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Task Performance in

Rizal’s Life and Works

1. You are tasked to compose a detailed reflection paper showcasing your
insights about the study and importance of the Rizal Law and its implications
in the development of nationalism, patriotism, and volunteerism.
2. The paper must answer and discuss the following questions:
a) Is the teaching of Rizal’s Life and Works course realistic given the
dangers and sensitiveness of literature as a means communication in
learning nationalism, patriotism, and volunteerism? Justify your
b) How important are literary criticisms in the study of Rizal’s Life and
Works? c) If given a chance to deconstruct one of Rizal’s written works
(both well-known and obscure), what would it be and what is its relation to
the analysis and understanding of nation-building?
3. The paper must NOT have any bullets. It must also cite all the sources used to
support or concretize your answers. Online sources such as Wiki sites, Quora,
Reddit, Yahoo answers and other similar sites are NOT ALLOWED.
4. The paper must have the following specifications:
a) Minimum number of words : 1,000 words
b) Line spacing : Double (2.0)
c) Allowed font faces and sizes :
 Arial (10)
 Calibri (11)
 Courier New (11)
 Garamond (12)
 Times New Roman (11)
5. You will be graded based on the following rubric:

Rizal Law, also known as Republic Act 1425, is the teaching of Jose Rizal's
works and writings. Senator Jose P. Laurel, who supported the Rizal Law, said
that since Jose Rizal was the founder of Philippine nationalism and has made
significant contributions to the current state of our country, it is only fair that our
youth, as well as all citizens of the country, learn about and imbibe the great
ideals for which he died. This is not only because it is the past and we are
required to learn about it in school, but also because the power struggles that
occurred during his tenure are relevant to our current political experiences.
Given this knowledge, it will pose dangers in the same way as any literary work
will, owing to its openness to interpretation. However, I believe it is the
educator's responsibility to better nuance how this literature's lessons are
received by his or her students. When it comes to interpretations, it should
always be approached with due reverence for the source and intellectual
compassion. It is therefore still realistic to teach Rizal's works because his tale
provides us with a timeless prism by which we can assess our current realities,
ensuring that we do not neglect the essentials of our nationalism and are not
blinded by our own prejudices. According to what I've learned from the papers
or readings that our professor assigned us to read and review, I believe it is safe
to take this course that our congress has mandated because there is nothing
wrong with taking it and it also serves to honor how awesome our national hero

Patriotism denotes proud devotion and loyalty to one's country, while

nationalism denotes our desire to achieve our freedom and political
independence, particularly by a country under the control of a foreign power.

Dr. Jose Rizal is regarded as our country's national hero. However, we are
aware that certain Filipinos do not regard him as a national hero. Perhaps it was
because he didn't fight with swords like the rest of the
Filipino heroes did. To be honest, I agree in the phrase "the pen is mightier
than the sword" and not everything can be dealt with violently. Instead of
using his strength and power to inform the Filipino people, he used his
intellect. Many Filipinos believe that learning Rizal's life and works is no
longer important for us to understand.
Rizal became a writer and a leading figure in the Filipino Propaganda
Movement, which pushed for political changes in the Spanish colony. After the
Philippine Revolution, which was sparked in part by his
writings, he was executed by the Spanish colonial government for the crime of
Despite the fact that he was not personally involved in its preparation or
execution, he finally approved of its objectives, which contributed to Philippine
independence. He is widely recognized as one of the Philippines' greatest
heroes, and an officially named National Heroes Committee has recommended
that he be so honoured.
Anyone who has ever encountered colonialism and how the capitalist country
that governs the colony imposes rules and regulations that are not always fair
should learn about Jose Rizal's life. However, no statute, executive order, or
decree designating any Filipino historical figure as a national hero has been
passed or published. He wrote the novels Noli Me Tángere and El filibusterismo,
as well as a series of poems and essays. Because of the massive and
comprehensive documents written by and about him, José Rizal's life is one of
the most well-documented of 19th-century Filipinos. Since he was a daily diarist
and prolific letter writer, almost everything in his brief life is recorded
somewhere, and much of the content has survived. However, because of Rizal's
habit of jumping from one language to another, his biographers have had trouble
interpreting his writings.

I won’t change anything from his work. All of his work was an eye opening to all
Filipino that time.

Dr. Jose Rizal is known as

the national hero of our
country. But we know that
there are some Filipinos
who do not consider him as
our national hero. Maybe it
was because he did not
using swords just like what
the other Filipino heroes
did. Honestly, I somehow
believe in the saying “the
pen is mightier than the
sword” because not
everything should be
dealt with
violence. He used his
intelligence instead of
strength and power to let the
Filipino people know
the truth.
Many Filipinos say that
studying the life and works
of Rizal is not that
necessary for us
nowadays. However, I still
find it important and I think
it has a great impact on our
society. Studying Rizal is
not just about being able to
know and read his novels
and other literary
works, but it is also
about understanding
how those works
helped in fighting
against the
colonizers in the past. We
get to learn the
importance of his
novels, essays, and
other literary
works which is not only
for entertainment.
According to the reading,
Rizal’s two famous
novels, Noli Me Tangre and
El Filibusterismo, are
inspiring source of
patriotism of the youth. It
somehow inspired the
Filipino people, especially
the youths, that they can
show their love for the
country in different ways,
not just through fighting
Rizal might not be one of
the people who used
violence to fight
for our country but he still
sacrificed his life by creating
those literary works which
gave light to the minds of the
Filipinos of what is
happening in our country. He
stated his oppositions and
other ideas in his literary
works. A specific example of
this is he mentioned that the
idea of
purgatory, which is a
doctrine, is absent from
the bible (Noli Me
Tangere, page 72). He
used nonviolent actions
and I
can say that this way of
his is what made him
different from the other
Studying the history of our
nation might be boring for
some but we
should always remember
what happened in the past
is the result of what we are
today. In the present time,
we are now free
from the countries or
nations who colonized us.
This was made possible
through the hard works of
our heroes and other people
who stood for our country.

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