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Name: Kacy Joy Tagalicud Date: October 28, 2021

Grade/ Strand & Section: 12 STEM D Subject: Engl 4

Instructor: Ms. Cantago

WRITTEN TASK # 2. 1: Fill-out the compare and contrast matrix.

Comparative Matrix in terms of structure

Genres Similarities Differences
Textula & Tanaga -Both are written and -Textula can be any poem, but
composed by Filipino Tanaga has its own poem only,
writers. consisting of a quatrain of seven
syllables, with the same rhyme
-Both are forms of poetry. at the end of each line.

-Both use poetic terms such -Textula uses mobile phones as a

as innuendo, apostrophes, platform to write and read
rhyme endings, and lyrics. poetry. Tanaga, on the other
hand, is traditionally written
-Both are written in 4 lines. using pen and paper.

-Both have a meter (skat) and

a rhyme (tuguma).
Graphic Novel & Novel -Both are written for -Graphic novels combine words
entertainment purposes. and pictures, but novels use
words only.
-Both usually contain only
one story of the same -Graphic novels give visual
character. inspiration, while novels inspire
an individual through his or her
-Both are usually written imagination.
with an adult theme.
-Graphic novels feature
-Both are displayed in sophisticated works of art
hardcover or paperback and depicting serious literary themes,
sold in bookstores. while novels feature art only
through a text-only narration of
-Both tell long, literary- various themes.
themed stories and stories.
Hyper Poetry & Traditional -Both are written to express -Hyper Poetry uses computer
Poetry emotions and thoughts screens as a medium and is
creatively and poetically. written with movements and
images, traditional poetry uses
-Both are literary genres paper as a medium and cannot
consisting of rhymes and be added to movements like
meters. paper.

-Hyper poetry contains poems

that contain links to sub-poems
or footnotes, but traditional
poetry does not.

-Hyper poetry uses the digital

environment as a platform, but
traditional poetry is written like
a pen and paper.
Spoken poetry & Traditional -Both are designed with -Spoken poetry is performed
Poetry creative rhymes and with great emotion and element,
powerful and unique while traditional poetry is
language. entirely paper-based for the
audience to read.
-Both are poems that express
strong emotions and -Spoken poetry is pronounced
emotions. aloud, but traditional poetry is
only conveyed in words written
in a unique style and rhythm.
Flash Fiction & Short Story -Both develop plots and -Flash fiction is usually written
character ideas that tell a in less than 1,000 words, but
complete story with short stories can be 1,000 to
beginnings, middles, and 10,000 words long.
-Flash fiction is crisp, short and
-Both are written to vibrate detail is essential. If a person
beyond words. deletes a word, its meaning is
lost. Short stories are flexible
-Both contain classic story and have room for developing
elements. ideas, plots, characters, and
-Both must be clear, concise
and concise. -Flash fiction tries to tell the
biggest, richest, and most
-Both represent a single complex story within a particular
theme or message. word limit, while short stories
tell a story with more word
limits than flash fiction.

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