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Step 1: Declare a class PotentialOfWord

Step 2: Create a function Potential of integer return type and accept one string argument word.

Step 3: Inside the function Potential declare and initialize a string variable str with
word.toUpperCase(), that stores the upper case version of the argument string word.

Step 4: Declare an integer variable l to store the length of the string variable str and initiate a loop
i from 0 to the number of terms l.

Step 5: Inside the loop store the ASCII values of each character for every string given by the user.
Close the function Potential

Step 6: Create a function main with return type as void and declare a Scanner object to take input
from the user and store length of the string input given by the user in an integer variable len.

Step 7: store the last character in a character variable lastChar and check if there is any ‘.’, ‘?’, ‘!’
in the last character, if not then print “Invalid Input”.

Step 8: Store the substring (from index 0 to len - 1) in a string variable str and declare a
StringTokenizer object with str as parameter.

Step 9: Store the number of words from the string input given by the user in an integer variable
wordcount with the help of StringTokenizer.

Step 10: Declare a string array strArr[] and declare an integer array potArr[].

Step 11: Initiate a loop from i=0 to number of words wordcount and inside the loop store each
word and its ASCII value in the arrays strrr[i], potArr[i] respectively and close the loop.

Step 12: Initiate a loop from i=0 to number of words wordcount and Inside the loop print each
word and its ASCII value and close the loop.

Step 13: Initiate a loop from i=0 to number of words wordcount – 1 and inside the loop initiate
another loop from j=0 to wordcount – i – 1 and inside the loop compare the ASCII values of each
word and arrange the words (according to their ASCII values) in ascending order and close the
two loops.

STEP 14: Initiate a loop from i=0 to number of words wordcount and inside the loop print the
arranged words and close the loop.

Step 15: Close the function main and the class PotentialOfWord.

Step 1: Declare a class SquareMatrix.
Step 2: Create a function main with return type as void.

Step 3: Declare a bufferedReader object br and link it with an InputStreamReader class and
Store the integer value input in an integer variable N with the help of the bufferedreader
object br.readLine().

Step 4: Check if N>3 and N<10 then declare and initialize a 2D character array M of order

Step 5: Store the 3 characters given by user in three character variables respectively.

Step 6: Initiate a loop from i=0 to N and Inside the loop initiate a loop from j=0 to N.

Step 7: check if i=0 or i=N-1 and j=0 or j=N-1 (Both conditions should be true) to fill the
corners with the first character

Step 8: check if i=0 or j=0 and i=N-1 or j=N-1 (Both conditions should be true) to fill non
corner boundary elements with the second character.

Step 9: When the above conditions are false then fill the rest of the elements with the third

Step 10: Close two loops and print a blank line.

Step 11: Initiate a loop from i=0 to N and Inside the loop initiate a loop from j=0 to N.

Step 12: Print the array M[i][j] and close the loop.

Step 13: Print a line and close the loop.

Step 14: If N is not greater than 3 and if N is not lesser than 10 then print “SIZE OUT OF

Step 15: Close the function main.

Step 16: Close the class SquareMatrix.

Step 1: Declare a class Repeat

Step 2: Initialize a global integer array st[] with data limit = 100, initialize cap, f, r as global
integer variables.
Step 3: Create parametrized constructor Repeat() with int m as its parameter, to initialize the
global variables to 0.

Step 4: Declare a function pushvalue with (int v) as parameter and return type as void to add
integers from the rear index and Inside the function, if (r+1)<=cap, then assign r+1 to r, v to
array str[r].

Step 5: Check if (r+1)<=cap I false, then print “OVERFLOW” and close the function

Step 6: Declare a function popvalue with return type as Integer and inside the function
declare an integer variable v.

Step 7: Check if (r!=f), then assign f+1 to f, st[f] to v otherwise return -9999 and close the
function popvalue().

Step 8: Declare a function display() with return type as void and inside the function check
if(r!=f), then initiate a loop from i=f+1 to r.

Step 9: Inside the loop print the array st[i] and close the loop.

Step 10: if (r!=f) is false, then print “Queue is empty” and close the function display().

Step 11: Declare a function main with return type as void to invoke the above functions.

Step 12: Declare a scanner object sc to take input from the user.

Step 13: Create an object r of the class Repeat to call the functions.

Step 14: Call the function pushvalue(), popvalue, display.

Step 15: Close the function main.

Step 16: Close the class Repeat.

Step 1: Declare class CompositeMagicNumber.

Step2: Declare a function main with return type as void.

