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Joice Anne Lim - "Award Winners"

Integrated Project Management Company, Inc. is a consulting firm which provides advises on and
executes complex, strategic initiatives, and provides exceptional project leadership to transform
strategies and solutions into sustainable results. Founded in 1988, they served more than 500 clients,
from 100 Fortune 100 companies to startups, and completed more than 5,000 projects. They extend
their services all around the world to accommodate clients in need. They have the capacity to travel to
accommodate clients in need in any location, including overseas.

Three of their quality-related accomplishments that you find the most interesting:

1. Setting Vision and Values- the founder and CEO, C. Richard (Rich) Panico, sets the bar by creating
Our Mission and Beliefs (M&B). This document is a proclamation of IPM’s business purpose,
ethical philosophies, commitments to employees and societal responsibilities. M&B governs
conduct, decisions, and strategy. Also, Fundamental Values (FV) established to emphasize IPM’s
primary beliefs and core governing principles to their workforce and customers. Seniors show
their commitment to the company’s values by being involved in the interview every late-stage
candidate using M&B and FV to know if the employee is cultural fit. By this process, IPM became
the subject of a 2013 study published by Benedictine University’s Center for Values-Driven

2. Societal Well-Being- the results of many handled successful projects have man an impact on the
well being of the society. Most of the business lies in Life Sciences sector, therefore it made a
greatest impact seen in the launches of new products. IPM developed lifesaving/changing
treatments for conditions such as major depressive disorder, vascular disease, chronic
lymphocytic leukemia, moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and pulmonary
arterial hypertension. With their success, IPM leadership serves on various boards from private
companies like Aspire, and Chicago Finance Exchange.

3. Innovation- the development strategy of IPM stimulates innovation by involving the employees
in the BPP throughout the planning cycle. Employee’s ideas are heard from multiple channels,
including the Observation and Trends (O&T) Hub site and Potential strategic opportunities and
ideas were identified and collected.
Joice Anne Lim- “Workplace Violence and Harassment Statistics"

When President Rodrigo Duterte started his administration as the President of the Philippines, he
focuses on anti-drug operations whom people are using drugs were being killed and this is called “drug
war”. Philippine National Police and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) killed 5,903 individuals
from July 1, 2016, to September 30, 2020. Other sources like UN Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights placed the death toll at 8,663. Other deaths were not included of those killed by
unidentified gunmen, Human Rights Watch believed that it was the local police and officials. During the
lockdown due to Covid-19 pandemic from April to July, killings increased by over 50 percent.

A whistle blower told the media that Policemen and other authorities killed innocent people who are
not into drugs, because they are making money by reaching the quota of how many people they killed.
Among those severely affected by the “drug war” violence are children left behind by the victims. They
are often driven deeper into poverty, suffer psychological distress and suffer bullying. And one example
of innocent killing is the 17-year-old Kian delos Santos, the video recorded murder in August 2017, it was
investigated by authorities, resulted in the 2018 conviction of several police officers.

TED talk on team building

a. What video you chose and why

I chose the video of Simon Sinek- Why good leaders make you feel safe. Because in his video, he
emphasizes the value of trust, cooperation and making someone feel safe within organizations.
And how these concepts help in contributing better teams and stronger and resistant

b. 1–2 interesting things you learned about team building

To work effectively as a team, environment gives a huge factor in the action of team building. It
is how you see with everyone how they care to each other, and it resonates. It is not letting
someone left behind but how everyone helps each other to succeed, grow and reaching one
goal as a team.

Deep trust and cooperation are important, they are feelings and not being instructed. It is how
you care to the person for you to give trust and cooperate. Feeling safe is the natural reaction of
trust and cooperation. It is the role of the leader to make his subordinates feel safe and feel that
they belong.

c. Anything that was surprising or challenged your existing ideas about how to build effective

I was surprised when Simon says that Leadership is a choice and not a rank. It is true when he
emphasized that people in a higher position are not a leader but a boss. People in a lower level
possess the leadership because he cares with everyone arounds him, he knows the feeling of
being not important, so he treated them the other way around. Leader took the risk and
prioritized the safety and protection of his people, and it turns out people will see the vision
come into life, people will sacrifice for the leader by giving their blood, sweat and tears.

TED talk on emotional intelligence

a. What video you chose and why

I chose the video of Daniel Goleman of The Art of Managing Emotions where in he shares the strategies
on how to build emotional intelligence in the workplace. Based on him, Leaders should get the workers
into a state of flow, and leaders have the power in the emotional landscape of a company.

b. 1–2 interesting things you learned about emotional intelligence

Leadership is to help people get and stay in the optimal state of performance- optimal state of brain. A
smart, and effective leaders have a huge factor in making their people feel at their best. These are some
ways: clear goals and flexibility, immediate feedback- if closer to the goal, challenge and grow that
person skill set, also match people’s abilities with task.

c. Anything that was surprising or challenged your existing ideas about emotional intelligence

I am familiar of what a leader does, the subordinates will do but I in a deeper sense, it is about
managing the emotional state of people that is extremely important from the highest level. Emotions
are contagious, there’s a special condition for leaders, because it is human nature to pay attention to
and put most important person what the leader does.

Workplace Diversity Statistics

According to 2019 Gender Diversity Benchmark for Asia (GDBA), Philippines ranked first overall
among 10 Asian countries in gender diversity in the workforce.

When I worked in the Philippines at One Commerce Corp., CEO of the company is a woman, majority
of engineers and employees in the said company are women. In San Miguel Corporation, majority of
managers are women. And there is a song “Run the world (Girls) by Beyonce got popular, it is about
women empowerment.

Based on the representation and pay gap, women are reported almost half of other workforce in
most markets. However, Philippines has the smallest pay gap between men and women at 10.2%, it
means for ever dollar a man earns, a woman earns 10.2% less unlike Japan’s pay gap is 26.8%.

Explore some organizational diversity strategies

San Miguel Corporation

1. They are expanding their products and services to Filipino people that is why it is easy to find
the diversity strategy. It is in their Values at their webpage, and you can search the different
diversification the company does.

2. The corporate workplace culture in San Miguel Corporation is very conducive for career growth
and development. It allows employees to explore and acquire their knowledge based on
experience, by letting them learn on their own or engage with different trainings.

3. The values that they emphasize with respect to diversity are full participation programs, policy
formulation and decision making, mutual respect to everyone, the company acknowledge and
honor the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals.

Globe Telecom:
1. A telecom company values the diversity in the workplace with strong advocate of gender
equality and empowerment of all women. You can see it easily in their webpage.

2. Globe has taken measures to make sure that mental health of its employees, especially moms
are well taken care of as they keep their families safe and provided for 24/7 while balancing
their obligations as they continue to work from home.

3. Embrace cross-cultural diversity, respect and value diverse life challenges, and ability to lead.

Ayala Corporation

1. A conglomerate company who promotes gender diversity from the staff to the board member. It
is the commitment made by AC President and COO Fernando Zobel de Ayala.

2. Zobel set a Board Diversity Policy, which is intended to be the company’s guiding principle as the
company is leading towards greater diversity.

3. “Advancing workplace gender equality, and the other dimensions of diversity in all our
companies is a priority area moving forward,” Zobel plan to align the diversity programs with
best-in-class global standards.


Globe Values Diversity in the Workplace; Celebrates Women Leaders - Globe Newsroom

Press Releases | Ayala Corporation

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