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Curso: (inglés A1)

Código: (900001-1571)

Tarea 2 Writing


Geysel Karina Rueda Vega


Aleida Roció Rodríguez

Paso 2: Presentación en el Foro

1. What is your name? 2. What is your nationality? 3. What is your profession? 4.

What is your language? 5. How old are you? 6. What do you like? 7. What do you
hate. 8.What are you studying?
2. My name is Geysel Karina Rueda, I am from Colombia, I am not yet a professional,
my mother tongue is Spanish, I am 26 years old, I like to draw, dance and watch
movies, I don't like to exercise and I study Public Accounting.

Paso 3: Estructure su escrito


Parte del texto Oraciones para los párrafos

Párrafo 1: My name, age, origin, 1my name is Geysel Karina
occupation, things I like, and things I don’t 2. I am 26 years old
like. 3. I am from Colombia
4 study public accounting
5. I like to dance, draw, and watch movies
6. I don't like to exercise
Párrafo 2: Relative 1: name, age, origin and 1. My mom's name is Nubia Vega
occupation 2. She is 49 years old
3. she is from Colombia
4. she is a teacher
Párrafo 3: Relative 2: name, age, origin and 1. My sister's name is Bleydy Rueda
occupation 2. She is 22 years old
3. She is from Colombia
4. She is a student of Integral Beauty
Párrafo 4: Relative 3: name, age, origin and 1 My daughter's name is Analucia Rueda
occupation 2. she is 4 years old
3. she is from Colombia
4. she is dedicated to studying
Párrafo 5: My house Room 1, 2 and 3 1. My house is big
2. There is a large bed in my room
3. There is a large closet
4. There is a large mirror with shelves

Paso 4 y 5: texto consolidado

Hello, my name is Geysel Rueda, I am 26 years old, I am from Colombia, I study Public
Accounting, I like to dance, draw and watch movies, I don't like to exercise.

My mother is called Nubia Vega, she is 49 years old, she is from Colombia, she is a

My father's name is Jorge Rueda, he's 50 years old, he's from Colombia, he's a driver

My sister's name is Bleydy Rueda, she is 22 years old, she is from Colombia, she is a
student of Integral Beauty.

My daughter is called Analucia Rueda, she is 4 years old, she is a student.

My house is big, there is a big bed in my room, there is a big closet, a big mirror with

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