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Become Irresistible

Let’s Talk About You

As I teach in this course, the one way to set yourself apart in this
overcrowded, noisy online world is to be different.

The best way to achieve that is to be more you.


Because being more you makes what you have to offer unique.

No-one else in this world is you. They cannot bring to what they create your
unique perspective, experience and abilities.

More than that, being more you makes you more accessible and human which
is something people crave in a disconnected world where people construct
perfect facades for social media.

I would encourage you to show yourself warts and all – the stumbles and
failures as well as the successes. So long as you demonstrate to your
audience that you can give them the outcome they want and need, it will only
make you more magnetic to them.

We like and admire those who are unafraid to be themselves and to own their
mistakes as well as their brilliance. Do both and you will never be short of
readers or customers.

Oh and that bit about brilliance…I really do mean it.

I believe everyone has their own brilliance and, like a diamond, all it takes is
unearthing and polishing to shine out for others to see,

Become Irresistible

Use this worksheet to unearth yours so you can bring to it your bestselling
books, products and offers…

Because doing so will help ensure that is what they become.

Why? Because buying is an emotional decision. Not entirely – there is logic

mixed in there – but it is more often than not emotion that tips someone into
parting with their hard-earned cash.

And where does that emotion stem from? The outcome or promised result of
that purchase.

So…they might decide to buy a particular car because it will make them feel
as if they have ‘made it,’ that they are now successful and socially more

Or someone might invest in a weight loss program because they want to be

more appealing to the opposite sex and that’s because they’re lonely and put
weight on in the first place because they were bullied at school and felt a need
to protect themselves…

Or they might purchase your ebook on how to succeed online because they
absolutely hate their job, their boss and everyone in that stinking office and if
they have to go in there every day for the next 15 years just to put food on the
table they’re going to explode.

It’s at least partly the reason you bought this course. Maybe deep down you
know that you can do this…if you can only find a way to do it that doesn’t
involve selling your soul or making you feel scuzzy…or you know you have
something valuable to offer but you just don’t know how to express it.

Emotion, emotion, emotion.

Which means that, to make you and what you are offering irresistible and
therefore a bestseller, you need to hit those emotional buttons hard.

Become Irresistible

Note I did not say ‘manipulate.’ I would rather you fascinate and you will find
out more about how to do that at the end of this workbook.

But first, I want you to complete the following.

It’s vital to your success.

Become Irresistible

1. What Sets You Apart?

This section is you – the real you. I want you to list here your interests,
passions, loves, likes and dislikes. These can be anything and don’t have to
relate to a particular book, product or offer.

Write it all down here:

Become Irresistible


Don’t worry if you only have a couple of things or nothing at all to list – this
section has plenty of space to give you scope.

Become Irresistible

2. What Are Your Experiences & Achievements?

Your Biggest Failures?
This section is for your experiences and achievements in all spheres – school,
:work, hobbies, life, travel. Anything you like that reflects you. Put down those
failures as well. All of it makes us the people we are and we learn as much if
not more from failure as from success:

Become Irresistible


Again, don’t worry if you only have a couple of things or nothing at all to list –
this is designed to give you plenty of space and scope. It’s not a judgement!

Become Irresistible

3. So What’s Your Story?

Looking at what you have written in the steps 1 and 2 of this workbook, put
together your story. Your story does not have to be linear or a traditional
narrative. It can simply be a few lines summing up the things that stand out or
it can be an entire bio section that you could simply take and put in your books
and products as well as on your site.

In fact, that’s something that will immediately improve it as a compelling About

You (or whatever you want to call it) section is vital as it is one of the first
pages new visitors especially visit.

Why are we doing this? For two good reasons: there is nothing more
compelling than story. It is a fundamental human need and it is the way we
have passed on information for millennia.

And secondly, as I have said, to successfully market anything these days, you
have to be as human as possible in all your flawed but still amazing glory. In
fact, your failures and stumbles are every bit as important as your triumphs
because they help people to connect and engage with you.

Not everyone will do so and that’s fine because being authentic also helps
weed out people who are unlikely to buy from you because they don’t get you
or your offers.


All the more for the people who resonate immediately with you because they
think that you ‘get’ them. And they think that because, on some level, they
identify with your story because it matches or echoes their own in some way.

The more of you and your story that you infuse into your books, your offers
and your products, the better. This does not mean that you have to bare your

Become Irresistible

soul or reveal things you wouldn’t tell your dog, let alone your best friend. You
get to pick and choose. Just remember that word: authentic.

When you are ready, write out your story below and use a separate sheet if
you need more space or print out an extra page or two from this section:


Become Irresistible


Become Irresistible


Become Irresistible

4. What Can You Use Today?

So now you know what parts of you and your story you can infuse into your
books, offers and products.

What I want you to do now is to highlight those parts you can use today in
your bestselling book, product or offer.

What fits?

What doesn’t?

What brings more to your Big Idea, showing that you are the perfect person to
create this, and what doesn’t?

Go through it however you wish with a highlighter, a pen or copy and paste
those bits you want to keep on a separate sheet.

Use them in your introduction, your bio, your copy, your sales pages and
emails and social media posts to vastly increase engagement and that know,
like and trust factor that drives sales.

Above all, infuse your book, product or offer with those parts of you that
enhance it.

Drop in anecdotes to illustrate how well you understand your audience and
that therefore you can deliver the transformation or outcome they so
desperately desire.

Show them you get them in consistent, small ways by injecting you into
everything you do in the way I show you here and you will have an audience
that loves you for life…so long as you also deliver that outcome.

As for that fascinate thing I promised you (you do remember that, right?),
there is an excellent and free online quiz you can take by going to this URL
and discovering your brand fascination type:


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