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HVAC and Characteristics of Air

Energy University Course Transcript

Slide 1
Welcome to HVAC and the Characteristics of Air. Today, we will introduce some basic HVAC terms and
calculations that will be useful when looking at the efficiency of an HVAC system.

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For best viewing results, we recommend that you maximize your browser window now. The screen controls
allow you to navigate through the eLearning experience. Using your browser controls may disrupt the
normal play of the course. Click the paperclip icon to download supplemental information for this course,
which includes a helpful glossary of terms. Click the Notes tab to read a transcript of the narration.

This course contains some basic HVAC calculations and you may find it helpful to have a calculator, some
scrap paper and a pencil on hand when taking this course.

Slide 3
At the completion of the course, you will be able to:
 Define sensible and latent heat, and enthalpy
 Calculate the heat flow in an HVAC system given input parameters
 Define wet-bulb and dry-bulb temperature, and dew point, and understand their relevance to
management of humidity in HVAC systems

Slide 4
The human body continually generates its own heat. Metabolism is the rate at which the body uses energy
to support all basic functions essential to sustain life, plus all energy requirements for additional activity and
digestive processes. In short, humans are sources of heat.

To feel comfortable, our bodies have to get rid of surplus heat. If we are rejecting our heat too quickly we
feel cold. If we are rejecting our heat too slowly we feel hot.

Part of the purpose of air conditioning is to provide human comfort. To achieve this, the system manipulates
the properties of the air in the conditioned space to regulate a desirable rate of heat transfer. There are two
main targets. The first is temperature, and the second is humidity.

Slide 5
The internal temperature of the body is 37ºC / 98.6ºF. If the body was not able to reject surplus heat, the
internal temperature would rise until permanent damage took place to our internal organs and chemical
processes. How does the body lose heat?

Heat flows from a higher temperature to a lower temperature. When room temperature is less than body
temperature, heat flows from the body to the room, partly through the skin, and partly through moisture-
laden warm air that is breathed out. If the room temperature is high, not much heat is flowing from our body

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to the room, and that makes us feel hot. This is why temperature is the first property that an HVAC system

When moisture evaporates, it takes heat with it. Perspiration forms on the skin and cools the body as it
evaporates. If the air in the room is humid and already contains a lot of moisture, evaporation will slow
down. Less heat will be leaving the body and that also can make us feel hot. This is why humidity is the
second property that an HVAC system controls.

Humidity also has to be controlled due to the effects of moisture and condensation on equipment,
furnishings and the structure of the building. And, of course, HVAC systems also control ventilation to keep
air relatively free of contaminants and meet standards for indoor air quality. This course will explore the
various calculations for heating and cooling. We will begin with some basic definitions.

Slide 6
Sensible heat, sometimes referred to as simple heat, is the heat absorbed or evolved by a substance during
a change of temperature that is not accompanied by a change of state. This is based on the temperature of
the air, which can be measured with a typical thermometer. As we just saw, in theory, cooler air causes heat
to transfer more quickly from the body.

Slide 7
Latent heat is contained in the moisture content in the air. Latent means “hidden”. Let’s talk about what we
mean by that. When we boil water, it evaporates into steam. The energy used to boil the water and make it
change state into steam is now “hidden” in the steam. Latent heat is the energy required to make a
substance change state.

Slide 8
Most people feel comfortable in a controlled environment with temperatures ranging between 68 and 74
degrees F (20 and 23 degrees C) and relative humidity levels ranging from 40% to 60%. It’s apparent that
air conditioning equipment and control strategies need to address both sensible and latent heat levels for
human comfort. That’s why it’s important for us to understand the properties of air.

Slide 9
Enthalpy is often referred to as “Total Heat”
 It is the heat energy content of moist air
 It represents the total heat contained in a sample of air; in other words, the enthalpy is the sensible
heat plus the latent heat
 It takes into account both temperature and humidity levels
 Enthalpy is represented by a capital H, while specific enthalpy is represented by lowercase h
 Enthalpy is given in (SI) joules per kilogram of air or BTU per pound of dry air.

Let’s move on now and take a look at sensible heat formulas.

