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Public Health Briefs

Overcoming Denial and Increasing the

Intention to Use Condoms through the
Induction of Hypocrisy
Elliot Aronson, Came Fried, and Jeff Stone

Introducion preach induces feelings of hypocrisy,

which is a form of cognitive dissonance.3
Now that the acquired immunodefi- Cognitive dissonance has been shown to
ciency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic is produce "self persuasion," a powerful
making significant inroads into the het- and relatively permanent form of persua-
erosexual, nonintravenous drug-using, sion.4 We propose that inducing people to
young adult population,I it is vital that we realize they are not practicing what they
convince this group to practice safer sex. are preaching cuts off the easy route of
The intervention of choice, thus far, has denial and forces them to make a more
primarily been information campaigns realistic assessment of the risk of AIDS
that rely heavily on fear. Unfortunately, and, ultimately, to take adequate precau-
social psychological research has shown tions.
that fear does not always lead people
toward rational behavior; it may instead
trigger denial. Indeed, recent surveys Method
have shown that, although most young
adults believe that AIDS is a serious To test this hypothesis, it was neces-
problem, they have trouble believing it is sary to manipulate the degree to which sub-
their problem. We have found that denial jects were made aware of their own insuf-
is caused by fear of AIDS coupled with a ficient condom use and the degree to which
prejudice against using condoms; young they took an active role in preaching to oth-
people believe condoms are a nuisance ers. In a two-by-two laboratory experiment,
that diminishes the romance and sponta- 40 female and 40 male sexually active young
neity of sexual encounters. Unless this adults were randomly assigned to condition,
denial can be overcome, it seems doubt- counterbalanced by gender.
ful that we can convince this population Upon entering the lab, all subjects
to practice safer sex. If they have con- were told they would be helping to de-
vinced themselves that they are not at velop an AIDS prevention program. Half
risk, why should they change their be- the subjects (high mindful) were asked to
havior? describe fully the situations in their re-
What kind of intervention might ob- cent past when they failed to use con-
viate this denial and induce young adults doms; half of this subgroup then went on
to realize their vulnerability and increase to the preach condition. The other half of
the subjects (low mindful) simply went
their resolution to practice safer sex? directly to the preach condition without
Imagine you are a college student and any reference to their own sexual behav-
your younger brother, who is in high ior.
school, confides to you that he has be-
come sexually active. How might you re-
spond? You would probably urge him to The authors are all with the University of Cal-
use condoms. But suppose further that ifornia at Santa Cruz.
you were then reminded that you, your- Requests for reprints should be sent to
self, do not always use condoms. How Elliot Aronson, Kerr Hall, University of Cali-
might this affect you? Recent theorizing2 fornia at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA 95064.
This paper was submitted to the journal
suggests that being confronted with the August 30, 1990, and accepted with revisions
fact that you are not practicing what you June 24, 1991.

December 1991, Vol. 81, No. 12

Public Health Briefs

In the preach condition, half the high

mindful and half the low mindful subjects Corndfflons
were induced to compose a short speech
o . Low Mindful, No Preach
(from a menu of facts) advocating condom
use and to deliver it in front of a television * Preach Ony
camera. They were told this tape would be 1. Mindkig Only
shown to high school students as part of U* High Mlndful, Preach (Hypocilsy)
an AIDS prevention program. The other
half of the subjects (no preach) used the 14 more
same menu of facts to compose a speech; Enough Frequently
these subjects rehearsed their speeches 13-
silently and were not videotaped. Thus,
all subjects were exposed to the same 12
information, but only those in the preach
condition believed they were actively
persuading others.
All subjects then answered ques-
tions about the frequency of their con- 10
dom use in the past, as well as about their
intentions to use condoms in the future. 9-
The difference between the two ques-
tions can be seen as a measure of how 8
much an individual intends to improve
his or her condom use in relation to past
behaviors. Not 7 LeSS
Enough Frequently
The results showed support for the
effectiveness of hypocrisy and are sum-
marized in Figure 1. On the first measure, AIDS Intent for
Specific Future
subjects in the hypocrisy condition were Past Use Use
more likely to admit to their failure to use
condoms enough in the past. This indi- FIGURE 1-mean responses to qusIons about past and future use of condoms.
cates that our procedure enabled subjects
to overcome denial. Although a ceiling ef- information-only condition, which most
fect prevented us from documenting any closely resembles passive information,
possible differences on the future inten- was the least effective intervention. The
tions measure, the difference between re- people within this category remained in a
sponses on the two questions indicates state of denial and were unwilling or un-
that the hypocrisy condition yielded a bet- able to admit that AIDS was a serious
ter index of improvement than any of the threat to them personally. Additionally,
other conditions. learning about AIDS even when the in-
In addition to the immediate mea- formation is directly linked to personal
sures, we contacted subjects after 3 behavior does not appear to motivate
months and asked them about their re- people to examine their risk objectively,
cent condom use (Table 1). Because a nor does simply advocating safe sex. Our
sizable proportion of the subjects could data suggest that making people aware of
not be located, statistical testing was in- their past high-risk behaviors must be ac-
appropriate. Nevertheless, the obvious companied by an engaging activity such
difference in the size of the means sug- as a public advocacy if we want them to
gests that hypocrisy might be the most overcome denial and adopt safer sexual
effective route to long-term behavior behavior.
change. The hypocrisy technique can easily be
These findings may have important applied to most secondary school classes
implications for AIDS interventions that on sex education or AIDS prevention.
rely on the passive reception of commu- Based on our results, we suggest that lec- Acknowledgments
nication. Specifically, when it comes to tures be supplemented by small group dis- This research was presented at the Western
acknowledging personal risk of human cussions in which each student is induced Psychological Association Conference in Los
immunodeficiency virus infection, sim- to make a public attempt to persuade oth- Angeles, Calif, April 1990, in a paper titled
"AIDS Prevention through Cognitive Disso-
ply learning about AIDS does not appear ers about the importance of safe sex and, nance: New Twist on an Old Theory."
to motivate people to overcome denial subsequently, to acknowledge his or her The authors would like to thank Anthony
and examine their risk objectively. Our past laxity. El R. Pratkanis, Judith C. Schwartz, Ruth Thi-

