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Salipsip, Ken Marco C.


1. Thinking about your Digital Self Think about all the ways you use technology in your
personal live (e.g., for entertainment, shopping, sharing photos, communicating with
people, etc.). Who do you interact digitally, and how do you do this (i.e., what
applications/websites do you use and for which purpose?) Now think about yourself as a
student and the ways you use technology for learning?

Answer: Due to this pandemic, we have no other choice but to stay at home thus making
technology more vital than before. Technology for me is the way to survive these days; it helps
me a lot not to get bored because there are several applications and sites such as Netflix, and
youtube to watch movies, vlogs and a lot more. Technology is also the mode to go shopping
mainly with the use of shopee and lazada to buy the things I need. I also use it for
communication; I mainly interact digitally with my girlfriend, my family, and friends through social
media platforms such as facebook messenger, and instagram. It helps us to stay connected
with each other. In terms of education, we are using Microsoft Teams to conduct classes and to
maintain communication with our professors. Technology is a big help for my education
because I have an access to different sites where I can watch many tutorials about our subjects.

2. How is literacy depicted on the Internet? Use a common search engine like Google and
type the term “literacy” into the search bar. Select the option to view the results as
images and scroll through the visual depictions of literacy. What do these images depict
about the concept of literacy?

Answer: Images on the internet depicts that literacy is the about learning; mainly how to read
and write.

3. Generational View of Digital Natives There are many cartoons online that comment on
the amusing side of this concept. Do a search on Google (or your favorite search
engine) for “digital native” a cartoon. You might see images of kids looking at a book with
a shock and asking each other, “Where is the ‘on’ button?” or you might see a child
returning home from school walking right past their parent exclaiming, “How do you think
it was? They didn’t even have WI-FI!”
Answer: It can be said that being digital means that a person has grown up and has become
accustomed to technologies such as cell phones, tablets, and, more importantly, the Internet. As
digital carriers, they don't have to learn and try to understand how current technology works.
They tend to understand the ability to use this for their own pleasure and happiness. Older
generations will find it definitely more difficult to customize the given the rapidly evolving and
improving modern technology. So, as digital natives, their mind and understanding is more than
capable of adapting to these drastic changes.

4. How digitally literate are you? Why not take stock of where you are right now? How
digitally literate are you, and do you know what that means?

Answer: I believe I have enough digital knowledge to keep up with new trends and
technological advances. I know how to use cell phones, laptops and other devices. I also know
how to deal with social media and communication. You can also do basic photo and video
editing. Being digitally literate means having ‘the ability to identify and use technology
confidently, creatively and critically to meet the demands and challenges of living, learning and
working in a digital society,’ according to Associate Professor Jo Coldwell-Neilson, Deakin’s
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning, in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built

5. How do others see you online? Search the reference to yourself on the internet by
looking up your name using your preferred search engine. What do you have to type in
to find the “real you” and not either someone else with the same name or one-
dimensional representation of you? Is this an accurate representation of who you are,
what your interests are, what you find interesting, and what you share with others

Answer: When I typed my name, all that is displayed were the link through my facebook
account. Photos searched were Ken; the leading man of Barbie.

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