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“How music can change the way you feel and act”
The article under the headline “How music can change the way you feel and act”
was published in February 20, 2019.
The headline of the article is “How music can change the way you feel and act”.
The author of the article is Nina Avramova.
The author touches upon the problem of about the influence of music on us and all
kinds of areas of activity.
The topic of the article is music and its influence on people.
The key issue of the article is possible influence of music on the intensification of
aggressive thoughts and the growth of crime.
The article under discussion is dedicated to how a certain type of music can affect
our behavior, thoughts and perception of the world.
It contains a description of experiments that were carried out in the USA, England
and Canada. For example, in the first experiment, it was found out how "drill"
music might be linked to attention-seeking crime. Although scientists from Canada
say that it is difficult to analyze whether music can create violence. Studies have
very mixed evidence, and mostly use observational data instead of controlled
experiments that can take into account people's personality. People who are already
prone to violence might be drawn to violent music. But that doesn't mean
everybody who enjoys hat music is violent. But another study found that those who
heard the violent song felt more hostile than those who heard the nonviolent song.
The author outlines that music can make us feel all kinds of emotions, some of
which are negative. It can “bring people together and fuel social bonds,” both
positive and negative. Music has power over our feelings. No other species has
evolved in such a way to ascribe meaning and create emotional responses to music
as humans.
The author underlines that music can even influence how we perceive the world
around us. Researchers showed in an experiment that listening to sad or happy
music can not only put people in a different mood, but also change what people
The author of the article claims that away from mood and emotions, music can also
affect simple actions like how much money we spend or how productive we are.
People who dance and actively engage with music were found to be happier than
others, who didn't engage with music in that way. Music triggers the hormones
oxytocin and serotonin, responsible for bonding, trust and intimacy.
The author came to the conclusion that music has not only a positive side of social
ties, but also a negative one. You have to admit this if people want to use music in
a positive way.
This article seemed to me quite interesting to read, since it contains a sufficient
amount of useful and informative information. I knew some facts about music
before, but from this article I learned a lot of new things. Now I understand what a
huge impact music has on us.

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