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Part 2

UniversidadSimbn Bolivar
Caracas, kzezuela

Part 1 of this article appeared in the April 1990 issiteof TLE.

where changesoccur most rapidly. For example, it can provide

Coal doesnot flow. A ton of coal and a barrel of oil are ap- informationregardingrapidchangesin the characterof the roof-
proximatelythe sameprice partly becausethe liquid fuel is easier datathat can savetime money, and possiblylives.
to move. Coal, on the other hand, is easier to find and much Figure 12 displaystwo datasetscollectedunder known roof
cheaperper BTU than oil but the undergroundmining of coal in- lithologies.On the left, wherethe waveguideis symmetric(shale-
volves mechanicallychoppingoff every hunk and carrying it to coal-shalein this case),the main contributorto the seismograms
the surface.A man with a pick and shovelanda basketis the most is the fundamentalLove modeof propagation.On the right, for
flexible of all coal mining systemsbut if the mine-mouthprice of an asymmetricsandstone-coal-shale sequence,the pseudo-Ray-
a ton must not exceed that of a barrel of oil, he is useless.

leigh modesare evident.

Mechanizationis the answer.And the problem. Thesewave propagationcharacteristics were then usedto in-
A modern “longwall” is a hugemilling machine,600 ft long vestigatea region where the roof conditionswere unknown.
and perhaps10 ft high, cuttingslices(about2 ft in depth)off the Seismograms from this survey(Figure 13) showvery definitedif-
full coal face and creepingafter the retreatingface on its own ferencesin the characterof the guidedwaves, reinforcedby dif-
power. This processdumpshundredsof tonsper hour on a con- ferencesin refractedP-wave velocities,from eastto west. These
veyor belt, all untouchedby humanhands.(See Seismic surveys datawere interpretedas indicatinga changein the roof lithology
for coal exploration and mine planning, April 1990 ZZE.) probablydue to a sandstonedevelopmentto the west, parallel to
One is remindedof an automaticmilling machinein theaircraft a channelpreviouslymappedto the eastby mine geologists.
business,which chewsa marvelousshapeout of a singlebillet of Transmissionseismograms from obstructedpathsmay contain
aluminum. Both machineshave the same problem. The aircraft moreusefulinformationthantheobvious“no seamwave” shown
mill is not designedto encounterrandomtrampiron fragmentsin- in Figure 11. Figure 14 showsthe early portionof a suiteof these
side the aluminum billet. Nor can the longwall machine eat records.In this figure “longitudinal” meanshorizontalparticle
sandstone channelsor igneousdikeshiddenwithin the coal seam. motionperpendicularto the roadwayat the receiver, and “trans-
The role of seamwave studiesin coal mining has lessto do verse” meanshorizontalparticlemotion parallel to the roadway
with finding coal than with evaluatingthe uniformity of the feed at the receiver (Figure 11). The refractedP wavesthroughboth
stockfor the milling machine. the fast(PjI and slow(Ps) walls of thecoal seamare bestdisplayed
When mining a coalpanel, any unexpecteddiscontinuity-such on the longitudinalsuiteof records.The transversesuite hint at
asa fault or sandchannel-will meaneconomictrouble.However, weak later arrivals (PS’ and PS,).
it is often possibleto avoid suchsurprisesvia the use of seam Theselater arrivalslook a little more significantif the particle
waves which are, by definition, very sensitiveto discontinuities motion is displayedin a form more easily associated with the ray
and also to changesin the roof-coal-floorconditions(e.g., state path. Figure 15 shows hodogramsof particle motion in the
of stress,lithology). horizontalplaneduringfive successive10 ms intervals(postshot).
When obstructions are suspectedin a coal panel, it is oftenad- The sourceis locatedin the northeastquadrant(arrow) at a range
visableto conductbothtransmission andreflectionsurveys(Figure of 209 m. Frame 1, upperleft (60-70 ms), showsclearlongitudinal
10). The former’s purposeis to identify general areas where particlemotion associatedwith the P wave refractedthroughthe
obstructionsoccur;the latter will then be designedto locatedis- fast wall. Frame 2, uppercenter(70-80 ms), showsstrongerlon-
continuitiesmore precisely. gitudinal particle motion associatedwith the P wave refracted
Figure 11 comparestwo setsof recordsobtainedin an under- throughthe slowerwall. Frame 3, upperright (80-90 ms), shows
groundtransmissionsurveyin a coal mine near Price, Utah. One the first strongtransversemotion to appear(Pq ?). This is too
was recordedin an area with known coal-seamcontinuity (un- early to be due to an S wave generatednear the source.It is at the
obstructed) andtheotheracrossa dike-faultsystemthatcutthrough time predictedif one hypothesizes a P-to-S conversionat the dike-
the coal seam(obstructed).Noticethe recordsfrom the obstructed wall boundaryin the fast wall (Figure 11).
pathlack a dispersedwavetrain(seamwave). This indicatesa dis- Suchconversionsare possibledue to the differencein elastic
continuouswaveguide. propertiesbetweenthe dike and the wall of the waveguide.Frame
Improvementsin geophonedesignhave mademultimodeex- 4, lower left (90-100 ms), also showsa strongtransversecom-
citationand recordinga reality. This is importantin longwall min- ponentto the particlemotion. Again it is too early to be due to an
ing becausethe studyof highermodes(and the higherfrequencies S wave generatednear the sourcebut is timely for a P-to-S con-
involved)providesinsightinto thatportionof the coal waveguide versionat the dike in the low speedwall (P&). Studiesof particle