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Slide 10
We can do calculations of the flow of sensible heat using simple formulas. The United States customary
system version of the formula looks like this:
Q = 1.08 * v * Δt
Q = heat transferred (Btu/h)
1.08 = a constant for sensible heat equations
v = volume of airflow (cfm)
Δt = air temperature difference (ºF)

And the metric version of the formula looks like this:

Q = 0.34 * v * Δt
Q = heat transferred (watts = joules / second)
0.34 = a constant for sensible heat equations
v = volume of airflow (m3/hr)
Δt = air temperature difference (ºC)

Let’s take a look at some real world examples, using both United States customary system and metric
versions of the formula. Click the corresponding arrow to view examples of each.

Slide 11
Let’s look at a US customary system problem.

A sensible heat recovery system operates as part of an air conditioning system. In an air handling unit, the
heat exchanger is where the outside air and building’s return air meet and become mixed together. The
outside air temperature is 45ºF and the exhaust air temperature is 75ºF. The system operates at 72%
efficiency and processes 30,000 cfm.

To approach this equation, we use the formula we saw before. But this system doesn't recover all the heat,
only 72%. So we need to add the efficiency to the equation:

Q = 1.08 * v * Δt * n
where n is the efficiency

Let’s figure out the BTU/hr using the information we have been given. Here we see the equation:

Q = 1.08 x 30,000 cfm x (75oF – 45oF) x 0.72

Q = 1.08 x 30,000 cfm x 30 ΔºF x 0.72
Q = 699,840 BTU/hr

Now let’s see how this heat recovery system translates into a financial benefit. We will ask: If this heat
recovery system runs 8 hours per day all year, how much is it saving if electricity costs 8c per kWh?

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To do this calculation, we have to manage a few conversions. We know the heat recovery in BTU/hr. We
need to convert that into kWh, to be able to calculate the cost. And we need to calculate how much that
amounts to over a year. Here's a way to formulate that calculation. We multiply by 8 hours per day, and
365 days per year. 1 kWh is equal to 3412 BTUs, so we show that conversion next and we know the cost of
energy. To check our work, we can cancel out units from above and below the line. BTUs cancels with
BTUs. Hours cancel with hours and days cancel with days. kWh cancel with kWh. What's left is $ per year,
and it's simple arithmetic to do the calculation. The result is $47,914.02 per year. This method is
sometimes called "railroad track calculation", because the lines separating the terms look like a railroad
track, and it can be a useful way for you to keep your calculations straight when you are converting between

Now you can either choose to view the Metric version of the equation or click to continue to the next topic.
Make your selection by clicking the appropriate arrow.

Slide 12
Here is the metric version of the sensible heat recovery formula.

Q = 0.34 * v * Δt * n
where n is the efficiency

Let’s look at our example.

A sensible heat recovery system operates as part of an air conditioning system. In an air handling unit, the
heat exchanger is where the outside air and building’s return air meet and become mixed together. The
outside air temperature is 7.22ºC and the exhaust air temperature is 23.89ºC. The system operates at 72%
efficiency and processes 50,976 m3/hr.

Let’s figure out the W using the information we have been given. To approach this equation, we use the
formula we saw before. But this system doesn't recover all the heat, only 72%. So we need to add the
efficiency to the equation. Here we see the equation:

Q = 0.34 x 50,976 m3/hr x (23.89oC – 7.22oC) x 0.72

Q = 0.34 x 50,976 m3/hr x 16.67 ΔºC x 0.72
Q = 208,024 W

Now we will once again see how this heat recovery system translates into a financial benefit. We will ask: If
this heat recovery system runs 8 hours per day all year, how much is it saving if electricity costs 8c per

If you have looked at the US version of the calculation you will notice that this calculation is a bit simpler
than the US version, because we already know the heat recovery in watts, so all we need to do is convert
that into kWh, and calculate how much that amounts to over a year using 8 hours per day and 365 days per
year. Finally we know the price of energy. The units cancel above and below the line, watts cancels with
watts to convert into kWh, kW cancels with the kW part of kW hours and hours cancels with the hours part
of kWh. Days cancel with days leaving us with $48,594.41 per year.

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If you viewed both versions of the calculation, you may have noticed that the numbers for the metric version
of the calculation do not exactly match the US customary version of this equation. There is a slight
difference in the results depending upon which units and formula are used. This is due to rounding in the
constants. The formulas give results which are "close enough“ for general use. Engineers doing a design
that required greater accuracy would use simulation software to obtain the required results.

