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My favorite film is “The Hunger Games” it is a drama of survival that depicts the

nurturing courage of a young woman forced to do battle against both friend and foe.
Three things make The Hunger Games so powerful. First is the heroism of Katniss,
whose independence, nurturing love, and survival skills serve her well during her ordeal.
Second, The Hunger Games works because it presents a thought-provoking depiction
of the plight of all teenagers living in perilous times. Third is the screenplay by Gary
Ross, Suzanne Collins, and Billy Ray. True to the style of classic dystopian novels, it
takes the warps and excesses of present-day society and projects them into the near
future where they can be seen more clearly.

I chose red as the background color because it represents many things, all of
which are powerful. Red represents romantic love as well as physical passion. As we all
know, every movie has a love story, even if it is an action or thriller film, such as The
Hunger Games. Red is also associated with violence, anger, and aggression, and it
frequently indicates danger. As the film contains a variety of themes, including moderate
violence, drinking, and some romance, but it sends a strong message to the audience
as a whole. Fear, poverty, state power, violence as entertainment, and moral dilemmas
are just a few of the chilling themes that have made The Hunger Games such a gripping
story. I drew a fire because fire is one of the most powerful symbols throughout The
Hunger Games trilogy. At various times, it represents passion, rebellion, transformation,
destruction, anger, and hatred. It also represents Katniss herself, "the girl who was on
fire." I drew a mockingjay because it is the most prominent symbol in the movie. When
Katniss wears a mockingjay pin into the Games, she unintentionally presents herself as
a rebel. Katniss becomes the human embodiment of the resistance after being
metaphorically transformed into a mockingjay. She and Peeta are both winners at the
end of the 74th Games—like the Mockingjays, they represent something that should
never have existed and have demonstrated an uncanny ability to survive. Lastly,
Katniss' weapons, a bow and arrows, have a special meaning to her: They represent
security. First, they allow Katniss to hunt. It’s because she knows how to hunt that her
family has survived as long as it has, and she’s always felt that as long as she has
these weapons and game to kill, she can feed herself and her family. That knowledge
brings her a great deal of comfort, and in the act of hunting in the woods itself she feels
more comfortable than she does anywhere else. In the arena, a bow and arrows
represent a different type of security. They allow Katniss to feel that she’s able to
protect herself. Consequently, they give her confidence and a feeling of safety in the
midst of uncertainty and hostility.

In conclusion, I now understand how to use the elements and principles of art
effectively in my artwork, how they contribute to the creation of a good piece of artwork,
and how artists throughout history have used them.

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