Step 3: Declare a scanner object in and take two integer variables m and n to take two input
from the user .

Step 5: Check if m<1 or n<1 or m>n, then print “Invalid Input”.

Step 6: Take an integer variable count and initialize it with 0.

Step 7: Initiate a loop from i = m to n and inside the loop take a Boolean variable
isComposite and initialize it with false.

Step 8: Initiate another loop from j=2 to I and Inside the loop check if i is divisible by j, then
change the value of isComposite to true. Then close the loop

Step 9: Then check if isComposite is equals to true and i is not equal to 1, then declare an
integer variable num and initialize it with i.

Step 10: Initiate a while loop till num > 9, then declare an integer variable sum and initialize
it with 0 and inside the loop initiate another while loop till num not equals to 0.

Step 11: Inside the loop declare an integer variable d to store the integer value of the
remainder of num/10.

Step 12: Then increment num by num/10.

Step 13: Then increment sum by d and close the 2nd while loop.

Step 14: Assign sum to num and close the 1st while loop.

Step 15: Check if num is equals to 1, then increment the count by 1 and print i and close the
1st for loop.

Step 16: Print “Frequency of composite magic numbers:” with the value of count.

Step 17: Close the function main.

Step 18: Close the class CompositeMagicNumber.

Step 1: Declare a class First_10_Fermat_Numbers.

Step2: Declare a function main with return type as void.

Step 3: Declare an integer variable n and initialize it with0.

Step 4: Declare a double variable result.

Step 5: Initiate a while loop till n=10.

Step 6: Inside the loop initialize result with ((2 raised to the power of 2n )+1).

Step 7: Increment n by 1.

Step 8: Print result.

Step 9: Close the while loop.

Step 10: Close the function main.

Step 11: Close the class First_10_Fermat_Numbers.

Step 1: Declare a class FascinatingNumber.

Step2: Declare a function main with return type as void.

Step 3: Declare three integer variables num, n2, n3 initialize them with a scanner object, num
* 2, num * 3 respectively.

Step 4: Declare a string variable concatstr and initialize it with num+””+n2+n3.

Step 5: Declare a boolean variable found and initialize it with true value.

Step 6: Initialize a for loop from c= ‘1’ to ‘9’ and inside the loop declare an integer variable
count and initialize it with 0.
Step 7: Initialize another loop from i=0 to the length of the string concatstr and inside the
loop declare and initialize a character variable ch with concatstr.charAt(i) to store each
character for every index i.

Step 8: check if ch is equals to c and increment the count by 1 and close the loop.

Step 9: Check if count > 1 or count is equals to 0 then assign false value to found and break.

Step 10: Close the 1st for loop.

Step 11: Check if found is equals to true then print it is a fascinating number otherwise print
it is not a fascinating.

Step 12: Close the function main.

Step 13: Close the class FascinatingNumber.

Step 1: Declare a class Narcissistic_number.

Step 2: Declare a function is_narc_dec_num() with return type as Boolean and its parameter
is (long n).

Step3: Inside the function check if n < 0 then return false.

Step4: Declare a string variable str1, an integer variable x, a long variable and initialize them
with Long.toString(n), str1.length, 0 respectively.

Step 5: Initialize a loop like this [for(char c : str1.toCharArray())], inside the loop increment
sum_num by Math.pow(Character.digit(c, 10), x).

Step 6: Return the boolean value of sum_num==n and close the function.

Step 7: Declare a function main with return type as void and inside the function initiate a loop
from n=0, ctr = 0 to 15.
Step 8: Inside the loop Check if the value of is_narc_dec_num(n) is true then print n and
increment the ctr by 1. Close the loop.

Step 9:Close the function main and the class Narcissistic_number.

Step 1: Declare a class Cyclic_Number.

Step 2: Declare a function isCyclic() with return type boolean and its parameter is long N.

Step 3: Declare a long variable num, an integer variable count, an integer variable digit, a
boolean variable allSame and initialize them with N, 0, (int)(num%10), true respectively.

Step 4: Initialize a while loop till num > 0 and inside the loop increment count by 1.

Step 5: Check if (num%10) is not equals to digit, then assign false value to allSame and
increment num by num/10.

Step 6: Close the while loop.

Step 7: Check if allSame is equals to true, then return false.

Step 8: Check if (Count % 2) is equals to 0 then declare long variables halfPower, firsthalf,
secondhalf and initialize them with (long)Mah.pow(10, count/2), N%halfPower,
Step 9: Check if firstHalf is equals to firsthalf and isCyclic(firstHalf) is equals to true, then
return false.