detectors rondway
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coal panel

roadway detectors

Figure 10. Schematic field layout for an in-seam seismicsur-


ao-a900 nll..S
,oo-as0 HZ

Figure 13. Top: records showing differences in seam wave

propagation interpreted as due to changesin waveguide sym-
metry. Bottom: mine map showing sandstonedevelopmentsin
the roof of the panel.
Figure 11. Comparison of field records from two different
transmission paths: one through an unobstructed coal seam,
and the other through a coal seam disrupted by a dike-fault

Figure 12. Seismogramsas a function of position in the coal

seam (left) for a symmetric waveguide (shale-coal-shale),and Figure 14. Two-component set of records showing interpreted
(right) for a nonsymmetric waveguide (sandstone-coal-shale). P-S converted arrivals.


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PSa I.,.. IL
Figure 15. Horizontal hodograms showing transverse particle
motion interpreted as converted P-S waves at the dike-walls


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, / - - - _
5”ll.C. ,,,,“vc P’.d,Cf,.”

Figure 16. Field setup and horizontal seismogramsobtained Figure 17. Processedseismicreflection seam wave data and its
from a hole-to-hole seam wave survey in the Zulia coal basin, correspondinginterpretation from a survey in the UK.

motion at a range of 237 m (Figure 14) show similar results. tion in the United Kingdom.
Unfortunately, inspectionof Figures 14 and 15 indicatesthat In my opinion. undergroundreflection surveys have proved
thesehypotheticalP-to-S conversionsare comparativelyweak and more accurateat mapping small faults and sand “cutouts” than
ambiguous.Their appeal, of course. is that they seem to offer the high-resolutionsurfacemethods.
possibility of precise range-to-obstructioninformation from a Because seam waves are dispersed. reflection data must be
simple transmissionsurvey alone. Earthquakeseismologistshave processedin a manner that “compresses” the energy to a pulse-
learned a lot from the portion of their seismogramsbetweenthe ar- like signal (which permits reliable time measurementsto be ob-
rival times of P andS. Perhapscoal seismologistsmight do aswell? tained and discontinuitiesaccuratelypositioned). Several authors
have tackledthis problem with different techniques.Two of these
outme ldentlfication ot such conversion would provide a (Fault locationby I.M. Mason, D.J. Buchananand A.K. Booer,
powerful tool for coal seismology.If conversionsare commonand and Someuspectsof two-component in-seamseismologyby K.O.
can be properly interpreted, the amount of recoverableinforma- Millahn and H .H Ametzl) are publishedin Coal Geophysics,VOI-
tion from transmissionsurveyswould almost double. ume 6, of SEC’s Reprint Series.
Transmitted waves have also been used to study changesin Although there has been a downturn in the western hemi-
overburden pressure. I.M. Mason concludedin 1981 that “old sphere’s mechanizedcoal businesswhich has causedsome coal-
workingscan be mapped” usingthis technique.J. Reevesand M. oriented geophysiciststo migrate to the oil industry, the use of
Major. also in 1981, investigated the possibility of using this seamwavesis still alive and well in partsof Europeand Australia.
methodto determine the stateof stressdue to overburden. This indicates there will be another time when the group once
It is also possibleto record transmittedseam waves via hole- called “Friends of the Seam Waves” will meet again. as it did at
to-hole techniques. I obtained the records in Figure 16, of SEG’s Annual InternationalMeeting in 1981.
Venezuela’s Zulia coal basin, in this mannerin 1979. The develop-
ment of a “trapped wave” is evident. I believe this was the first S suggestionsfor further reading. Researchin seam waves is of
time a coal seam was mapped with this technique (source and fairly recent origin. F.F. Evinson’s paper, A coal seamus a guide
receiversin separateboreholes).This methodologyhas sincebeen fi)r .seismir,energy. was published in Nature in 1955. The best
employed by other authorsto try to correlate and map continuity known researcherin this area is Theodor Krey (see April 1990
of coal seams. TLQ. His major publication in this area is Channel wavesUSu
In reflection surveys, sourcesand receivers are both placed in tool of' upplied geoph~~sics in ccjal mining (GEOPHYSICS, 1963).
the same roadway or working face (Figure IO). The object is I.M. Mason’s 1981 researchwaspublishedin GEOPHYSICS asAlge-
similar to that of surface reflection seismology-detection of braic reconstruction of a two-dimensional seismicchannelwavevel-
“echoes” from elasticdiscontinuitiesin the transmittingmedium. ocity$eld in the High Hazles seamat the Thoresbycolliery. E
In this particularcase, we seekechoesproducedby discontinuities
in the coal seem and subsequentlytry to constructan “acoustic” Acknowledgment: Theauthoragain wishesto thankMaurice Major
image of the obstruction.Figure 17 is an example of an applica- jtir his editorial assistuntein the preparutionof this article.


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