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Rationale and Background of the Study

Stress is definitely a big word with even bigger impact, however this can be dealt
with small changes that we bring in our day to day life. Stress is experienced by
managers, financers, government officials, administrators, politicians, house wives and
is most prevalent amongst students nowadays. It is essential to identify the cause of
the stress so that it can be addressed meticulously and efficient interventions can be
outlined. Stress is always seen as subjective process and encompasses individual’s
personal analysis and counter to a threatening event. Stress can result in depression,
anxiety and many other hazardous conditions. (Jain & Singhai, 2017). [RRL by

The phenomenon of stress is highly individualistic in nature. Some people have

high level of tolerance for stress and thrive very well in the face of several stressors in
the environment, for example, working under deadlines and time pressures, meeting
high standards of performance expectation, and working with inadequate resources
(Anto & Shameem, 2018). [RRL by Sarmiento] Stress is a process by which we perceive
and cope with environmental threats and challenges. Academic stress is a common
phenomenon faced by university students. Academic stress is often seen in the daily
activities of students (Ezekiel, n.d.). [RRL by Mertalla]
There are many types of stress, and it is generally grouped in to two types. That
is good and bad stress. Good stress also termed as eustress and it is motivates the
person to reach the goals, eventually leading to more happiness, success, or fulfilment.
These are generally relatively short bouts of stress and provide motivation to get
something done or overcome an obstacle. Bad stress also called as distress and it can
be short-term or long-term. It is frequently escorted by the thoughts of helplessness
because don't have a lot of control over what's happening and may begin to feel
compressed or trapped (Ashokkumar et al, 2019). [RRL by Versales]
For many young adults, college is the best time of life. These critical years can
also be undermined by depression, anxiety and stress. It is in college that an adolescent
enjoys the vibrant environment, the company of friends, and the various academic and
co-curricular activities, which enriches, nurtures and prepares the adolescent for
adulthood (Devi & Mohan, 2015). [RRL by Cabo]
Looking from a closer perspective, the college students encounters a number of
challenges in his day to day life, therefore the whole idea of an existing and vibrant
college life is unveiled by these challenges which in turn contribute to stress and if not
dealt with can only escalate and hamper their academic performance, emotional and
social well-being. Deprived fitness were also related with high levels of stress
(Ashokkumar et al, 2019). [RRL by Versales]
Academic pressure has increased over the past few years, there are
examinations, assignments and many other activities that a student has to shuffle
through. Not only the design but teachers and parents also burden the students with a
lot of pressure of getting good grades. These expectations make the students work
relentlessly and end up in creating more stress. With academics, the parents and the
institutions want the students to participate in extracurricular activities too, the current
expectations from the students is to be an all rounder. (Jain & Singhai, 2017). [RRL by

According to Devi and Mohan (2015), [RRL by Cabo] these problems may further
cause psychological troubles and even induce deviant behaviors. For college students,
stress mainly comes from academic tests, interpersonal relations, relationship problems,
life changes, and career exploration. Such stress may usually cause psychological,
physical and behavioral problems.
The researchers aim to measure the stress level of CIT – U fifth year civil
engineering students, as well as identifying its stressors, and the ways to manage


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to know the stress level experienced by CIT – U fifth
year civil engineering students. This seeks to answer the following question:
1. What is the stress level of the CIT – U fifth year civil engineering students?
2. What caused the CIT – U fifth year civil engineering students to be stressed out?
3. What techniques did the CIT – U fifth year civil engineering students used to
cope with stress?

