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Water Refilling Station

According to World Health Organization (WHO), in 2017, 5.3 billion people used safely managed
drinking-water services. Water is a fundamental human need, whether it is used for drinking, domestic
use, food production or recreational purposes. Demand for a good source and delivery service of
drinking water will never run out either in this time of pandemic or any unforeseen circumstances.

Clothing Line

New opportunities are sprouting up despite the pandemic and now is a great moment to experiment
and try new techniques to earn in this kind of pandemic. . “The importance of clothes transcends
cultures, time and geographies. No matter whether we are talking about the present or Victorian times:
what we wear on our bodies has meaning. Our clothes indicate who we are as individuals as well as a
society.”[Andrea Speranza, 2013]. Clothing is one of the basic necessities of the people, protection
against the cold breeze of air and from the hot burst of the sun and to socialize especially the teens.

Dumpling Site

Dumpling is an Asian recipe where it came from foreign countries that is demand by Filipinos. Dumpling
is a delicious, bite-sized that’s made of savory ingredients wrapped in dough and cooked where it can be
steamed, boiled or fried. As people demand and lifestyle change, the demand for producing tasty and
delicious food that available in market and affordable for all classes of people is high.

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