December 1991, Vol. 81, No. 12 American Journal of Public Health 1637
EPublc Health Briefs

bodeau, and the rest of the SIRF committee for of AIDS prevention among heterosexuals. nance. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University
helpful comments on the design. We also thank In: Bickman L, ed.Applied Social Psychol- Press; 1957.
Kyra Kissam, Jennifer Hearst, and Bruce Fra- ogy AnnuaL Beverly Hills, Calif: Sage; 4. Aronson E. Self-persuasion via self-
ser for their help in collecting the data. 1990;10. justification: large commitments for
2. Aronson E. The return ofthe repressed: dis- small rewards. In: Festinger L, ed. Retro-
References sonance theory makes a comeback. Psychol spection on Social Psychology. New
1. Weisse CS, Nesselhof-Kendall S, Fleck- Inquiy. In press. York, NY: Oxford University Press;
Kandath C, Baum A. Psychosocial aspects 3. Festinger L. A Theory of Cognitive Disso- 1980.

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Knowledge about HJV and Behavioral
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Risks of Foreign-Born Boston Public

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School Students
Ralph W. Hingson, ScD, Lee Stnir* PhD, Michael Grady, MD, Nancy
StwunI RN, MS, Robert Carr, MS, Beth BerMW MS, and Donald E.
Craven, MD
Intdudion lation and independent back translation
ensured accuracy of questionnaire word-
Sixteen million mainland US resi- ing.
dents age 18 and older were bom else- We attempted to survey all 8th and
where.' Many are Blacks or Hispanics 10th grade students in selected schools. In
who moved to urban areas where the in- response to an informational letter about
:}} cidence of AIDS has been particularly the survey sent to parents of eligible stu-
high, e.g., New York City, Miami, and dents, 75 parents (1.5%) requested that
_.1- Z_} Los Angeles. Little is known about their
IBM..2~EwEr_ ...k:} their children not participate. On the day
knowledge of human immunodeficiency of the survey 11% of middle school stu-
virus-i (HIV-1), drug use, and sexual be- dents and 23% of high school students
haviors. were absent. Among students in atten-
Studies of adolescents particularly dance, 81% (n = 1382) in middle schools
are needed. One fifth of the 186 895 AIDS and 73% (n = 1667) in high schools com-
cases nationally as of September 1991 pleted the questionnaires, (overall re-
have been in the 16 to 29-year-old age sponse rate = 77%). Most nonresponse
group.2 Given the long incubation period resulted from teachers not scheduling time
of HIV-1, many persons in this age group to administer the survey. The gender, ra-
probably became infected as teenagers. cial, and ethnic distributions of surveyed
This study compares middle and high students closely matched those enrolled in
S.o >f.v ........~~~~.......... sE.
school students in the Boston public the 8th and 10th grades in the targeted
schools who were born outside the US schools and in the Boston school system
xSxfs: s...........a
sb fss s e> s::B :S :::s^ r e 'S^:S>'
mainland with students born in the US (Table 1). The questionnaires were anon-

.:: .zr> .:...... concermingknowledge about HIV-1 trans- ymous and were placed by students in
mission; beliefs about the number of ad-
olescents who engage in risky sexual prac-
tices and drug use; and intravenous (IV) Ralph W. Hingson, Lee Strunin, Beth Berlin,
drug use, sexual intercourse, and condom and Donald E. Craven are with Boston Uni-
versity Schools of Public Health and Medicine.
use. Michael Grady and Nancy Strunk are with the
Boston School Department. Robert Carr and
Donald E. Craven are with the Boston Depart-
Metds ment of Health and Hospitals.
Requests for reprints should be sent to
In May 1990, 3049 students from a Ralph Hingson, ScD, Boston University
random sample of Boston public schools School of Public Health, Social and Behavioral
(13/19 middle schools and 9/15 high Sciences Section, 85 East Newton Street, Bos-
schools) completed a self-administered ton, MA 02118.
This paper was submitted to the journal
questionnaire about these topics in En- October 30, 1990, and accepted with revisions
glish (n = 2704), Spanish (n = 158), Chi- April 2, 1991.
nese (n = 45), Vietnamese (n = 50), or Editores Note. See related Editorial by
French or Haitian Creole (n = 92). Trans- Hinnman on page 1557.

December 1991. Vol. 81. No. 12

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