Mazo (2015) [RRL by Igot] stated that stress affects people from all walks of life
regardless of age, gender, civil status, political affiliation, religious belief, economic
status and profession. It affects decision-makers such as the politician, the manager,
the priest or pastor, the employee, the housewife, the student, the out-of-school
youths, the driver, and even the jobless. Stress is found everywhere, that is, at home,
with friends, in the office, in school, in the classroom. It is just around the corner. It
simply cannot be avoided because it is part of being human. In fact, a lot of people
experience stress every day. It could be brought about by many factors. The causes
and levels of stress vary from one person to the other. No person is free from stress,
regardless of how privileged, reasonable, clever, and intelligent he may be. Every
person will be challenged at times by frustrations, losses, changes and conflicts.
In addition, Anto and Shameem (2018) [RRL by Sarmiento] stated that for every
individual there is an optimum level of stress under which he/she will perform to full
capacity. Psychological withdrawal will result in careless mistakes being frequently
made, forgetting to do things, and thinking of things other than work during work
hours. Physical withdrawal will manifest itself in increased rates of tardiness and
absenteeism which may ultimately lead to turnover. If on, the other hand, the stressors
in an individual’s environment are too many or too intense (for instance, when one is
constantly being “picked on” by the boss or has too many conflicts with the superior, or
is engaged in doing a job that is highly hazardous to health, such as working in a
nuclear plant, or has to work with disagreeable employers, their effects on performance
will again be adverse. Error will increase, bad decisions will be made, and the individual
may experience insomnia, stomach problems and psychosomatic illnesses.
Organizational performance and individual health are at their peak at optimum levels of
experienced stress.
Moreover, Mazo (2015), [RRL by Igot] also stated that the school is one place
where a lot of people converge on a regular basis. It is a fact that when people come
together, stress is bound to happen one way or the other. The Administration may be
stressed with the low turn-out of enrollment or the need to generate more funds to
finance important capital outlays. The causes of stress for teachers vary, such as lack of
preparation, family and financial problems, absentee and, sub-par students, among
others. Also, Bulo and Sanchez (2014) [RRL by Tanudtanud] stated that students and
teachers are the most affected in higher education environment. College students, as
recipients of stress, are the subject of this study. Reactions to stressors depend upon
his ability to cope with various instances of stressors. These sources of stress were
studied and analyzed in order to categorize its value in a scale of 4. Proper
management of these stressors could be polished for the benefit of servicing students
in any campus of the same nature. The purpose of this study is to examine which of the
sources of stress caused many college students in Santiago City to be prone most and
be helpful in creating stress management program for higher education institutions.
A study conducted by Ezekiel (n.d.) [RRL by Mertalla] demonstrated that every
university student experience various degrees of academic stress which affects their
academic performance in school. The study established symptoms and signs with which
one can be able to identify students under Academic stress. These were; Tiredness,
headache, loss of confidence and becoming more error prone.
Moreover, Dy et al. (n. d.) [RRL by Flores] conducted a study and it was stated
that all students, regardless of their academic classification pointed out that academics,
workload due to subjects, and time management were their main stressors. They all
reacted to stress with affective stress responses. These patterns can be monitored to
maintain the psychological and physical well-being of adolescent students. Further
studies can consider bigger samples in various universities and other socio-demographic
variables which are related to stress perceptions. Other than that, Byrley (2016), [RRL
by Zozobrado] stated that based on both anecdotal experience and research, college
students face stressors that can be related externally or internally to their college
experience. These stressors can play a negative role on student's well-being and/or
academic success and persistence.
Furthermore, Ashokkumar et al. (2019), [RRL by Versales] stated that the
