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Midterm Book Review

This book is like a guide and perfect solution to the teens who are facing real issues in life. Every
teen should read this because it includes the things that hold us back from becoming the best
version of ourselves, we can ever be. This book really gives teens a way to overcome bad habits
that can cause a miserable life.
At first, I hesitated to read this because I thought I might be bored, but those introductory words
by Mr. Sean Covey really caught my attention and hyped me up! As I continued reading, I
realized that every issue the teens were going through was related to me. I mean, I went through
those things in real life and I still can't get over them. So, as I continued reading, there were
words that gave me goosebumps, because you know, it motivates me and it gives me knowledge
of how we can overcome real struggles, of course, by believing in ourselves. And he also gives
real-life stories of other people that experienced the very same thing and how they overcame it. I
realized that I am not the only one who is dealing with those issues, and if they managed to
overcome it, so will I! And as I continued reading, it felt like he was talking to me in real life,
like he was talking directly to my heart, because I could feel every single word he wrote in this
book. He gives a real-life solution to a real-life problem that most teens are going through right
now, and it amazes me a lot.

Here are the quotes that really caught my attention:

“I cannot do what you ask for I was born to be a king” It was the story of the son of the
king, named Prince Louis, who was forced to see the pleasures of this world, such as satisfying
his lust, and every day they tempted him to make his paradigms negative, but Prince Louis held
onto his paradigm of himself so tightly that nothing could shake him.

“If you could envision the type of person God intended you to be, you would rise up and
never be the same again” I quoted this one because it gives me goosebumps, because the topic
is about how we should not talk negatively about ourselves because we are worthy and other
people believe in what we can do. Of course, God believes in you and he wants you to become
the person he intended you to be.

“Make as many friends as you can but don’t build your life on them” This quote reminds me
of my former self, who relied too heavily on my friends, believing that we should do things
together, but then I realized that in order to grow, we shouldn't make them the center of our
world, because some friends may betray you or make new friends, which will hurt you.

“After all he who dies with the most toys…still dies” This quote shows the reality of human
life, because some of us center ourselves on material things, which we cannot bring into the
afterlife. So, we shouldn't let material things take over us. Instead, we should focus on ourselves
and be happy and contented with what we have.
“I could have accomplished what I wanted without trying so hard and I could have had a
good time doing it” This quote comes from the story of Lisa, a school-focused girl who is
obsessed with studying but forgets to enjoy the process of learning; after all, our grade point
average does not define our worth, so we don't need to work so hard that we forget what
happiness is. just need to enjoy every moment.

“You can’t do wrong and feel right” I quoted it because it is one of my favorite parts of this
book wherein we cannot fake ourselves, we cannot do bad things and expect good things to
happen, so if we want to see good things happen, we should do good things first.

This is an excellent book for teenagers who are struggling in life or who believe the world is
against them. This book is a masterpiece. I am so inspired and now I am willing to follow his tips
to become a highly effective teen and start building good habits for my bright future. So, in order
to apply those 7 habits in our life, we need to set goals, become productive, and become
disciplined in order to build effective habits that will change our lives radically. I hope everyone
who reads this book will someday become the best version of themselves and say to themselves,
"I made it. I am now the person that God intended me to be"

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