hence the r o h

call provides no way of determining when a With 34 Senators, 561 possible pairs of this
Senator does nothing prior to the roll-call. kind exist; but only 158 pairs were tabulated
But the very es-ence of the formal concept for foreign policy and 206 for tax and
of power outlincd earlier hinges on a com- economic policy over the whole period.
parison of the difference between what the The measure used to enable comparisons to
Senate will do wh:n a Smator takes a given be made between the two Senators in each
position and what it does when he takes no pair might be regarded as an alternative to
position. M*. This measure-let us call it M”-rests
It is at this point that the advantages of upon the Same basic assumption, namely
the measure M* reveal themselves. For that we can measure a Senator’s influence
provided only that one is prepared to take by the difference between the probability
the Senator’s recorded vote as a fair indi. that the Senate will pass a measure the
cation of his prior position and activities, Senator opposes and the probability that
the data permit us to estimate the following it will pass a measure he supports. How-
probabilities, and hence M * ever, there are two important differences.
The Senator First, the authors decided not to distinguish
Works Works between “negative” and “positive” power;
For Against consequently they used absolute values only.
Second, in estimating the probability of a
The Senate Passes I pl I pi I measure passing the Senate, the positions of
two Senators were simultaneously compared
One could, therefore, estimate M* for in the manner shown in the table. Thus the
each of the 34 Senators and rank all of them, influence of Sl over the Senate was measured
The validity of this method ranking as the difference between the probability
would appear to be greatest, however, when that a bill will pass the Senate when S1
all Senators are ranked on precisely the favors it and the probability that it will
same set of bills before the Senate. To the pass when Sl opposes it. However, this
extent that they vote on different (although difference in probabilities was measured
mostly overlapping) sets of bills, the com- twice: (1) when SZ favors the motions
parability of M * from one Senator to an- before the Senate; and (2) when S z opposes
other will be reduced, conceivably to the the motions. In the same way, S2’s influence
vanishing point. was measured twice. Thus:
For a number of reasons, including a
slightly different interpretation of the MY(&) = Jpii- pizl,
characteristics of an ideal measure, the that is, the change in probabilities,
authors chose a rather different approach. given S z in favor of the bill.
They decided to pair every Senator against
every other Senator in the following way. Mf(Si) = lpzi - p z z l ,
The number in each cell is an estimate of that is, the change in probabilities,
the probability that the Senate will pass a given S2 in opposition to the bill.
proposal, given the positions of the two Likewise,
Senators as indicated; the number is in
fact the proportion of times that the Senate MY(S2) = lpll - pal
passed a foreign policy (or tax) measure in Mf(Sz) = lpiz - ~ 2 2 1 .
the period 1946-54, given the recorded
votes of the two Senators as indicated. The influence of S1 was said to be greater
than the influence of Sz only if M:’(Sl) >
Favors Opposes M:’(Sz) and M:(S1) > M:(Sz). That is, if
the the
motion motion lpll - plzl > lpll - pzll and
lPZl - pzzl > lPl2 - p221.
Favors the motion
S? ____--
Except for the rare case of what would
Opposes the motion ordinarily be regarded as “negative”

power-which, as I have already said, this The results, some of which are sho-;.-n in
particular measure was not intended to Tables 1 to 3, are roughly consistent i-&h
distinguish from “positive” power-the expectations based on general kncivledge.
absolute values are the same as the algebraic Note how the formal concept of power
ones. Where the algebraic differences can has been subtly altered in the process of
be taken, and this will normally be the case, research; it has been altered, moreover,
both inequalities reduce to not arbitrarily or accidentally but because
of the limitations of the data available,
p21 > p12.
limitations that appear to be well-nigh
In the ordinary case, then, using the measure inescapable even in the case of the United
M” we can say that the power of Senator States Senate, a body whose operations are
George is greater than that of Senator Know- relatively visible and well recorded over a
land if the probability that the Senate will long period of time.
pass a measure is greater when Senator The most important and at first glance
George favors a bill and Senator Knowland the most innocent change has been to accept
opposes it than when Senator Knowland the roll-call position of a Senator as an
favors a bill and Senator George opposes it. indication of his position prior to the roll-
call vote. This change is for most practical
TABLE 1 purposes unavoidable, and yet it generates a
THIRTY-FOUR U. S. SENATORS RANKED ACCORDINQ serious consequence which I propose to ’

