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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Stage 2

Before Reading chApters 4 And 5 while reading

When Alice went into the Duchess’s kitchen there was a

activities answers
cat which was grinning, and a baby who was screaming.
before reading activities (page 44) The Duchess gave the baby to Alice, but the baby
Activity 1 before reading
turned into a pig. After that Alice had a conversation
Alice meets . . . with the Cheshire Cat and they talked about mad
a caterpillar, a rabbit, a king, a hare, a cat, a queen, people.
a hatter At the tea-party the March Hare said, ‘Have some
coffee,’ but there wasn’t any. Later, he said to Alice,
Activity 2 before reading ‘You must say what you mean.’ The Hatter had a watch
Alice . . . which didn’t show the time because it was always six
goes to a tea-party, falls down a rabbit-hole, talks to o’clock there. The tea-party never finished, and they just
a cat, plays croquet went on moving round the table. Alice thought it was a
Activity 3 before reading
very stupid tea-party and went away.
Encourage students to speculate and make guesses Before reAding chApter 6
but do not tell them the answers. There are clues Encourage students to speculate and make guesses
to the answers for numbers 1, 3 and 4 in the story but do not tell them the answers. They will find out
introduction and the back-cover text. as they read that the ‘yes’ answers are numbers 2
1 The White Rabbit. and 3.
2 The Mad Hatter.
chApters 6 And 7 while reading
3 The Cheshire Cat.
4 The Queen of Hearts. 1+11 The croquet game was very strange because
5 Alice. everybody had to use flamingoes for mallets.
2+15 The Queen of Hearts got very angry and sent
nearly everybody to prison.
While Reading 3+9 Then Alice saw her friend the Cheshire Cat, but
only its head appeared, not its body.
chApter 1 while reading
4+13 The King didn’t like the Cat’s head and wanted
The correct order is: 5, 2, 1, 3, 6, 4.
to cut it off.
Before reAding chApter 2 5+16 But the executioner couldn’t cut off a head if
Encourage students to speculate and make guesses there wasn’t a body to cut it off from.
but do not tell them the answer. They will find out 6+12 After the croquet there was a jury trial to find
as they read that the answer is c. out who stole the tarts made by the Queen of
chApter 2 while reading
7+14 While the Hatter was giving his evidence, Alice
1 Alice was soon as tall as a house.
was getting bigger and taller.
2 The White Rabbit dropped his gloves and fan.
8+10 At the end Alice began to argue with the
3 The fan made Alice get smaller.
Queen, and then she woke up.
4 Alice fell into the pool of tears.
5 While she was swimming, Alice met a mouse.
6 Alice suddenly found herself outside in a wood. After Reading
chApter 3 while reading Activity 1 after reading
1 What . . .? He told her to explain herself. There are 19 mistakes.
2 Why . . .? Because she wasn’t herself. Alice: Well, first I saw a white rabbit, who took a
© Oxford University Press

3 Why . . .? Because he had something important to say. watch out of his pocket, and then I fell down a
4 What . . .? One side of the mushroom. rabbit-hole.
5 What . . .? An egg thief. SiSter: Oh dear! Were you afraid?
6 Why . . .? Because it was a difficult question to Alice: Oh no. I fell very slowly, you see. And when I
answer. / Because she didn’t have an ate or drank things, I got bigger (taller) or smaller
answer. (shorter). I talked to a caterpillar who was sitting
on (on top of) a mushroom, and I also talked to a
Duchess. Oh yes, and there was a baby that turned

oxford bookworms library stage 2  alice’s adventures in wonderland

into a pig. Then I played croquet – but for balls we had Activity 4 after reading

hedgehogs and the mallets were flamingoes. Words across: rabbit, plate, mouse, hare, cake, ball,
SiSter: There were a lot of animals in your dream. dream, teapot, caterpillar
Alice: Yes, there were. There was also a Cheshire Cat Words down: mallet, butter, tart, pig, cat, hedgehog,
who grinned (talked) and I had tea with a March cup, bread, hoop, player
Hare and a Hatter— R R A B B I T H P L A T E P
activities answers

SiSter: A hatter?
Alice: Yes, you know, a man who sells hats. He was one
of the witnesses who gave evidence at the trial— M B C A K E A D B X C B G A

SiSter: What trial was that? A U B A L L T G F O C R H Y

Alice: Oh, somebody stole some tarts. But the L T A Q T D R E A M U E O E
evidence was all nonsense, and the Queen of Hearts
wanted to cut people’s heads off all the time.
SiSter: Cut their heads off? That’s terrible!
Alice: They didn’t really cut people’s heads off, you T R T S T G F G T E A P O T
know. They were just a pack of cards – made of O J E C A T E R P I L L A R
Words in the croquet set: ball, mallet, hoop, player
Activity 2 after reading
Note: in the context of this story, students might
The right words are those which rhyme with the last also want to include hedgehog in this set.
word in the line above. The second word for each Words in the teA-time set: teapot, plate, cake, butter,
gap, which is appropriate for meaning but doesn’t tart, cup, bread
rhyme, is given in brackets. Words in the AnimAlS set: rabbit, mouse, hare,
One day I had a curious dream, caterpillar, pig, cat, hedgehog
But now I ask, ‘What did it mean?’ (show) The one word that does not belong to any group is
I saw a cat up in a tree, dream.
Who spoke as well as you or me. (him)
In a pool of tears I met a mouse, Activity 5 after reading

And then a Hatter outside a house, (building) Students can write what they like for this. Possible
Having tea with a mad March Hare. answer:
Perhaps they’re both still sitting there. (here) My dreams are full of strange things, and I don’t
And then there was a plate of tarts, understand them. I sometimes dream about my family
Made by the angry Queen of Hearts. (Clubs) or my friends, and sometimes about strangers, but I
Her croquet game was hard to play; never dream about animals. Sometimes in a dream I can
The hoops and balls just walked away. (around) fly, and sometimes I can only move very, very slowly. I
The jury trial was also strange, always dream about different things. If I wake up in the
But then the cards began to change (turn) night, I remember my dreams, but the next day I always
into leaves forget them.
and I woke up.
Activity 3 after reading
The picture goes on page 26.
1 The March Hare, the Hatter, and the Dormouse.
2 The March Hare and the Hatter are trying to put the
Dormouse into the teapot.
3 Alice is walking away from the tea-party into the
Possible caption:
• The March Hare and the Hatter are trying to put
the Dormouse into the teapot.
© Oxford University Press

If students want to be more imaginative, they might

think of things like this:
• The Dormouse is too big for the teapot.
• They tried to put the Dormouse into the teapot, but
the teapot was too small.
• The March Hare and the Hatter are mad! Why
do they want to put the poor Dormouse into the

oxford bookworms library stage 2  alice’s adventures in wonderland

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