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1. Which was well accepted by the Filipino natives under Spanish rule?

The correct answer is: Employment of Reduccion

2. The worship of many gods and goddesses of the Egyptians, except during the reign of Pharaoh
The correct answer is: Polytheism
3. Who does the canvassing of votes for President and Vice President in every election?
The correct answer is: Congress
4. When one company controls the supply of sugar, which term applies?
The correct answer is: Monopoly
5. The act of a government official to appoint a close relative to an important government position
The correct answer is: Nepotism
6. Which refers to the division of Indian society into hereditary classes?
The correct answer is: Caste system
7. When the Japanese came, Manila was declared an “Open City” by McArthur. Open City means:
The correct answer is: Manila was open for both Japanese and American to stay
8. The families of victims of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances can invoke the writ when
the right to life, liberty or security of a person is violated or threatened with violation by an unlawful act
or omission of a public official or employee or of a private individual or entity.
The correct answer is: Writ of amparo
9. The state of entire subjection of one person to the will of another.
The correct answer is: Slavery
10. The Katipunan was the movement founded by Bonifacio. Its major objective was:
The correct answer is: Separation of Philippines from Spain
11. World War II in the Philippines ended when the Japanese surrender after the bombing of?
The correct answer is: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
12. Trade-offs are required because needs are unlimited and resources are:
The correct answer is: Scarce
13. It is social relationship and responsibility to men and women:
The correct answer is: Gender
14. They are the rights of the citizens which the law will enforce at the instance of private individuals for
the purpose of securing their enjoyment of their means of happiness
The correct answer is: Civil Rights
15. The purpose of this religious war undertaken by various European rulers is to recover the holy land
from the Muslims.
The correct answer is: Crusades
16. The first Filipino appointed by the Americans as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court:
The correct answer is: Cayetano Arellano
17. Which body of water was recently renamed as West PhilippineSea for the purpose of claiming the
Spratly’s group of islands by the Philippine Government?
The correct answer is: South china sea
18. Which of the following is the greatest contribution of the United states to the Philippine civilization?
The correct answer is: The System of Public Education
19. High rates of population growth are problems in less developed countries because of their effects on:
a. all of these 
b. inequality in the distribution of income
c. diminishing returns in agriculture
d. unemployment and urban congestion
The correct answer is: all of these
20. What agency sets out international human rights standards?
The correct answer is: UDHR
21. Which of the ff. terms refers to the economic and political hostility that lasted for more than 20 years
before the 2 superpowers began discussions on disarmament?
The correct answer is: Cold war
22. The political viewpoint stemming from the ideas of Karl Marx and Nicolai Lenin. In which Bolsheviks of
Russia was founded
The correct answer is: Communism
23. he member of the third rank of the Katipunan were called _______ and wore a red shroud and a
ribbon edged with green piping symbolizing courage and hope.
The correct answer is: Bayani
24. Monotheism means the worship of one God. Which among the following religion is not considered as
The correct answer is: Hinduism
25. History has shown that the basic agency of education is the:
The correct answer is: Family
26. Which countries were referred to as the Allied Powers in World War II?
The correct answer is: France, England, USSR, USA
27. Gross Domestic Product is the sum of the market value of the:
The correct answer is: Final goods and services
28. La Gioconda a famous renaissance painting was work of:
The correct answer is: Leonardo da Vinci
29. As per the agreement in the Pact of Biac-na-Bato. Emilio Aguinaldo was to go into exile in
The correct answer is: Hongkong
30. It is a method by which a public officer may be removed from office during his tenure or before the
expiration of his term by a vote of the people after registration of a petition signed by a required
percentage of the qualified voters.
The correct answer is: Recall
31. Consumers buy more of a product at relatively low prices than at relatively high prices.
The correct answer is: Law of demand
32. The process by which a person learns the requirements of the culture by which he/she is surrounded,
and acquires values and behaviors that are appropriate or necessary in that culture.
The correct answer is: Enculturation
33. Who among the following presidents was known for his nationalistic moves particularly in the field of
The correct answer is: Carlos Garcia
34. It refers to attitude or behavior based on traditional stereotypes of sexual roles
The correct answer is: Sexism
35. Which is known as the “land of the thunder dragons “and it is a mountainous and landlocked Himalaya
The correct answer is: Bhutan
36. Which of the four pillars of education for the 21st century is crucial in the light of conflicts between
Israel and Palestine?
The correct answer is: Learning to live together
37. The principle of diminishing marginal utility means that as you spend more and more hours watching
television. Your total utility from television will ______ and your marginal utility from each additional
hour of television will ____
The correct answer is: Increase, Decrease
38. It is a remedy available to any person whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violatedor
threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or
entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or storing of data or information regarding the person,
family, home and correspondence of the aggrieved party.
The correct answer is: Writ of Habeas Data
39. Pre-historic period refers to the
The correct answer is: Period in history when there were no written records at all
40. According to Hindus, all actions of a person’s life affect his or her fate in the next life and this is called
The correct answer is: Karma
41. It identifies the biological differences between men and women:
The correct answer is: Sex
42. Paris, Sydney, Moscow, London are the best examples of this type of location.
The correct answer is: Nominal
43. Which law provides for establishment of a Commonwealth government a 10-year period as
preparation for independence to be conferred on July 4, 1946?
The correct answer is: Tydings-McDuffie Act
44. Violation of human rights is a violation of the _________ of persons.
The correct answer is: dignity
45. It refers to any liability to pay money arising out of a contract, express or implied.
The correct answer is: Debt
46. It is a vast plain strategically located in the center of the country. It does not produce its agricultural
product like fish, poultry and swine. All these come from neighboring provinces. It is the center of
politics, education, culture, transportation and communication.
The correct answer is: Manila
47. Officials removable by impeachment:
The correct answer is: The President, Vice-President, members of the Supreme Court members of the
Constitutional Commissions, and the Ombudsman
48. When recession gets prolonged resulting to a slump in business activity, we are in a period of?
The correct answer is: Depression
49. Social studies curriculum is said to be unidisciplinary if:
The correct answer is: If focuses solely on one specific discipline such as History or geography
50. Upon which is based the claim that there is no single universal standard to be used to judge any
culture based?
The correct answer is: Cultural relativism

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