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Pajarillo – Naval – Imanil – Benigno – Pescador – Ventura – Imbat – Quiano

Group Name : Maayon IT Research 4 (MIR4)

Suggested Projects/Research

1. Title : Adding Sex Education in the Curriculum of students

Short Description : gathering the pros and cons of adding sex education in the current curriculum

Goal : increase young people's knowledge and improve their attitudes related to sexual and reproductive health and behaviors

2. Title : Academic Work Sharing Platform (AWSP)

Short Description :
AWSP is a homework-sharing virtual platform exclusive only for the students of UCU. Here, have a limited amount of
chances (per day) to post or answer questions. Points are determined by the likes given by other students and teachers.
Accumulated points can be converted into tokens (like in cryptocurrencies) and these tokens can be exchanged for rewards like
mobile load, university books, school fee discounts, and even cash. The default username of each member will be their student ID
number to avoid any form of cheating during exams or any other activities. This platform will strictly be monitored by the

Goal :
• to inspire students to share and explore knowledge in a collaborative and healthy community
• help students with their expenses
• motivate students with rewards

3. Title : Adding Thermal Scanners on University entrances
Short Description :
University guards won’t be able to handle this job when the face-to-face classes will be resumed. Upon entering, the
students will need to tap their ID’s on card reading machines connected to the thermal scanners. This machines will make a record
of the students(with their temperature that day) everytime they enter the university. If the machine has detected that the student
has a fever, it will immediately inform and alert the guards for them to stop and perform what is needed.

Goal :
minimize the risk of getting infected by the CoVid virus.

Research Roles : will depend after the choosing of research project

October 26, 2021 :

• First meeting
• Brainstorming
• Suggestion of group name and project/research ideas
October 27, 2021 :

• Finalizing the group name and research titles

Attendance: ✔️

October 26 October 28 Research

(gmeet) (gmeet) and Name
Naval ✔️
Pajarillo ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Benigno ✔️
Imbat ✔️ ✔️
Pescador ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Quiano ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Ventura ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

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