TO “POWER” OVER SENATE DECISIONS call the problem of the chameleon. Suppose
O N FOREIGN POLICY,1946-54 a Senator takes no prior position on any
Hayden (tie) Magnuson TABLE 2
Green** HIGH
Hill* Georget t
Aiken (tie) Wiley** Milli kintt
Hoey Ellender
Kilgore Byrd t t
Ferguson* Saltonstallt
Murray* Cordon
Knowland* McCarran
Morse Young
Fulbright** (tie) Saltonstall Hoeyt t
Johnston Maybank
Cordon Johnson (Colo.) tt (tie) McClellan
Hickenlooper** Hickenlooper
Ellender Eastland
Millikin (tie) McClellan Russell
Eastland Smith (N. J.)
Russell Knowland
Bridges* Aiken
Johnson ((2010.) Capehart
Byrd Johnston
Butler (Nebr.) Bridges
Langer* Hayden (tie) Chavez
Young Butler (Nebr.)tt (tie) Wiley (tie) Ferguson
Capehart* Langer (tie) Hill (tie) Murray (tie) Magnuson
McCarran (tie) Fulbright (tie) Green
LOW Morse (tie) Kilgore
** member of Foreign Relations Committee five or more LOW
‘member of Foreign Relatins Committee one to four tt member of Finance Committee five or more year8
years t member of Finance Committea one to four years

Foreign Policy
High influence Medium influence Low influence

High George**tt Ellender Millikintt

influence Hoeytt Saltonstallt B d t t
Maybank Cordon McCarran
Johnson (Colo.)tt

Tax and Economic Medium Smith (N. J.)** Hickenlooper** Eastland

Policy influence Aiken* Knowland* Russell
Hayden Johnston Capehart*
Chavez Bridges*

LOW Ferguson*
influence Wiley** Murray*
Hill* Fulbright** Butler (Nebr.)tt
Magnusan Morse Langer*
Green** Kilgore
** member of Foreign Relations Committee five or more years
* member of Foreign Relations Committee one to four years
tt member of Finance Committee five or more years
t member of Finance Committee one to four years
bill and always decides how to vote by satellite) is not simply an artifact created by
guessing how the Senate majority will the method of paired comparisons employed.
vote; then, if he is a perfect guesser, ac- It is easy to see that ranking according to
cording to the ranking method used he will the measure M* would be subject to the
be placed in the highest rank. Our common same difficulties given the same data. The
sense tells us, however, that in this case it is formal concept of power, that is to say,
the Senate that has power over the Senator, presupposes the existence of data that in this
whereas the Senator has no influence on the case do not seem to be available-certainly
votes of other Senators. not readily available. If one had the kinds
If the reader will tolerate an unnatural of observations that permitted him to
compounding of biological and celestial identify the behavior of the chameleon or
metaphors, a special case of the chameleon satellite then no serious problem would arise.
might be called the satellite. Although I One could treat chameleon activity as
have no evidence that this was so, let UE equivalent t o “doing nothing” to influence
suppose that Senator Hoey took no prior the passage or defeat of a measure. Since,
positions on issues and always followed the as we have seen, under the measure M *
lead of Senator George (Table 3). Let UE the column “does nothing” is superfluous,
assume that on foreign policy and tax the effect would be to ignore all cases of
policy, Senator George was the most power- chameleon or satellite behavior and make
ful man in the Senate-as indeed nearly estimates only from the instances where a
every seasoned observer of the Senate does Senator actually works for or works against
believe. By following George, Hoey would various bills.
rank as high as George; yet, according to Thus the conceptual problem is easily
our hypothetical assumptions, he had no solved. But the research problem remains.
influence at all on George or any other In order to identify chameleon behavior and
Senator. separate it from actual attempts a t in-
The problem of the chameleon (and the fluence, one cannot rely on roll-calls. One
needs observations of the behavior of almost inevitable limitations of his data
Senators prior to the roll-calls. But if it is means that we shall have to make do with a
true, as I have been arguing, that ob- great many different and not strictly com-
servations of this kind are available only parable concepts of power.
with great difficulty,rarely for past sessions, C . I agree with all you have said. In
and probably never in large numbers, then practice, the concept of power will have to
in fact the data needed are not likely to be defined by operational criteria that will
exist. But if they do not exist for the Senate, undoubtedly modify its pure meaning.
for what institutions are they likely to exist? 0. In that case, it seems wiser to dispense
with the concept entirely. Why pretend that
power, in the social sense, is a concept that
AN “OPERATIONALIST” is conceptually clear-cut and capable of
relatively unambiguous operational defi-
The conclusions can perhaps best be nitions-like mass, say, in physics? Indeed,
stated in the form of a dialogue between a why not abandon the concept of power
“conceptual” theoretician and a strict altogether, and admit that all we have or can
(‘operationalist.” I shall call them C and 0.
have is a great variety of operational con-
C . The power of an actor, A , would seem cepts, no one of which is strictly comparable
to be adequately defined by the measure M
with another? Perhaps we should label them:
which is the difference in the probability of
Power 1, Power 2, etc.; or better, let’s
an event, given certain action by A , and
abandon single, simple, misleading words
the probability of the event given no such
like “power” and “influence”, except when
action by A . Because the power of any these are clearly understood to be a part of
actor may be estimated in this way, at least
a special operational definition explicitly
in principle, then different actors can be
defmed in the particular piece of research.
ranked according to power, provided only
C . I’m afraid that I must disagree with
that there exists a set of comparable subjects
your conclusion. You have not shown that
for the actors who are to be ranked.
the concept of power as defined by the
0. What you say may be true in principle, measure M is inherently defective or that it
but that phrase “in principle” covers up a
is never capable of being used. It is true, of
host of practical difficulties. In fact, of
course, that we cannot always make the
course, the necessary data may not exist.
observations we need in order to measure
C . That is, of course, quite possible. When
power; perhaps we can do so only infre-
I say “in principle” I mean only that no
quently. But the concept provides us with a
data are demanded by the definition that
standard against which to compare the
we cannot imagine securing with combi-
operational alternatives we actually employ.
nations of known techniques of observation
In this way it helps us to specify the defects
and measurement. The observations may be
of the operational definitions as measures of
exceedingly difficult but they are not in- power. To be sure, we may have to use de-
herently impossible: they don’t defy the
fective measures; but at least we shall know
laws of nature as we understand them. that they are defective and in what ways.
0. True. But the probability that we can More than that, to explicate the concept of
actually make these observations on, say, power and to pin-point the deficiencies of the
the U. S. Senate is so low as to be negligible, operational concepts actually employed
at least if we want relatively large numbers may often help us to invent alternative
of decisions. It seems to me that from a concepts and research methods that produce
strict operational point of view, your concept a much closer approximation in practice to
of power is not a single concept, as you have the theoretical concept itself.
implied ; operationally, power would appear
to be many different concepts, depending on REFERENCES
the kinds of data available. The way in 1 . Dahl, R. A., March, J., & Nauatir, D. In-
which the researcher must adapt to the fluence ranking in the United States Senate.