Step 10: declare N to num.

Step 11: Initiate a while loop till it returns true.

Step 12: Declare long variables rem, div and initialize them with num%10, num/10

Step 13: Assign (long)(Math.pow(10, count-1))*rem+div to num.

Step 14: Check if num is equals to N then break.

Step 15: Check if num%N is not equals to 0 then return false and close the while loop.

Step 16: Return true and close the function.

Step 17: Declare a function main with return type as void.

Step 18: Declare a Scanner object sc and declare a long variable N to take the input.

Step 19: Check if (isCyclic(N)) is true then print yes otherwise print no.

Step 20: Close the function main and the class Cyclic_Number.

Step 1: Declare a class Pattern.

Step 2: Declare a function main with return type as void.

Step 3: Inside the function initiate a loop from i=1 to 6.

Step 4: Inside the loop initiate another loop from j=i to 6-1.

Step 5: Inside the loop print “ ” and close the loop.

Step 6: Initiate a loop from j=1 to I and inside the loop print j and close the loop.

Step 7: Inside the loop from j=i-1 to 1 and inside the loop print j and close the loop.

Step 8: Print a line and close the loop.

Step 9: Close the function main.

Step 10: Close the class Pattern.

STEP 1: Initialize variables x, n and sum as global variables

STEP 2: Create a non-parameterized constructor and set the values of the variables to their
default values

STEP 3: Create a function getPower of integer return type and accept two integer arguments
m and p

STEP 4: Inside the function check if p=0,if yes, return 1. This is the base case.

STEP 5: If the value of p is not equal to 0, return m*getPower(m and p-1)

STEP 6: Create a function readLimit with return type as void and input the values of the
variables x and n from the user

STEP 7: Create a function Sum with return type as void

STEP 8: Inside this function, initiate a loop i from 1 to the number of terms n

STEP 9: Pass two variables through getPower; one with i and i values and the other with x
and i*2 as arguments

STEP 10: Store the value of the second variable divided by the first variable in a variable sum
and keep adding the values
STEP 11: Print the sum outside the loop

STEP 12: Create a function main with return type as void to call all the functions

The given program involve STACK Algorithm.


Step 1 - Checks if the stack is full.

Step 2 - If the stack is full, produces an error and exit.

Step 3 - If the stack is not full, increments top to point next empty space.

Step 4 - Adds data element to the stack location, where top is pointing.

Step 5 - Returns success.


Step 6 - Checks if the stack is empty.

Step 7 - If the stack is empty, produces an error and exit.

Step 8 - If the stack is not empty, accesses the data element at which top is pointing.

Step 9 - Decreases the value of top by 1.

Step 10 - Returns success.

Step 1: Declare a class Moblie_Repairing.

Step 2: Declare t[], bb, ss, mm, ct, a, j, k, i as integer variables and B[], S[], M[], Q[] a string

Step 3: Declare a constructor Mobile_Repairing() and inside the constructor initialize all the
variables declared above and close the constructor.

Step 4: Declare a function m() with return type as void and inside the function declare an
object ob of class Project, declare a character variable ans.

Step 5: Initiate do while loop till ans is not equal to n and inside the loop initialize the
variable t[i] with sc.nextInt(),declare and initialize a variable ch with

Step 6: Use a switch case with ch as input and inside the switch case give three cases ‘B’, ‘S’,

Step 7: Inside the switch case, for case ‘B’ increment bb by 1 and assign ct + “B” to B[a++]
assign B[a-1] to Q[i] and break, for case ‘S’ increment ss by 1 and assign ct + “S” to S[j++]
assign S[j-1] to Q[i] and break, for case ‘M’ increment mm by 1 and assign ct + “M” to M[k+
+], assign M[k-1] to Q[i] and break. Close the switch case.

Step 8: Increment i by 1 and then initialize ans with to take y or n and
close the loop and close the function m().

Step 9: Declare a function dsp() with return type a void and inside the function declare and
initialize integer variables c=0, i1=0, i2=0, i3=0.

Step 10: Initiate a do while loop till c<ct and inside the loop initiate three for loops from h=0
to h<ct for i1, i2, i3.
Step 11: Inside the three loops same conditions are followed for each ‘B’, ‘S’, ‘M’, and close
the while loop.

Step 12: Declare a main function with return type as void and inside the function call the
functions m(), dsp() by creating new object ob of class Mobile_Repairing.

Step 13: Close the main function.

Step 14: Close the class Mobile_Repairing.

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