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Transport issues in my town


The purpose of this report is to outline the major transport issues from my town, according to your
request. I shall consider de argument and to analyze both positive and negative sides of the transport

The Situation

I would describe the transport in my are as being more than acceptable, as people facilitate of the
comfortable means of transport the authorities have bought in the last ten years. The transport system
was widened , owing to a considerable number of routes which were introduced last year. The citizens
are able to travel by two ecological means of transport: tram and trolleybus. According to some
convincing opinions, citizens do benefit from the local transport and they are thankful for the effort of
the community.

The main issue

Besides positive points, there is still one major issue to solve: the disobeyed programme. At rush hours,
people contemplate that the means of transport arrive late so that crowds of impatient people gather
and try to get inside. As an outcome, some individuals get no seat during their commuting journey. It is
believed to be a crucial issue, as in many case, some citizens ,might get no place and next tram could be
as crowded as the first one. Even those who are assiduously getting in time at the station are highly
likely to be given no free place at 3 o’clock.


I would strongly recommend modifying the arrival programme, so the transport would circulate more
often. If this doesn’t meet the needs of the travelers , I suggest acquiring more means of transport, so
that each citizen would have the fundamental right to a seat.

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