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❖ Mathematics is exhibited not only in the technologies that have

dominantly influenced man’s daily pursuits. It is practically everywhere and
progresses to varying degrees of usefulness.

❖ Mathematics is practiced not only by professionals like teachers,

scientists, engineers, and economists.

❖ As a science of logical thinking, mathematics is vital in understanding

natural phenomena, human activities, and social systems.

B. Module Objectives:

This module aims to convey that mathematics is an essential tool in

understanding nature. It takes the reader on a journey of discovery of discovery
which mathematics continues to reveal to help him comprehend, appreciate, and
further enhance the universe where he exists.

1 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

C. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the section, students should be able to:

1. Explain the nature of mathematics;

2. Discuss how mathematics is exhibited in nature; and
3. Apply the principles of mathematics to resolve issues that pertain to human
activities, natural occurrences, and social systems.

D. Discussions

D.1 Patterns and Numbers is Nature

Mathematics is not all about numbers. Rather, it is more about

reasoning, making logical inferences and generalizations, and seeing
relationships in both the visible and invisible patterns in the natural world. One
cannot simply base a person’s potential in mathematics on numeric skills, in the
same way that a good writer is not judged by his or her penmanship.

Mathematics is also known as science of patterns. Historically,

mathematicians have dealt with two types of patterns.

1. Numeric Patterns

2. Geometric Patterns (patterns of shapes)

2 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

Numeric Patterns


The number sequence 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 may just
seem a random collection of numbers until realizes that these are the numbers of
days that make uup each of the 12 months of the Gregorian Calendar.

Example 2.

There are more systematic numerical patterns like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on, which
may be used to model the total savings a person makes when he starts saving 2
pesos on the first day and adding up 2 pesos more for each succeeding day.

Geometric Patterns

Example 1.

Formation of Clouds. Clouds and cloud formations are practically used to assess
the possible occurrence of an atmosphere phenomenom like rain or even a storm.

Example 2.

Some animals also have amazing patterns – such as coat patterns in different
species of snakes, insects (like butterfly wings), peacock feathers, leopard spots, zebra
or tiger stripes, and a lot more.

3 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci observed numbers in nature.


Number that is seen in the petals of flowers. A calla lily flower

has only 1 petal, trillium has 3, hibiscus has 5, cosmos flower has 8, corn
marigold has 13, some asters have 21, and a daisy can have 34, 55, or 89

Surprisingly, these petal counts represent the first eleven numbers of

the Fibonacci Sequence.

Principle behind the Fibonacci Numbers:

❖ Let Xn be the nth integer in the Fibonacci Sequence, the next

(n+1)th term X n+1 is determined by adding nth and the (n-1) th

n x Equals
n1 = 1 X1 = n1 = 1 X1 = 1
n2 = 2 X2 = n1 = 1 X2 = 1
n3 = 3 X3 = x1 + x2 = 1 + 1 X3 = 2
n4 = 4 X4 = x2 + x3 = 1 + 2 X4 = 3
n5 = 5 X5 = x3 + x4 = 2 + 3 X5 = 5
n6 = 6 X6 = x4 + x5 = 3 + 5 X6 = 8
n7 = 7 X7 = x5 + x6 = 5 + 8 X7 = 13
n8 = 8 X8 = X6 + X7 = 8 + 13 X8 = 21
n9 = 9 X9 = X7 + X8 = 13 + 21 X9 = 34
n10 = 10 X10 = x8 + x9 = 21 + 34 X10 = 55


Find the value of x11 when n11 = 11, x12 when n12 =12 and x13 when
n13 = 13.

4 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

Pascal’s Triangle

Blaise Pascal, the mathematician whose famous Pascal’s Triangle

finds useful applications in Algebra and Statistics.

1 ‹ First Row
1 1 ‹ Second Row
1 2 1 ‹ Third Row
1 3 3 1 ‹ 4th
1 4 6 4 1 ‹ 5th
1 5 10 10 5 1 ‹ 6th


1. Observe that the all the exterior numbers are all 1.

1 1

2. The interior number is the sum of the two previous above numbers.

1 1 = 1 + 1 =2
1 2 1

1 2 1 = 1 + 2 = 3 & 2+ 1 =3

1 3 3 1

5 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World


In the Pascal’s Triangle, find the 7th Row, 8th Row, 9th Row and 10th Row.


❖ In Algebra, this is very useful.

Example 1: 1

(x + y)0 First Row

Answer = 1

Example 2:
(x + y)1 Second Row
1 1
Answer = 1x +1 y

The numerical coefficient of x = 1 and y = 1.