Make your selection by clicking the appropriate arrow.

Slide 13
These examples only looked at sensible heat. Let’s look at total heat, which includes both sensible and
latent heat.

Here we see the US Customary formula for calculating the latent or “total” heat.
Q = 4.5 * v * Δh
Q = total heat transferred in BTU/h
4.5 = a constant for total heat equations
v = volume of airflow in cfm
Δh = enthalpy difference (BTU / lb)

And here we see the Metric version of the formula.

Q = 1.201 * v * Δh
Q = total heat transferred in kW
1.201 = a constant for total heat equations
v = volume of airflow in m3/s
Δh = enthalpy difference (kJ / kg)

Go ahead now and click the corresponding arrow to view examples of each.

Slide 14
Let’s look at a US customary system problem.

A total heat recovery system operates on an airflow of 37,000 cfm. The incoming air enthalpy before the
heat exchanger is 29.3 Btu/lb. After the heat exchanger the air has enthalpy of 37.2 Btu/lb. How much heat
is recovered by this system?

The total heat-recovery can be expressed like this:

Q = 4.5 x 37,000 ft3/m x (37.2 BTU/lb – 29.3 BTU/lb)

Q = 4.5 x 37,000 ft3/m x 7.9
Q = 1,315,350 BTU/h

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Slide 15
Let’s look at the metric version of the formula.

A total heat recovery system operates on an airflow of 17.46 m3/s. The incoming air enthalpy before the heat
exchanger is 68.09 kJ/kg. After the heat exchanger the air has enthalpy of 86.44 kJ/kg. How much heat is
recovered by this system?

Here we see the equation.

Q = 1.201 x 17.46 m3/s x (86.44 kJ/kg – 68.09 kJ/kg)
Q = 1.201 x 17.46 m3/s x 18.35
Q = 385 kJ/s
Q = 385 kW

Slide 16
Once again these equations give slightly different results due to rounding, but the agreement is close
enough for our purposes. To measure enthalpy in an audit situation, a psychrometer would be used. To
learn more about this topic, please consider participating in the Energy University course: Energy Audits
Instrumentation. Next, let’s look at some properties of heating and cooling and how they relate to
temperature and humidity.

Slide 17
Would you like to try a couple of these equations on your own? Please reference the Appendix for
equations followed by answers.

Slide 18
Dry-bulb temperature is the commonly measured temperature from a thermometer. It is called dry-bulb
because the sensing tip of the thermometer is dry. This variable gives us a good representation of the level
of sensible heat in a sample of air.

Slide 19
Wet-bulb temperature is determined when air is circulated past a wet sensing tip. Wet-bulb temperature
(WBT) is that of an air sample after it has passed through a constant-pressure, ideal, adiabatic saturation
process, that is, after the air has passed over a large surface of liquid water in an insulated channel. In
practice, this is the reading of a thermometer whose sensing bulb is covered with a wet sock evaporating
into a rapid stream of the sample air.

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It measures the temperature at which water evaporates from the wet tip. Using the wet-bulb and dry-bulb
temperature, the moisture content and latent heat of air can be calculated or determined from a
psychrometric chart. At normal atmospheric pressure, water can evaporate at any temperature greater than
32ºF or 0ºC. That’s why puddles on the road dry out.

Slide 20
Air does not really “hold” moisture. Water vapor exists independently of the air, but often humidity is
described as the moisture content of the air. Absolute humidity is the quantity of water in a particular volume
of air. It could be expressed in grams per cubic meter, or pounds per cubic foot. Grains per cubic foot may
also be used - An example is one pound of water is 7000 grains.

Slide 21
Notice that moisture content is expressed in terms of the water in the volume of air. You may see the term
“specific volume” which is also called inverse density. This is the volume per unit mass of the air sample.
The SI units are cubic meters per kilogram of dry air; other units are cubic feet per pound of dry air. Specific
volume indicates the space occupied by the air. It asks “How much space does 1 lb of dry air occupy?” An
example would be 13.5 cu ft per pound of dry air.

Slide 22
Relative humidity is a measure of the water content in the air compared to the maximum it could hold at that
temperature. RH is dimensionless, and is usually expressed as a percentage.

It is represented by the actual amount of water vapor in the air x 100%, over the amount of water vapor
required to saturate the air at that temperature.