students of engineering courses are distressed in a significant level. Students with free
mind with comfortable atmosphere can get lime light. From the above discussions it is
observed that the factors like, societal influence, financial status academic environment
are influence students attitude. To overcome these kind of stress among the
engineering students a proper counselling should be offered to them and develop
confidence on their minds to manage the difficulties during their college days. In
addition to this student should be mould to find the solution for their complexity due to
stress. This survey shows new insight in to the stress related problems faced by
engineering students and this help to rectify those problem and build a healthier future
younger generations.
To add to that, a study conducted by Byrley (2016) [RRL by Zozobrado]
indicated that first-generation freshman females experience more total stress compared
to continuing-generation freshman females and more stress associated with all five sub-
categories of the DISS except for academics. Only total stress scores were looked at for
the differences in Caucasian and non-Caucasian freshman females in which this study
shows that participants identifying as non-Caucasian experience increase levels of
stress. The total stress score was also the only score looked at when comparing the
differences between straight and non-straight freshman female students. This study
showed that participants identifying as non-straight experience increased levels of
A study conducted by Dy et al. (n. d.) [RRL by Flores] stated that out of the 528
respondents, 68% were females and 32% were males. According to their degree, 42%
belonged to the soft sciences and 58% to the hard sciences. In terms of academic
classification, 10% were freshmen, 36% sophomores, 33% juniors, and 21% seniors.
The top five overall stressors of the respondents were academic difficulty of subject
matter, workload due to subjects, time management because of subjects,
responsibilities due to being on one’s own, and time management because of both
subjects and organizations. The most frequently occurring stress responses were
affective stress responses followed by cognitive responses. For both male and female
respondents, the top stressors were academics, workload due to subjects, and time
management concerns.
Likewise, Bulo and Sanchez (2014) [RRL by Tanudtanud] stated that College
students are exposed to many problems from family, financial, peers, and school
environment. As he proceeded, continued and finally ended his courses enrolled in
college, various stressors hamper the successful attainment of his primary and
secondary goals. There are common stressors that affect college students:
intrapersonal, interpersonal, academic and environmental stressors.
Moreover, Laguador et al. (2013) [RRL by Dela Cerna] stated that eating fast,
making mistakes, restlessness, difficulty relaxing and poor time management are the
most behavioural stress being experienced frequently by the engineering students twice
or thrice a week while the least among the behavioural stress variables are outburst of
anger and crying. Behavioural stress is being experienced more frequently by the
engineering students than psychological stress and physical stress as the least. The
students who considered writing essays that contributed much to their level of stress
have also experiencing high level of physical, psychological and behavioural stresses.
On the other hand, Laguador et al. (2013, [RRL by Dela Cerna] stated that
engineering students during their terminal year must be given by the Counselling
Center the stress debriefing activities so that they will be able to handle their courses of
study better with less pressure. Teachers must coordinate with the other teachers in
giving reasonable schedule of submitting projects and assignments. Number of
extracurricular activities for graduating students must be lesser than the lower years.
Furthermore, there is also a study conducted by Laguador et al. (2013), [RRL by
Dela Cerna] which stated that the last and middle born child students have significantly
higher tendency of experiencing tension and irritability than First born child students.
Middle born child students have higher tendency of experiencing psychological stress
and behavioral stress than first born child students. Middle born child students have
more difficulty in relaxation, being impatient and outburst of anger compared to first
born. Last born child students are more prone for not having enough time to sleep than
first born. Middle born students have higher possibility of experiencing stress for having
a lot of responsibilities in school than the first born.

