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Lukman Hakim

Write a good concluding sentence for each paragraph
below. Use transition word to signal the end of the
paragraph such as: To summarize, In conclusion, Thus,
Finally, In short and etc.

1. I like study group for several reasons. First of all,

studying can be a boring activity. I feel better when I study
with other people. We can share our knowledge to solve a
problem and divide the tasks fairly. In addition, a study
group helps me to stay on a structures scheduled. I usually
cancel other unnecessary activities because of this
schedule. Finally, a study group makes me a part of a
team. The teamwork teaches each member of the team to
be responsible for his/ her job.

For these reasons, study group can make me enjoy to

study and understand about the material.

2. It is important to study history. History repeats itself, so

learning about the past can help us make better decisions
in the present. Then, knowing about important historical
leaders, wars, and events can help us understand cultures,
people, and politics in today’s world. Last, learning about
unusual people, places, and events in history is
fascinating. .

Therefore, knowing about history we could be person who

respect ancestors and warriors for a better life.
3. Families should take a vacation at least once a year. On
vacation, families can spend time together without
distractions from work or school. Also, during trip,
families can explore new places and activities together,
which is fun. Finally, during their time away, families can
relax together without stresses of daily life.

In brief, Families should take a vacation in part on

holiday to spend time together and refreshing from the

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