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7 Step Progression


Coaching Points:
 Sprint strongly to the ball, either directly forward or on a 45 deg angle,
 Strong first 3 or 4 steps with shoulders in the direction of the lead,
 Maintain lead onto the ball / drive on,
 Back person to maintain vision of the front person and lead in a different
 Reoffer is a change of direction
1. Explanation and Demonstration
Split Lead & Reoffer without Cones
Explanation: We use a split and reoffer to provide 2 options at the ball for
the same pass. The reoffer is used by the player who does not receive the
ball to make another lead for the second pass.
There must be:
Strong First Drive – needs to be definite with no hesitation,
Second person needs to read off the front player and pick a free space
and drive straight away – providing 2 options at the ball,
Readdress Coaching Points as listed above,
Quick Demonstration: Front player makes a lead fwd / right / left and
drives to the space, Back person reads off and makes a different lead to
another space,

2. Basic Movement (NO EQUIPMENT)

In pairs, one person stands behind the other along the baseline,
Front player makes a lead either fwd / right / left and drives to the space,
Back person reads off and makes a different lead to another space,
Continue until reach the baseline and then change with other player no
leading / front person,

Coaching Points:
 Ensure front person does not take too long to lead,
 Remember thrower only has 3 seconds to pass the ball,

3. Basic Movement (WITH EQUIPMENT)


Front player makes a lead either fwd / right / left and drives to a cone,

Back person reads off and makes a different lead to another cone,

Back person then changes direction at some stage and drives back
towards the initial starting position,

CHANGE IT: Front person now makes the change of direction driving
back to the initial starting position,
4. Add a Ball
Place a thrower in front of the pair – REMOVE THE CONES,

Players to perform split lead, player who does not get the ball, must re-
offer down court. Vary the angles of leads and which player receives the
first ball.

5. Add Defenders
i) Add one defender. First pass must go to the undefended player;

The person must then re-offer and beat defender.

* Defence is passive and will increase to active.
* When you add the defenders – it’s important for the girls that are re-
offering to try and get the front cut on their defender.

ii) Add a second defender

6. Group Drill
Two lines facing each other (transverse to transverse)

Ball starts in middle, but then becomes continuous after first pass,

First two players in line (Line 1) split lead and reoffer for ball;

Second person to receive ball passes to split lead in other line; players then
join end of opposite line.

(Line 1) (Line 2)

Add a defender onto each line, pass must go to the undefended player.

Add a second defender onto each line, pass must go to the best option and
reset back to their line if the reoffer is not a good option, reset the split and
reoffer again.

Coaching Points:
 Sprint strongly to the ball, either directly forward or on a 45 deg angle,
 Strong first 3 or 4 steps with shoulders in the direction of the lead,
 Maintain lead onto the ball / drive on,
 Back person to maintain vision of the front person and lead in a different
 Reoffer is a change of direction,
7. Full Court Drill / Implementation
i) Receive the ball in Goal Third
Ball starts with a T inside the goal circle. One player from each line either
side of thrower leads down court.

The ball is passed to them inside the goal third. That player then looks for
the centre and then the person from the other line.

The Centre or other player would then pass to the WA/GA on a split-lead
and read the spaces available to work the ball into a shot.

The ball can take any path down court as long as players are seeing all
options and showing space awareness.





Add floating defender on WA/GA split.

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