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patterns - left or top half of a pattern is the same

as the right or
bottom half
Rotation or Turn Symmetry
- Any regularly or consistently repeated
- still looks the same after some rotation
arrangement, Translation or Slide Symmetry
- especially a design, made from - units are repeated and turn out having
periodically occurring lines, shapes, or identical figures
colors on a surface
- patterns are recurring and duplicative
- any regularity that can be modeled sequences
mathematically is a PATTERN Sequence
kinds of patterns: - number of events or things
that come one after another in
- Visual a particular order
- Textured - arrangement of numbers/terms in some
- Flowing definite order according to some rule
- Moving
- Rhythmic types of sequence
- Geometric Arithmetic
- any sequence in which the difference
Packing Problems between every successive term is
- a class of optimization problems in constant
mathematics that involve attempting to - common difference
pack objects together into containers - Examples:
- goal is to either pack a single container a. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21……..
as densely as possible or pack all b. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35……..
objects using as few containers as Geometric Sequence
possible - a sequence in which every successive
- can be related to real life packaging, term has a constant ratio between
storage and transportation issues them
packing of circles: - common ratio
- Examples:
➢ Square Packing = 78.54% a. 1, 4, 16, 64, 256, 1024…...
➢ Hexagonal Packing = 90.69% b. 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729……..
Common Patterns in Nature:
- Waves and Dunes Harmonic Sequence
- Spots and Stripes - A sequence where the reciprocal of the
- Spirals terms behaves in a manner like
arithmetic sequence
Symmetries - Example:
½, ¼, 1/6, 1/8, 1/10…….
Fibonacci Sequence
- quality of being made up of exactly
- series of numbers governed by some
similar parts facing each other or
unusual arithmetic
around an axis
- rule
- organized in a way that a number can
kinds of symmetry be obtained by adding the two
Reflection or Flip Symmetry previous numbers
- Example:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89…
Golden rectangle and the golden ratio
Golden Rectangle
- rectangle made up of squares whose
sizes, surprisingly is also behaving similar
to the Fibonacci sequence
Fn stands for the unknown Fibonacci Golden Ratio
number - a special number approximately equal
n stands for the position of the number to 1.618
in the Fibonacci sequence - appears many times in geometry, art,
φ stands for the value of the golden architecture and other areas
- Greek letter "phi"
Fibonacci sequence - We find the golden ratio when we
Leonardo of Pisa (1170-1250) divide a line into two parts so that the
- Leonardo Bonacci long part divided by the short part is
- Leonardo Pisano Bigollo also equal to the whole length divided
- Leonardo Fibonacci by the long part
- “Most talented mathematician of the
Middle Ages” Summary:
- In the 3rd section of his book “Liber - Mathematics helps organize regularities
Abaci” (1202), was a mathematical and patterns in the world.
problem: - Mathematics helps predict the behavior
The problem read: Start with a single of nature and phenomena in the world.
pair of rabbits. Any pair of rabbits of one - Mathematics helps humans exert
generation will produce a pair for the control over occurrences in the world
next generation, and then another pair for the advancement of our civilization
of rabbits for the generation after that.
But then they will die. How many rabbits
will be produced in the nth generation?
Some other Features of Fibonacci Numbers:
- In any three consecutive Fibonacci
numbers, the square of the middle
- number is always one away from the
product of the outer two numbers.
- The ratio of two consecutive Fibonacci
numbers approaches the golden
- ratio or the golden number, Phi.
- If you take any three consecutive
numbers, add them, and divide the sum
by 2, you always get the third number.
- Any four consecutive numbers in the
sequence other than ‘0’. Multiply the
outer numbers, then multiply the inner
numbers. Subtract them. The difference
is 1.
- Every prime divides a Fibonacci
Fibonacci Sequence in Nature:
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Pineapple
- a systematic means of communicating
by the use of sound or conventional Nouns, verbs, sentences
symbols Even though we don't use the words "noun",
- code we all use to express ourselves "verb", or "pronoun" in Mathematics, you can
and communicate to others imagine these similarities to English:
Components of Language: - Nouns could be fixed things, such as
- Vocabulary of symbols or words numbers, or expressions with numbers:
- Grammar or rules of how these symbols
are used - Verb could be the equals sign "=", or
- Community of people who use and an inequality like < or >
understand these symbols - Pronouns (things like it, he, you, etc.)
- Range of meanings that can be could be variables like x or y:
communicated with these symbols
ENGLISH LANGUAGE - could be put together into
Symbols: English a Sentence like this:
Symbols: English 3x + 7 = 22
Letters/ Arabic
Vowels and Variables and
Phrases Algebraic Expression
Mathematical Equalities
Sentences Equals
- =
Inequalities, etc
- is the same as
Elements of the mathematical language - 
Symbols - Same size and shape
Mathematics uses symbols instead of words: Similar
- 10 digits: 0, 1, 2, ... 9 - ~
- symbols for operations: +, −, ×, /, ... - Same shape
- symbols that "stand in" for values: x, y, ...
- special symbols: π, =, <, ≤, ... Inequalities
Letter Conventions
< is less than
Often (but not always) letters have special
>is greater than
 Is less than or equal to
 Approx. equal to

