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Breastfeeding, Childhood Asthma,

and Allergic Disease

Breastfeeding is something that women have carry out since the beginning of time. It is
a role of being a Mother for their kids. That is how they show there love to their kids.
Sacrificing many things like breastfeeding into the public places. When I was a kid it is
weird to see a mother sitting into one place and expose their breast and feed their
babies, When I was a kid I find it pretty funny. Growing up having a further knowledge
and informative information about the breastfeeding and reading a Journal about
breastfeeding amazed me much more, and now I see the public breastfeeding more
amazing because as i think public Breast-feeding is a natural and cost free source of
food for the babies and it is natural need for kids. However, now women have other
options other than breastfeeding or what we call artificial milk. Yet, researchers have
found that by not breastfeeding both mothers and children might be missing out on
important benefits. Breastfeeding can lead to a better health, increased brain
development and creates strong parental bonds that affects future relationships.
Because of this Journal Reading I found breastfeeding unique because it has a complex
composition that contain the factors that interact with the infants immune system and
intestinal milieu including allergens, cytokines, immunoglobulins, polyunsaturated fatty
acids, and chemokines. It says in the journal that having a allegic disease is possibly
cause of the environment and the lifestyle of the Child  such as smoking in the
household, house dust mite, grasses, or pollens may be implicated. Lifestyle and
environmental factors including obesity, living in an urban environment, dietary patterns
including fast food and poor diet quality, formula milk feeding, smoking, pollution, and
infection have been associated with asthma exacerbations in childhood breastfeeding is
the most effective way to prevent this because it has been shown that Breastfeeding
has been shown that it protects the children against early respiratory and other
infection. breastfeeding may promote tolerance as well as protection when
complementary feeding is initiated. In the further knowledge as a Nursing Student and
having a subject like Community health nursing, I could give council/enlighten my
community to continue breastfeeding to their babies because it play an important role
for the bond of a kid with their parent, not only by that but also breastfeeding gives their
kid a assurance for the immunity of a kid, ensuring the kid a protection This is because
in this perfect amount of milk, there are tons of protein, carbohydrates, probiotics, healthy
fats, and antibodies. All of these and more work together to help the immune system
more easily fight off infections and prevent diseases. Such are ear infections, diabetes,
asthma, respiratory infections and digestive issues. These benefits start from infancy and
continue into adulthood.

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