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M5L2: Revolution,

Rizal’s Trial, and

Execution | While
task 2
kristiane de guzman
Write a reflection on the long-term effects of Rizal's execution
on Spanish colonial rule and the Philippine Revolution.
Having read about Rizal’s life and his works that inspired the hearts of the Filipino liberators. This
was the reason why his execution posed many challenges for the Spanish colonizers given the fact
of how influential he was to his fellow Filipinos at that time. During Rizal’s trials in court, there had
been many malpractices done against his case from being tried at a military court despite being a
civilian, having all allegations against him accepted freely by the court, the court’s refusal in
accepting any pieces of evidence against Rizal, and being denied confrontations with witnesses
against him to name a few. These malpractices by the court alongside Rizal’s execution enraged
the Filipinos who had long admired and supported Rizal’s cause for they showed how biased and
cruel the Spanish colonizers were in their rules especially against people who rebelled amongst their
reign. This circumstance further lighted up the hearts of the Filipinos who had the intention of freeing
their country from their colonizers. They realized that if they wanted their country to progress, they
must first rid themselves of the Spanish colonizers who chained their lands to regression and
poverty. These gave birth to the unity of the so-called ilustrados and Andres Bonifacio’s newfound
group the Katipunan. This wasn’t gone unheard of in the Spanish colonial rule for they were the ones
to receive the wrath of these Filipinos although they weren’t immediately thrown off their thrown,
they experienced the consequences of their corrupt actions from more Filipinos rebelling against
them to the war outbreaks aided by the Americans gave the Spaniards a run for their money. This
goes to show just how big of an effect Rizal’s death and life works were and if it had not existed,
we would most likely still be enslaved by the Spanish reign.

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