This section presents the results and discussion of the gathered data from the
questionnaires. The purpose of this study is to know the stress level experienced by CIT
– U fifth year civil engineering students.

Table 1A: Situations When Stress was Experienced by CIT – U Fifth Year Civil
Engineering Students
N = 100

Situations f Rank
I worry about passing the courses I am currently enrolled. 82 1
I feel that people have high expectations on me. 74 2
I feel I have too much responsibility. 67 3
I would like to make changes in my life but do not know how. 61 4
I handle most things alone with a little support from my family or
56 5
I have so many roles to portray; there are too many people to
52 6
I have trouble focusing on a given task. 48 7
I do not have enough time for leisure or taking care of my personal
47 8
I do not have enough say in decisions that affect me. 42 9
I notice that people have many demands on me. 40 10
I have difficulty expressing my feelings with my loved ones. 35 11
I am bothered with our family situation. 34 12
My personal needs are in conflict with my school work or family. 32 13
My allowance is not enough to buy the things I need in school. 30 14
I feel that I carry other people’s problem. 27 15

Table 1A presents the situations when stress was experienced by CIT – U fifth
year civil engineering students. ‘I worry about passing the courses I am currently
enrolled.’ ranked first with 82 checks, some students stated that “Lisod kayo mag huna-
huna nga dili ko kapasar sa uban nga subjects, kay lisod kayo i-balance ang time sa
buhatunon sa tanan subejcs” (It is very difficult for me to think that I will not be able to
pass some subjects, because it is very difficult to balance my time to make all my
requirements). ‘I feel that people have high expectations on me.’ ranked second with
74 checks, most of the students stated “Halos tanan tao sa akong palibot nag-expect na
nga maka-graduate ko og makakita dayon ug trabaho” (Almost all people around me
expects me to graduate and find a stable job immediately). ‘I feel I have too much
responsibility.’ ranked third with 67 checks, some students mentioned that “Daghan
kayo ko’g buhatunon, sa skwelahan, responsibilidad nako sa akong pamilya, sa akong
mga miga ug sa ubang tao. Grabe jud kaayo ang kabug-at nga mahatag ana nako” (I
have a lot of works for school, my responsibilities for my family, friends, and other
people. It really gives a lot of weight on my shoulder).
The statements of the students were specifically obvious, based on the study of
Ezekiel (n.d.) [RRL by Mertalla], stress reduces students work rate, reduces ability to
learn in class, and causes lack of concentration in class. This in turn leads to producing
poor quality work and reduces academic performance. Therefore, academic stress has a
negative relationship with students’ performance. The more the stress, the less the
student will perform at school. Moreover, based on the study of Bulo and Sanchez
(2014), [RRL by Tanudtanud] it was confirmed that college is exposed to many
problems in the family environment, one of which are the expectations of students to
receive parents approval relates to grades and student accomplishments in school.
‘My personal needs are in conflict with my school work or family.’ placed third
last with 32 checks, one of the students stated that “Wala jud kaayo ko ka feel ani,
hinuon man sad kay lahi man sad gud na siya sa kada tao” (I do not really feel like
that, it might be because it really differs from other people). ‘My allowance is not
enough to buy the things I need in school.’ placed second last with 30 checks, a
students stated that “Naa raman gud ipadala nga kwarta akong parents gikan sa
probinsiya, so sa karon wala ra kaayo ko nagproblema ana. Pero naa pud uban
classmates nako nga ni back-out sa thesis tungod sa kwarta” (I do not have any
problem financially as my parents always sends me money from the province, although
I heard some of my classmates backed out of their thesis because of financial
problems). ‘I feel that I carry other people’s problem.’ placed last with 27 checks, few
of the students shared that “Dili ni siya sa kadaghanan jud, pero naa jud uban namo
nga grabe ang kalisod tungod sa uban tao ba, sa ilang words, actions, expectations. Sa
akong nakit-an kay uban ra man sad hinuon kay kasagaran supported na kay naka-abot
na gud mi ug last year” (There are few cases like mine where we really feel the weight
brought by other people, but most of us does not feel that way because they are
supported since this is the last year of our college life).
The statements of the students might be a bit obvious, based on the study of
Mazo (2015) [RRL by Igot], it can be inferred that though a good number of the
student-respondents enjoy a reasonable weekly allowance there are those who are
financially hard-pressed considering the urban location of the school. On the other note,
according to Byrley (2016), [RRL by Zozobrado] having to earn money to pay for their
education may cause first generation college students difficulty in attempting to balance
work, school, and a social life which could in tum be stressful.