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Imagine a bag made of stretchable elastic material that can hold up to 110 tennis balls. At the moment the
bag contains 55 balls, so it is 50% full. Now imagine that the bag is actually a pound of dry 70ºF, or 21ºC
air, occupying 13.5 cubic feet, and the tennis balls are grains of moisture. The air has the capacity to hold
110 grains of moisture and because there are 55 grains of moisture the relative humidity level is 50%.

Now imagine that the dry-bulb temperature rises to 85ºF, or 30ºC. As the temperature changes, the ability
of the bag to hold tennis balls changes. As the temperature rises, it becomes more pliable and vice versa.
In other words, as the temperature changes, the ability of air to hold moisture changes. So let’s say the bag
could now hold as many as 185 tennis balls, but, in fact, there are just the original 55 balls. So now if you
once again imagine that the bag is actually a pound of air, the relative humidity would be 55 / 185 = 30%.

Slide 23
Dew Point Temperature is the temperature at which the air can no longer contain all its moisture, and water
will begin to condense out of the air. A cold glass of water on a humid summer day “sweats”. This is
because the surface temperature of the glass is less than the dew point of the air surrounding it.

Let’s take an example of air at 70ºF (21ºC), containing 44 grains of water per pound of air (around 6 grams
per kilo). That would be relative humidity of 40%. If the air cools to 60ºF (15ºC), the relative humidity
increases to 55%. And if the air cools to 45ºF or 7ºC, the relative humidity goes up to 100%. Relative
humidity can’t be more than 100%, so if the temperature falls any further, the water will condense out of the
air. That’s the dew point.

The pressure of the air also is a factor in how much moisture it can contain, and where the dew point falls.
This is how a conventional AC unit removes moisture from the air – by using the properties of pressure,
temperature and humidity together.

Slide 24
Now, let’s put these concepts together. Remember our analogy of the stretchable bag and the tennis balls.

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Assuming that no additional moisture is put into the air, when the dry-bulb temperature goes up, relative
humidity goes down.

Of course, the reverse is true. When dry-bulb temperature goes down, relative humidity goes up.

Slide 25
Now let’s see how humidity and wet-bulb temperature are related.

You can think of wet-bulb temperature as the temperature at which water evaporates.

Let’s look once again at our stretchable bag and tennis ball analogy. If the bag is quite empty, it’s easy to
put another tennis ball in the bag. A bag that is quite empty is analogous to low relative humidity, and
consequently the temperature at which evaporation occurs will be low (i.e. a low wet-bulb temperature).

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Now imagine that the stretchable bag is nearly full of tennis balls. That’s equivalent to a high relative
humidity. Now it’s not so easy to push another tennis ball into the bag. You have to push harder and that’s
reflected by a high wet-bulb temperature, meaning the temperature at which water will evaporate is higher.

So when relative humidity goes up, wet-bulb temperature goes up. When relative humidity goes down, so
does the wet-bulb temperature.

Slide 26
What about the dew point temperature? You can think of the dew point temperature as the condensation
point. As our stretchable bag contracts, it’s the point at which there are more balls than the bag can contain,
and, in that scenario, the tennis balls start popping out.

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Slide 27
Let’s review and put these three temperature concepts together.

Dry-bulb temperature is normally the highest, and at any given temperature, there is a maximum level of
moisture that the air can hold. Cooler air can contain less moisture than warmer air. As dry-bulb temperature
goes up, relative humidity goes down. If more moisture is added to the air, relative humidity goes up.

Wet-bulb temperature is usually lower than dry-bulb, and is the evaporation point. As relative humidity goes
up, so does the wet-bulb temperature.

Dew-point temperature is normally the lowest of the three, and is the condensation point. If the dry-bulb
temperature falls to the dew point, moisture condenses out of the air.

Slide 28
There is a point at which all three temperatures would be the same. That point exists where relative
humidity is 100%.

Imagine that the dry-bulb temperature is falling.

When dry-bulb temperature falls, our metaphorical “bag” gets less stretchable, and fills up with tennis balls.
Relative humidity begins to rise. When RH rises, so does the wet-bulb temperature. RH will eventually
reach 100%. RH cannot be more than 100%. Therefore, once 100% RH is attained, no more moisture can
evaporate, and the wet-bulb temperature cannot increase any more. Therefore at 100% RH the dry-bulb
and wet-bulb temperature are the same.