Read at the annual meeting of the American 7. March, J. G . Measurement concepts in the
Political Science Association, Washington, theory of influence. J . Politics. (In press).
D. C. September 1956 (mimeo). 8 . March, J. G. Influence measurement in experi-
2. French, J. R. 1’. Jr. A formal theory of social mental and semi-experimental groups. Soci-
power. Psychol. Rev., 1956,63, 181-194. omelry. 1956, 19,26&271.
3. Lasswell, H. D., & Kaplan, A. Power and SO- 9 . Shapley, L. S. & Shubik, M. A method for
ciely. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1950. evaluating the distribution of power i n a
4. Luce, R. D. Further comments on power dis- committee system. Amer. pol. S c i . Rev.,
tribution for a stable two-party Congress. 1954,48, 787-792.
1956 (September) (mimeo). 10. Simon, H . Notes on the observation and meas-
5. Luce, R . D., & Rogow, A. A. A game theoretic urement of political power. J . Politics, 1953,
analysis of Congressional power distribu- 15, W 5 1 6 .
tions for a stable t.wo-party system. Behav. 11. Weber, M. Wirtschaft und Gesellschuft. Tubin-
Sci., 1956, 1 , 83-95. gen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1925, 2 vols. (Grundriss
6. March, J. G . An introduction t o the theory der Sozialekonomilc, Vol. 3 ) .
and measurement of influence. Amer. pol.
Sci. Rev., 1955, 59, 431-451. (Manuscript received April 3, 1957.)

Get rid of the old liberals, then; get rid of the soldier in politics;
and put the world into the hands of the scientists, the industrial
captains and the artists. For the new society was to be organized,
not, like Babeuf’s, on the principle of equality, but according t o a
hierarchy of merit. Saint-Simon divided mankind into three classes:
the savants, the propertied, and the unpropertied. The savants were
to exercise the “spiritual power” and to supply the personnel of the
supreme body, which was to be known as the Council of Newton-
since it had been revealed to Saint-Simon in a vision that it was
Newton and not the Pope whom God had elected to sit beside Him
and t o transmit to humanity His purposes. This council, according
to one of Saint-Simon’s prospt?ctuses, was to be made u p of three
mathematicians, three physicians, three chemists, three physiol-
ogists, three littdraburs, three painters and three musicians; and it
was t o occupy itself with devising new inventions and works of art
for the general improvement of humanity, and in especial with
discovering a new law of gravitation applicable to the behavior of
social bodies which would keep people in equilibrium with one
another. (So the eighteenth-century communist philosopher Morel-
let, in a book called The Code of Nature, had asserted that the law of
self-love was to play the same role in the moral sphere as the law of
gravitation in the physical.) The salaries of the Council of Newton
were t o be paid by general subscription, because it was obviously
t o everybody’s advantage that human destinies should be controlled
by men of genius; the subscription would be international, because
i t would of course be to the advantage of all peoples to prevent
international wars.
-EDMUNDWILSON, To The Finland Station

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