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Following the Instructions in the

Genetic Code
• Whenever your cells divide to make new cells,
they must copy your DNA through DNA
• The working cells of your body are constantly
reading the DNA code and using the instructions
to build molecules, such as proteins, that they
need to do their jobs for the body.
• Proteins are constructed by the combined efforts
of two processes: transcription and translation
• DNA contains your genetic code
• DNA contains the nitrogenous base thymine,
while RNA contains uracil. (Both contain
adenine, guanine, and cytosine.)
• DNA molecules are double-stranded, while
RNA molecules are singlestranded.
• Several types of RNA molecules are built from
the information in DNA. Each type of RNA has
a different function in cells:
• mRNA carries the code for protein structure
from the DNA to ribosomes where it can be
used to produce proteins.
• tRNA decodes the message in mRNA by
matching amino acids to the mRNA code.
• rRNA is part of the structure of the ribosome.
• DNA contains the genetic code of the cell, a
code that controls the cell’s structure and
• A gene is a single blueprint for a worker
molecule. If you think of your entire genome
as a big file cabinet, each drawer would be a
chromosome, and the files within the drawers
would be the genes.
Transkripsi: DNA → RNA
• RNA polimerase berikatan dgn promoter,
membuka rantai double helix DNA, 1 rantai
digunakan sebagai pola u/membentuk RNA
• mRNA meng-copy informasi
• RNA memanjang
• RNA polimerase mencapai sekuens ujung
Translasi: RNA → protein
• mRNA is then shipped out of the nucleus and
into the cytoplasm
• ribosomes and tRNAs use the code in the
mRNA to build the protein.

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