Dew point is the condensation point, where our stretchable bag is 100% full and tennis balls start to pop out
of it. If RH has reached 100%, then the dry-bulb temperature will have reached the dew point.

Thus at 100% RH, dry-bulb, wet-bulb and dew-point temperature have the same value.

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Slide 29
Factors such as the dry-bulb, wet-bulb temperature, and the relative humidity are relevant when making
calculations of the energy that will be consumed by an HVAC system under certain conditions. These
relationships are complex and normally represented on a diagram we call a psychrometric chart. For more
information on psychrometrics, please consider participating in the Energy University course: HVAC and
Psychrometric Charts.

Slide 30
Let’s summarize some of the information that we have learned in this course.
 An HVAC system manipulates the properties of the air in the conditioned space to regulate a
desirable rate of heat transfer.
 Sensible heat, sometimes referred to as “simple heat”, is based on the temperature of the air,
which can be measured with a typical thermometer
 Latent heat refers to heat contained in the moisture content in the air.
 The wet-bulb temperature reading can be used with other data to calculate the moisture content of
the air, and hence the latent heat.
 Enthalpy is often referred to as “Total Heat” and is the heat energy content of moist air, including
both the sensible and latent heat.
 Relative Humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor in the air at a specific temperature to the
maximum amount that the air could hold at that temperature, expressed as a percentage.
 Dew Point Temperature is the temperature at which the air can no longer contain all its moisture
and water will begin to condense out of the air.

Slide 31
Thank you for participating in this course.

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Sensible heat calculations - US customary units

The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 1.08 * v * Δt
Q = heat transferred (Btu/h)
1.08 = a constant for sensible heat equations
v = airflow (cfm)
Δt = air temperature difference (ºF)

Example problem
A sensible heat recovery system operates as part of an air conditioning system.
The outside air temperature is 50ºF and the exhaust air temperature is 70ºF. The system operates at 70% efficiency
and processes 45,000 cfm.
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat, only 70%. So we
need to add that to the equation:
Q = 1.08 * v * Δt * n
where n is the efficiency

Financial expression
If this heat recovery system runs 6 hours per day all year, Monday - Saturday, how much is it saving if electricity
costs 7.5c per kWh?

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Sensible heat calculations - metric units
The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 0.34 * v * Δt
Q = heat transferred (watts = joules / second)
0.34 = a constant for sensible heat equations
v = airflow (m3/hr)
Δt = air temperature difference (ºC)

Example problem
A sensible heat recovery system operates as part of an air conditioning system.
The outside air temperature is 10ºC and the exhaust air temperature is 21.11ºC. The system operates at 70%
efficiency and processes 76,464 cubic meters of air per hour.
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat, only 70%. So we
need to add that to the equation:
Q = 0.34 * v * Δt * n
where n is the efficiency

Financial expression
If this heat recovery system runs 6 hours per day all year, Monday - Saturday, how much is it saving if electricity
costs 7.5c per kWh?

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Total heat calculations - US customary units
The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 4.5 * v * Δh
Q = total heat transferred (BTU/h)
4.5 = a constant for total heat equations
v = airflow (cfm)
Δh = enthalpy difference (BTU / lb)

Example problem
A total heat recovery system operates on an airflow of 30,000 cfm.
How much heat is recovered by this system?
Q = 4.5 * v * Δh * n
where n is the efficiency
The incoming air enthalpy before the heat exchanger is 26.5 Btu/lb. After the heat exchanger the air has
enthalpy of 34.0 Btu/lb. The efficiency of the heat exchanger is 84%
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat,
only 84%. So we need to add that to the equation:

Q = 4.5 * v * Δh * n
where n is the efficiency

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Total heat calculations - metric units
The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 1.201 * v * Δh
Q = total heat transferred (kW)
1.201 = a constant for total heat equations
v = airflow (m3/s)
Δh = enthalpy difference (kJ / kg)

Example problem
A total heat recovery system operates on an airflow of 14.16 m3/s.
How much heat is recovered by this system?
Q = 1.201 * v * Δh * n
where n is the efficiency
The incoming air enthalpy before the heat exchanger is 61.58 kJ/kg. After the heat exchanger the air
has enthalpy of 79.01 kJ/kg. The efficiency of the heat exchanger is 84%
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat, only
84%. So we need to add that to the equation:

Q = 1.201 * v * Δh * n
where n is the efficiency

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Sensible heat calculations answers - US customary units
The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 1.08 * v * Δt
Q = heat transferred (Btu/h)
1.08 = a constant for sensible heat equations
v = airflow (cfm)
Δt = air temperature difference (ºF)

Example problem
A sensible heat recovery system operates as part of an air conditioning system.
The outside air temperature is 50ºF and the exhaust air temperature is 70ºF. The system operates at 70%
efficiency and processes 45,000 cfm.
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat, only 70%.
So we need to add that to the equation:

Q = 1.08 * v * Δt * n
where n is the efficiency
Q= 1.08 X 45,000 cfm x( 70 ºF - 50 ºF) x 0.7
= 1.08 x 45,000 cfm X 20 Δ ºF x 0.7
= 680,400 BTU
Financial expression
If this heat recovery system runs 6 hours per day all year, Monday - Saturday, how much is it saving if
electricity costs 7.5c per kWh?
680 27,
,40 BT day kW 0.0 997
0 U x 6 h x 312 s x 1 h x 75 $ = .70 $
h Day year 3412 BTU kWh year

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Sensible heat calculations answers - metric units
The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 0.34 * v * Δt
Q = heat transferred (watts = joules / second)
0.34 = a constant for sensible heat equations
v = airflow (m3/hr)
Δt = air temperature difference (ºC)

Example problem
A sensible heat recovery system operates as part of an air conditioning system.
The outside air temperature is 10ºC and the exhaust air temperature is 21.11ºC. The system operates at
70% efficiency and processes 76,464 cubic meters of air per hour.
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat, only 70%.
So we need to add that to the equation:

Q = 0.34 * v * Δt * n
where n is the efficiency
76,464 21.1 10.0
Q= 0.34 X m3 x( 1 ºC - 0 ºC) x 0.7
= 0.34 x 76,464 m3 x 11.11 ΔºC x 0.7
= 202,185 W

Financial expression
If this heat recovery system runs 6 hours per day all year, Monday - Saturday, how much is it saving if
electricity costs 7.5c per kWh?
202 28,
,18 day 0.0 386
5 W x 1 kW x 6 h x 312 s x 75 $ = .77 $
1000 W day year kWh year

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Total heat calculations answers - US customary units
The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 4.5 * v * Δh
Q = total heat transferred (BTU/h)
4.5 = a constant for total heat equations
v = airflow (cfm)
Δh = enthalpy difference (BTU / lb)

Example problem
A total heat recovery system operates on an airflow of 30,000 cfm.
How much heat is recovered by this system?
Q = 4.5 * v * Δh * n
where n is the efficiency
Q = 4.5 x 30,000 ft3 x ( 34.0 BTU - 26.5 BTU ) x 0.84
m lb lb
= 4.5 x 30,000 ft3 x 7.5 x
8 50,500
The incoming air enthalpy before the heat exchanger is 26.5 Btu/lb. After the heat exchanger the air has
enthalpy of 34.0 Btu/lb. The efficiency of the heat exchanger is 84%
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat,
only 84%. So we need to add that to the equation:

©2011 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved. All trademarks provided are the property of their respective owners.
Total heat calculations answers - metric units
The amount of heat transferred can be expressed as
Q = 1.201 * v * Δh
Q = total heat transferred (kW)
1.201 = a constant for total heat equations
v = airflow (m3/s)
Δh = enthalpy difference (kJ / kg)

Example problem
A total heat recovery system operates on an airflow of 14.16 m3/s.
How much heat is recovered by this system?
Q = 1.201 * v * Δh * n
where n is the efficiency
Q = 1.201 x 14.16 m3 x ( 79.01 kJ - 61.58 kJ ) x 0.84
s kg kg
= 1.201 x 14.16 m3 x 17.43 x
= 249 kJ
= 249 kW
The incoming air enthalpy before the heat exchanger is 61.58 kJ/kg. After the heat exchanger the air
has enthalpy of 79.01 kJ/kg. The efficiency of the heat exchanger is 84%
To approach this problem we use the formula above. But this system doesn't recover all the heat, only
84%. So we need to add that to the equation:

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