Table 1B: Stress Level Experienced by CIT – U Fifth Year Civil Engineering Students
N = 100

Level f Rank
Average (6 – 10) 47 1
Low (1 – 5) 32 2
Bad (11 – 15) 21 3

Table 1B presents that stress level experienced by CIT – U fifth year civil
engineering students. It shows that most of the students, 47 at that matter, scored
average, most of these students stated that “Nagkalisod man pud mi, pero kabalo man
gud mi unsay rason sa among stress, mao to medyo kabalo mi unsaon pag manage
among stress” (We are also facing difficulties, but since we know our stressor, we kind
of know how to deal with it). According to Anto and Shameem (2018), [RRL by
Sarmiento] majority of the respondents feel that focusing on solutions rather than
problem could be better to overcome stress. In addition, Jain and Singhai (2017) [RRL
by Muñasque] stated that it is essential to identify the cause of the stress so that it can
be addressed meticulously and efficient interventions can be outlined.
Low stress level ranked second with 32 students, one of the student stated that
“Para man gud nako, akong i-set akong mind, nga dili ni sya stress jud, akong pagtan-
aw niya kay challenge ra jud, imbis nga ma stress ko kay akong pangitaan ug pamaagi”
(For me, I set my mind, I do not think of it as stress but a challenge I should overcome
so I usually just look for way rather than thinking of it is a mere stress). According to
Jain and Singhai (2017) [RRL by Muñasque] stress is the body’s reaction to that
challenge or demand, and it can be positive at times; depending on how the person
perceived the situation.
On the last place is the bad stress level with 21 students, a student shared that
“Wala ko kabalo nganong stress ko, ang akoa lang kay murag one time ka-realize ko
nga stress ko, nya para nako ang factor kay tanan nga naa sa akong palibot, unya wala
koy maduolan” (I am not sure of my stressor, I just realized one day that I am stress,
and I am blaming it one everything aound me, and I have no one to share it with).
According to Ashokkumar et al. (2019), [RRL by Versales], to overcome these kind of
stress among the engineering students a proper counselling should be offered to them
and develop confidence on their minds to manage the difficulties during their college
days. In addition to this student should be mould to find the solution for their
complexity due to stress.

Table 2: Factors that Caused Stress to CIT – U Fifth Year Civil Engineering Students
N = 100

Stressors/Factors f Rank
Lack of sleep 84 1
Fear of failure 72 2
Poor time management 62 3
Fear of Rejection 57 4
Simultaneous deadlines of projects or
56 5
Being conscious about what others think of
51 6
Worrying about your future job 50 7
No free time 44 8
Always working 33 9
Self-Hate 31 10
Having a hard time establishing relationship
30 11
with others
Can’t balance family time and friends time 29 12
Being the bread-winner of the family 27 13
Not having enough money to buy school
23 14
needs (Fees/Daily expenses)
Quarrel between parents/siblings 17 15
Quarrel with friends/girlfriend/boyfriend 16 16
Non- supportive family 9 17
Bad relationship with parents 7 19
Sickly family member 7 19
Medical maintenance 7 19
Abusive mother/father 4 21
Others 2 22

