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Speaking 52 Q6

Listening materials:
Fighting environmental problem: Appeal to people’s moral duty / persuade people to
do things voluntarily
- Moral suasion

Smokey the Bear
- Make people more aware
- Appeal to their moral duty

- Provide neighborhood a container
- People follow neighbors

What is a policy of moral suasion? Use the Smokey the Bear and recycling campaigns to
explain how it works.

______(topic)_______is about _____(definition)_______ .

In the lecture, the professor use ___(example)____ as the example.

First, __________(describe what it does)____________

Smokey the bear is ….

It ___________ and ______________, which ___________

(prevents people from harming the environment.)

Second, the example is ______(describe the campaign)_________

When people around us starts to do so, we feel the pressure to follow.

Speaking 51 Q6


Benefit from living in group

1) Away from predator 2) company

3) Avoid conflicts: Resolve it peacefully

Display behavior: for show, message

1) Threatening behavior: avoid fight

-Baboon often use it

-Stare, threatening noise-> give up the fruit

2) Friendly display behavior

-Make up after fight

-After the conflict, approach and make friendly behavior, noise

Using the example of baboons from the lecture, explain two ways in which display behavior
can help animals maintain group unity.

______(topic)_______is about _____(definition)_______ .

In the lecture, the professor use ___(example)____ as the example.

First, _____(describe what it does)______

It ___________ and ______________, which ___________
When_________, ______________

Second, ______(describe what it does)_________

It ___________ and ______________, which ___________
When_________, ______________

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