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Text 1 :

“The statistics show the number of trips made by children in one country over
the past two years to travel to and from school using different modes of
transport. Children walking (13 million) are the by far highest, while the
children use the bus (7 million) are a bit higher than the children use the car in
1990. The children used car in 2010 was 11 million; while, The children use the
bus was 5 million in 2010. Contrastingly, The children walking (6 million) are
Twice as high as the children used cycling (3 million) in 2010. There were only 5
million children cycling, while there were 13 million children walking in 1990.
therefore, at the end of the period, there were 12,000,000 children walking in
1990, 11,000,000 children used car in 2010 and 5,000,000 children use bus.” 

Text 2 :

“Nowadays, there are a lot of cars on British roads, and they have increased day
by day. By the year 2000, there may be as many as 29 million vehicles on British
roads. In this essay, I intend to examine the solutions to these problems.

Firstly, the people living in Britain need to think about themselves. If they used
the bus and train instead of their car, this problem would resolve a little.
Because of this, the British Government should introduce to control car
ownership and use. For example, the Government can ban to enter the road by
car in the same day all family from a house.
Secondly, the buses and trains of the Government should be free for the public
population. Thus, people would use these transport vehicles instead of their car.
For instance, the roads in Britain would be safer and more comfortable.

Lastly, the number of cars exported from another country should decrease, and
cars’ prices should increase in case they aren’t overcrowded. For example, the
prices of cigarettes increased, and the consumption of cigarettes went down.

In conclusion, if these measures are put into action, traffic can be decreased in
the British roads.”

Text 3:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Hello my name is Vernon. This work in an advert and I hear about this work it
so suitable for me.To write this letter. I contact you.

I love do this work at your museum. I want to do this work for you. Your
museums is based on works of arts have fabulous history.

In the museum I could work a guide. Because I don’t know something I need to
improve them. However, I am open to studying and developing my knowledge. I
have good skills and qualities I successful. I love work with people and a guide
love work with people too. The work is essential.

 The work hours is so good for me. I can tell you that.

I’m wainting you respond sooner and I’ll hope to do this unpaid work with you.

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