- Those are not rules, but they are often

= Not equal to

Expressions vs. Equations

used that way
y = ax + b
• People will assume that a and b are
fixed values,
• And that x is the one that changes,
which in turn makes y change.
Examples: the square of a number
1. 3x + 5 = 11 - n2
- Sentence, open sentence, equation the quotient of the opposite of n and nine
2. 7 < 2(5) + 3 - -n
- Sentence, inequality 9
3. 5x – 2 the ratio of eleven and p
- Expression - 11
4. 6m + 2 > 3 p
- Sentence, open sentence, inequality nine increased by the quotient of t and five
- 9 + (t/5)
Expressions –---- Phrases the product of a and the sum of a and thirteen
Equations or Inequalities –---- Sentences - (a) (a+13)
the quotient of nine less than x and twice x
+ - x 
Plus minus Times divide
Add Subtract Multiply quotient Translating Verbal Phrases
Increased Decreased Verbal Phrase Expression
by by The sum of six and a
Diminished 6+x
Sum …of… number
by Eight more than a
Twice y+8
Total Difference number
(x2) A number plus five n+5
More A number increased
Less x+7
than by seven
Less than A number decreased
Subtract n–9
by nine
from Ten times a number 10n
Seven divided a
Examples: number
the sum of b and eight
- (b + 8)
nineteen more than K
- K + 19 or 19 + K
n subtracted from two
- 2–n
- Subtraction does not possess the
commutative property so order is
important. There is a difference
between what goes in front of the
subtraction sign (the minuend) and
what goes after (the subtrahend).
seventeen decreased by m
- 17 – m

nineteen less than d

- d-19
the product of negative six and b
- -6b
fifteen percent of the selling price
- .15p
twice a number
- 2n
Equal Set
- Two sets are said to be equal if and only
THE LANGUAGE OF SETS if they have equal number of cardinality
and the element/s are identical
Set - There is a 1 -1 correspondence
- Introduced in 1879 by Georg Cantor - A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} B = { 3, 5, 2, 4, 1}
- a collection of well-defined objects Equivalent Set
Illustration: - Two sets are said to be equivalent if and
- A set of counting numbers from 1 to 10 only if they have the exact number of
- A set of an English alphabet from a to e element
- A set of even numbers - There is a 1 – 1 correspondence
- Note: A set is denoted with braces or - A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } B = { a, b, c, d, e }
curly brackets { } and label or name the Universal Set
set by a capital letter such as A, B, - The universal set U is the set of all
C,…etc. elements under discussion
Examples: - A set of an English alphabet
- set of counting numbers from 1 to 5. U = {a, b, c, d, …, z}
A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } Joint Sets
- A set of English alphabet from a to d. - Two sets are said to be joint sets if and
B = { a, b, c, d } only if they have common element/s
- A set of an integers. - A = { 1, 2, 3} B = { 2, 4, 6 }
D = { …, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …} - Here, sets A and B are joint set since
Element they have common element such as 2.
- each member of the set Disjoint Set
- notation means that an item belongs - Two sets are said to be disjoint if and
to a set only if they are mutually exclusive or if
- each element is a set should be they don’t have common element/s
separated by comma - A = { 1, 2, 3} B = { 4, 6, 8 }

terminologies of sets Two ways od describing a set

Unit Set Roster or Tabular Method
- Unit set is a set that contains only one - done by listing or tabulating the
element elements of the set
- A = { 1 }; B = { c }; C = { banana } - A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
Empty Set or Null Set Rule or Set-builder Method
- a set that has no element - done by stating or describing the
- A = { } ; A set of seven yellow carabaos common characteristics of the elements
Finite Set of the set
- set that the elements in a given set is - We use the notation A = { x / x … }
countable A = {x | x is a counting number from 1 to 5}
- A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } ; B = { a, b, c, d } A = { x | x N, x < 6}
Infinite Set
- a set that elements in a given set has no Subset
end or not countable - every element of A is also an element of
- A set of counting numbers B
- A = { …-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, … } - The number of subsets of a given set is
Cardinal Number given by 2n, where n is the number of
- numbers that used to measure the elements of the given set
number of elements in a given set - The empty set. or {} has no elements
- just similar in counting the total number and is a subset of every set for every set
of element in a set A
- A = { 2, 4, 6, 8 } n = 4
- B = { a, c, e } n = 3
Cartesian Product

Ordered Pair
- (a, b) = (c, d) means that a=c and b=d
Find x and y if (4x + 3, y) = (3x + 5, – 2).
Solution: Venn Diagram
Since (4x + 3, y) = (3x + 5, – 2), so 4x + 3 = 3x + 5 - an illustration of the relationships
Solving for x, we got x = 2 and obviously y = – 2. between and among sets, groups of
objects that share something in
Operation on sets common
- used to depict set intersections
Union of Sets (denoted by an upside-down letter U)
- used in scientific and engineering
presentations, in theoretical
mathematics, in computer applications,
and in statistics

Intersection of Sets

Difference of Sets

Compliment of Set

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