Table 2 presents the factors that caused stress to CIT – U fifth year civil
engineering students. Lack of sleep ranked first with 84 checks, some of the students
stated that “Stressed nako daan, tapos wala pa jud koy tulog, mao to mas maka-stress
siya” (I am already stressed, then I don’t have sleep, my stress increases even more).
Fear of failure ranked second with 72 checks, the students reasoned out that “Daghan
kaayo ug expectations ang mga tao ba, unya bug-at kaayo sa heart nga mag huna-
huna nga ma-fail ko” (There are a lot of expectations from people, and my heart gets
heavy every time I think of failing those expectations). Poor time management ranked
third with 62 checks, a student stated that “Daghan kaayo mi ug buhatunon, unya sala
man sad hinuon nako, pero dili jud ko ka-manage sa akong time” (We have a lot of
works, although it is my fault but I really cannot manage my time). Fear of rejection
ranked fourth with 57 checks, a group of students agreed and stated that “Lisod kaayo
nang mag huna-huna nga i-reject mi ba, like kanang dili mi i-accept sa society tungod
sa among personality” (It is very hard for us to that we will get rejected, like if the
society will not accept it because of our personalities). Simultaneous deadlines of
projects or activities ranked fifth with 56 checks, most of the students stated that
“Daghan kaayo mi’g buhatunon, nya mao to ma domino effect, dili na mi ka balance sa
among oras, wala na mi tulog” (There are a lot of works, then a domino effect will
happen from there on – we can’t balance our time, then we can’t sleep).
These stressors are quite common among people. In a study by Dy et al. (n. d.),
[RRL by Flores] the top five overall stressors of the respondents were academic
difficulty of subject matter, workload due to subjects, time management because of
subjects, responsibilities due to being on one’s own, and time management because of
both subjects and organizations. In addition, according to Devi and Mohan (2015), [RRL
by Cabo] the most important emotional stressors include: not feeling confident about
oneself, feeling lonely, anxious and having no one to turn to and understand. Moreover,
in a study by Laguador et al. (2013), [RRL by Dela Cerna] engineering students during
their terminal year must be given by the Counselling Center the stress debriefing
activities so that they will be able to handle their courses of study better with less
pressure. Teachers must coordinate with the other teachers in giving reasonable
schedule of submitting projects and assignments.
On the other hand, tied in the nineteenth place are bad relationship with
parents, sickly family member, and medical maintenance, with 7 checks each, and
abusive mother/father placed second last with 4 checks. Some statements by the
students are “Naa man mi problema sa balay, niya dili lang nako ma share pero grabe
jud ang stress nga nahatag niya nako” (We have a problem in our household, I can’t
share it but it gave me a lot of stress), “Naa koy problema sa pamilya, niya akong
parents kay naa nay gi-maintain nga tambal kay diabetic” (I have a problem within
family, and may parents have a medical maintenance because they are diabetic),
“Daghan jud kaayo ug problema sa balay nya dili ko ka share ug problems sa akong
parents” (Our household have a lot of problems, and I can’t share my problems to my
According to Mazo (2015), [RRL by Igot] the common causes of their stress
include their academic subjects, also there could be issues with parents or guardians,
love life, their professors and instructors, and many more. There are also some physical
stressors remain, including natural disasters, illness, and noise. Day-to-day problems,
such as burning toast, taking rest, or feeling rushed, may also be stressful. According to
Jain and Singhai (2017), [RRL by Muñasque] lack of support is major reasons for stress
amongst students, lack of interaction with parents and teachers keep on building on
doubts and confusions that a child might have eventually leading to stress. There is a
lot that a child is expected to achieve, but due to lack of proper support, they feel lost
at sea and are left directionless. Ashokkumar et al. (2019), [RRL by Versales] conducted
a study and found out that 5% of the student’s said that their educational expenses can
be taken care of their parents. 21% of the students replied that their expenses meet
out by availing educational loan from the banks. Rest of the students can be sponsored
by the external agencies.
Moreover, others placed last with 2 checks. Here are the factors that were
specified by the students:
 No one to share my problems
 Aftermath of heartbreak

Table 3: Stress Techniques Done by CIT – U Fifth Year Civil Engineering Students
N = 100

Technique f Rank
Eating 76 1
Getting enough sleep 74 2
Doing something you love 65 3
Drinking enough water 63 4
Spending time with others 62 5
Managing your time properly 60 6
Being optimistic 56 7
Organizing your academic life 50 8
Distracting yourself 48 9
Resetting your mindset 46 10
Exercising 45 11
Going for a walk 41 12
Others 4 13