Meaning 1x + 1 y or ( 1 1 Second Row))

Example 3:

(x + y)2 = 1 Third Row 1

1 1
Multiply (x + y) (x + y)

1 2 1

6 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World


x2 + 1xy
1xy + y2
1x2 + 2xy + 1y2

Since (x + y)2 the EXPONENT is 2, therefore, refer to THIRD ROW, in which the
NUMBERS ARE ( 1 2 1). Meaning the numerical coefficients of this answer
(color red). (1x + 2xy + 1y2 ).

Tips for ( x + y )2

1. Since the exponent is 2, use Third Row. (Numerical Coefficient)

1 2 1

2. Write the variables in this form.

xy + xy + xy

3. Include the numerical coefficient.

1x y + 2 x y + 1x y

4. The exponent of variable x start with an exponent 2 and decreases as it

goes to the right. The variable y start from zero (0) exponent and
increases as it goes to the right.

1x2 y0 + 2 x1 y 1 + 1 x 0 y2
x2 + 2xy + y2

7 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

Example 4

( x + y )5


1. Since the exponent is 5, therefore, use ROW 6.

1 5 10 10 5 1

2. Second Step – write the variables

xy + xy + xy + xy + xy + xy

3. Third Step, Include the (1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1).

1xy + 5xy + 10 xy + 10 xy + 5xy + 1xy

4. Fourth Step, exponent of x starts from 5 and decreases as it goes to the

right up to zero.

1x5 y + 5x4 y + 10 x3 y + 10 x2 y + 5x1 y + 1x0 y

5. Fifth Step, write zero exponent of y and increases as goes to the right up
to exponent 5.

1x5 y0 + 5 x4 y1 + 10 x3 y2 + 10 x2 y3+ 5x1 y4 + 1x0 y 5

6. Final Answer

x5 + 5 x4 y + 10 x3 y2 + 10 x2 y3+ 5x y4 + y 5

Note: There is no need of writing 1 in 1x5 y0 and any number raised to zero
exponent is equal to 1 (y0 = 1 and x0 = 1 ).

8 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

Example 5

(2x +3y )2


First Method

1. Since the outside exponent of ( )2 is 2, therefore, use ROW 3.


1 Row 1 (Exponent 0)
1 1 Row 2 (Exponent 1)
1 2 1 Row 3 (Exponent 2)

Hence, Use

1 2 1

2. Second Step – Write the variables (2x) (3y), three times

(2x) (3y) + (2x) (3y) + (2x) (3y)

3. Third Step, Include the (1, 2, 1)

1 (2x) (3y) + 2 (2x) (3y) + 1 (2x) (3y)

4. Fourth Step, write the exponent 2 of first term (2x)2

and decreases up to zero.

1 (2x)2 (3y) + 2 (2x)1 (3y) + 1 (2x)0 (3y)

9 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

5. Fifth Step, write the zero exponent of the second term (3y)0 and increases
as it goes to the right.

1 (2x)2 (3y)0 + 2 (2x)1 (3y)1+ 1 (2x)0 (3y)2

6 Remove the exponent by multiplying the base…

1 (2x) (2x) (1) + 2 (2x) (3y)+ 1 (1) (3y) (3y)

(2) (2) x 2
+ (2) (2) (3) x y + (3) (3) y2

4 x 2 + 12 x y + 9 y2

7. Final Answer

4 x 2 + 12 x y + 9 y2

Second Method

2x + 3y
2x + 3y

4x 2
+ 6 xy means (2x) (2x) and (2x) (3y)
+ 6 xy + 9 y 2 means ((3y) (2x) and (3y) (3y)

4 x 2 + 12 xy + 9 y 2 Summation (Combine
like terms)

10 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World


I. Instructions: If you think the statement is correct, write AGREE.

Otherwise, write DISAGREE.

____________1. Mathematics is exhibited only through numbers.

______________2. Mathematics can progress even without numbers.

______________3. Every phenomenon, whether scientific or social, can

be explained by mathematics.

______________4. Patterns that occur in nature are only for arts

appreciation and not for mathematical explorations.

______________5. Mathematics is not meant to be learned by everyone.


1. Differentiate Arithmetic from Mathematics.

2. Where do you apply the principles of mathematics?

3. Give 2 examples of Numeric Patterns and 2 examples of Geometric Patterns.

4. Solve the following using two methods

(x + y) 7

(3x + 2y) 3

11 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World


Ethel Cecille Baltazar, Carmelita Ragasa, Justina Evangelista, (2018).

Mathematics in the Modern World, C & E Publishing, Inc., Quezon City.

Richard T. Earnhart, Edgar M. Adina, Bernardino C. Ofalia, (2018).

Mathematics in the Modern World, C & E Publishing, Inc., Quezon City.

12 NGEC 5 (Ch 1) jgg - Mathematics in the Modern World

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