Table 3 presents the stress techniques done by CIT – U fifth year civil
engineering students. Eating ranked first with 76 checks, getting enough sleep ranked
second with 74 checks, and doing something you love ranked third with 65 checks. A
student who happened to check all three stated that “Para sa ako, dapat ampingan jud
nako akong lawas through eating ug tulog jud, unya buhatunon nako butang nga
ganahan nako unya pampakalma nako like paminaw ug music” (For me, I should take
care of my body though eating and sleeping, to add to that, I do things that I love and
it also helps me relax like listening to music), some of the students mentioned that
things they love to do such as playing their sports, watching movies, going out with
friends, etc. These techniques are common since in an article published by Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (2019), [RRL by Cabo] it was mentioned that taking
care of oneself, both physically and mentally, is the best technique to cope with stress.
On the other hand, exercising placed third last with 45 checks, and going for a
walk placed second last with 41 checks. A student stated “Naa naman diri tanan
pambuhatunon jud namo sa akong barkda, kanang pag care sa lawas unya taking a
break from everything like kanang lag-laag namo” (All the things that me and my
friends have done to cope is in this list, like taking care of my body and taking a break
like going to trips with my friends). These techniques are also common and was
mention in the same article published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(2019), [RRL by Cabo] it was mentioned that taking a break is important, and an
example was given out. The example was ‘If news events are causing your stress, take
a break from listening or watching the news’.
Moreover, last place was taken by others with 4 checks. Here are the techniques
that were specified by the students:

 Meditations
 Morning stretches
 Praying


This study is about stress level experienced by the CIT-U fifth year civil
engineering students. This was conducted to measure the stress level of the students,
as well as to identify its factors and techniques used to cope with stress.
This is a qualitative type of study with 100 respondents. The respondents are
fifth year students taking the program of civil engineering.
Based on the results of the statistical analysis of the data, the findings are
summarized as follows:
1. 47 students of the CIT-U fifth year civil engineering students experienced
average stress level, 32 students experienced low stress level, and the remaining
21 students experienced bad stress level.
2. The top five factors that caused the CIT-U fifth year civil engineering students to
be stressed out are lack of sleep, fear of failure, poor time management, fear of
rejection, and simultaneous deadlines of projects or activities. On the other
hand, the bottom five factors are bad relationship with parents, sickly family
member, medical maintenance, abusive mother/father, and others, which was
specified as no one to share my problems, and aftermath of heartbreak.
3. The top three techniques that were used by CIT-U fifth year civil engineering
students to cope with stress are eating, getting enough sleep, and doing
something the students love. On the other hand, the bottom three techniques
are exercising, going for a walk, and others, which was specified as meditations,
morning stretches, and praying.


From the above study, it is inferred that the CIT – U fifth year civil engineering
students are stressed in an average level. Students, whose stressors are known, had
easier time to cope with stress with the help of the stress management techniques.
From the discussions above, common stressors for the students are associated with the
academic pressure, and intrapersonal issues. To overcome the stress caused by these
stressors, the students tried different stress management techniques such as sleeping,
eating, etc. Therefore, a stress level of a person is based on the person’s environment,
the stressors, and how effective is the technique that was done to cope with stress.
In line with the findings of the study, and its various implications, the following
recommendation are hereby made:
1. To have stress management talks for the students. The findings indicated
that there are some students who do not have an idea on what the cause of the
stress is, and this result to the situation where some of the students do not know
how to deal with stress. Providing stress management talks will enlighten the
students on how stress should be dealt.
2. To promote the guidance office more to the students. The findings
indicated that the students had a hard time in looking for people whom the
students can share the stress the students felt. Promoting the guidance office
more to the students will add additional option for the students where the
students can talk about what the students truly feel more openly.
3. Develop on campus stress management programming and initiatives.
Allowing students an escape from their stress is crucial on a college campus.
Although counseling services are available on most college campuses, informal
outreach may be more efficient on reaching the student population.

Bulo, J. G., & Sanchez, M. G. (2014). SOURCES OF STRESS AMONG COLLEGE
STUDENTS. CVCITC Research Journal , Vol.1;17-25.


GENERATION FRESHMAN FEMALE Colleg. Masters Theses, 1-53.

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